The farm is now finished. But there are still some "basic" modifications to do; and I need your help for this, Jack.
The farm will be public, so everyone should be able to put canes/wheat seeds/melon seeds/with the 1.9 update pumpkin seeds on the allocated places for each of those groups. Can you or a mod please define public regions? The places are marked with signs. But, please only the farm grounds! Noone should be able to grief all the hard work which hbmann and I did.
Next thing: mobs.
As you did it with iainJ's maze and the spawn castle, mobs don't spawn there. This would be useful for the farm too, because all kinds of mobs are destroying the whole farmable grounds. Please put a fence around the farm, so no mob is able to enter the farm area.

Last thing: animal farm.
Duskie stroke me on the idea to build an animal farm, because with the 1.9 update, mobs aren't spawnable anymore.
I want to extend the farm area then, because I'll build farm areas for:

Below, I'll attach a picture to show you which area I would like to use for the animal farm.
The needed surface level of this area will be LEVEL 68.

Can you do those favours for me, Jack? :)