Gonna be gone for a couple days, but when I come back, I'm gonna need a project :) something big. Maybe i can recreate my De_dust2 map? hmm may have to do it in the nether though, so pvp would be enabled. Ghasts have the explosion damage turned off dont they ? would need aprox 100x100 area. What you think jack? would be all sand/sandstone. is a great "map" for group Pvp. For those that dont know De_dust2 is a Counterstrike map. Could use launch to enter the terroist or counter terrorist spawns, Each team wears helmets ( gold / iron ? ) to tell each other apart. Im sure we could set up something to make it work out xD. Only thing I might ask is that if I build this for the server, I would like an Unlimited supply of sand. Maybe a free showcase shop behind an iron door in a worldguard so only I can acess it ? Or just 8 double chests 7 of sand 1 of sandstone ( I think thats what i used last time I built this thing). anywho , let me know what you think :) Flight would be Awesome also, but not necessary, will just take me alot longer is all. ( I could use [lift] to get an overview when needed during building worst case scenario)