Minecraft 1.2 is here, bringing with it an assortment of features that made me go ‘awwww’, in that way that people do when they see an adorable baby animal playing with another baby animal of a different species. There’s a good reason for me to mention baby animals because, to my mind, the most important additions in this version are puppies, which tame wolves will occasionally receive from the ciconia lupus. Villagers will also create children occasionally. Ocelots and cats have also been added, along with a jungle biome, iron golems and a doubling of the maximum map height.

Now, here’s a list of additions and tweaks.

  • New jungle biome
    Added ocelots
    Added cats
    Added iron golems
    New AI for mobs
    Tame wolves can have puppies
    Villagers will have children if there is room in their village
    New map height limit (256 instead of 128)
    New items and blocks
    Doors have been updated so that double-doors work better with redstone
    Added rare drops for mobs
    Many other minor tweaks and fixes

Originally Posted By Rock Paper Shotgun