As many of you know Minecraft 1.7 was released today, a
nd here are the patch notes so far!

1.7 June 30, 2011

> Added pistons.
> Fire or redstone is now required to trigger TNT.
> Fences can be stacked.
> Added Shears.
> Shears can be used to pick up leaf blocks.
> Shears can be used to shear sheep without hurting them.
> Sheep no longer drop wool from being punched.
> New textures for Cobblestone and Brick blocks.
> Silverfish was added (possibly for Beta 1.8).
> Pressing F3 ingame, near your coordinates is written the direction you are looking with 0,1, 2 and 3.
> The gray textures in the breaking animation have been replaced with opacity.
> Spawn rate of Squids increased. (?)
> Single slabs now use the bottom half of the full block's texture
> Cobwebs now require swords to be properly broken, and drop 1 string when destroyed.

New Bugs:

> Pushing leaves, water, lava, levers, tall grass, flowers, mushrooms, saplings, dead shrubs and sugar canes with a piston causes the game to crash. In SMP the server crashes and restarting it doesn't necessarily fix the problem.
> Right clicking sheep while holding nothing causes the game to crash.
> When placing a block, it may be placed invisible, with only its border showing up. The same may happen when removing block, only its ghost will stay. Both these bugs result in crash.

1.7_01 June 30, 2011

Bug fixes:

> Fixed piston bug. Blocks that used to make the game crash in 1.7 now just get removed by the piston.
> Fixed right clicking on a sheep empty-handed causing game to crash.
> Worlds crashed are now loadable again.

New Bugs:
> Right clicking on an unsheared sheep might possibly remove the item in your hand (does not include shears).
> Hitting a certain side of or breaking an iron or wooden door with your hands will make pink or purple particles. This applies to > punching or using a tool.
> Breaking obsidian with a wooden shovel will create pink/purple particles.
> Activating a pressure plate on a block on a piston causes a crash.
> Closing a door will create pink/purple particles.
> Pushing redstone with a piston will still causes the game crash.


Regarding our server,
it will be updated to 1.7.x once Bukkit gets updated!

i will keep you notified on here! :D