Still looking for a mod/admin from the US? :) I'm Idonna. My real name is Mary. :P
Well I'm from South Carolina, US. I haven't been on the server long (I know that may be an issue) But I am on for at least a few hours a day, and well in to the night. I normally can't talk at night though due to everyone in my house sleeping.
I do have a microphone, of bad quality (its one of those built in laptop mics.) And I have Ventrilo, I am awaiting acceptance of the facebook group, and I do have a different facebook because my old facebook is dead. :U
I believe I can handle immature players and beginners as I have moderated one two minecraft servers, and three Terraria servers.
I think I'm a nice person and would do well as a trial-mod.
Thanks for taking the time to think about this, and if I'm not accepted, good server anyways. I enjoy being online.