So, where to start. My wife has posted a status to FB that has sparked the opinion monster in my niece who was kind enough to take it the wrong way. This has led to my niece posting to that status how my wife should respect me and be thankful for what I have provided her with.

Fast forward to my wife bitching at me and giving me shit cos she is wondering where my niece is getting "such ideas". Background on my niece > She is a child of a military person, and she sees the man of the house as the breadwinner and should be treated with some air of respect. Back to me trying to explain this shit to my wife. Clearly not happening.

So my sister sends a pm to my wife in a way of apology for my nieces behaviour. My wife responds by accepting the apology and throwing it right back at my sister in the same message (she's talented like that). My sister then repsonds with another message trying to explain that this is how my niece has always been and she should treat it with a pinch of salt and not to worry about it. Wife takes this as my sister calling her paranoid and promptly ends her own FB account.

I'm now so fucked off, that I have no want nor desire to be at home at present.

TLDR; It is my wifes time of the month and the whole fucking world is a consipracy against her and I'm getting it in the neck... FML.