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Type: Posts; User: IConquer1101

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  1. Re: The towns are too dark! Why fight when working on a plot

    By that logic, we shouldn't have plots...
  2. The towns are too dark! Why fight when working on a plot?

    I suggest we add a lighting system for the streets.

    It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just perhaps blocks of glowstone or redstone lamps made to look pretty. Lamps would make it better suited...
  3. Replies

    Re: Hostile mob systems

    I had thought of that already, and had planned to work around it. The location I was planning to choose would be some common ground-level Y coordinate (like 60), then I would dig a 2x2 hole down the...
  4. Replies

    Hostile mob systems

    So I am new to this server. Joined about a day ago.

    I've already begun construction of my house, and i've got plenty of supplies of cobblestone and dirt, sand and glass, etc. But one thing i'm...
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