Patch Notes:


New pixelated Minecraft logo (no longer 3D blocks)

Added tameable wolves (they can only be found in Forests/Taiga, they are rare, and spawn in every difficulty)

Added Cookies

Sleeping in a bed now resets your spawn position

Holding shift while climbing will hang on to the ladder

Spiders will no longer trample crops

Lots and lots of infrastructure for Statistics lists and Achievements

Sheep spawn in more colors. (Confirmed: Brown, Pink)

Movement in flowing water is slower.

Flowers and Mushrooms are more common. (unconfirmed)

Mushrooms can be found in trees and on sand.

Cocoa beans (Can be found in Dungeon chests)

Some new splash texts can be found.

Clay seems to be more common. (unconfirmed)


Zombies and Spiders now hurt you in all instances (previously could only hurt you if they were 1 block above your location)

New Bugs:

Beds do not always work as a spawn point.

When crafting a Redstone torch the game crashes (Fixed by a minor update. Restart client to update).