i would also like to particapate this event, im an awesome builder, on classic i have been given very prestigus (probably spelled differently) builds, i have builds many castles, massive scalled creeper/humans/zombies, my favourite build was a 30 story hotel 25X25 and up to the highest point on the biggest map, and im in the middle of constructing my very own city on classics, if i was allowed to participate, i would expect my skyscrapers frame to be done by 2 weeks and referbishment would probably take a week, and the rest of the time would most likely be spent on upgrades with lighting etc

i love building and when i set my mind to something i dont give up, you can see my house on the server on the map, its coordinates are: -108,65,-1465. :)
i hope you make the right descission and i look forward to a response.

WARNING: Occasionally my java crashes or runs out of memory, so expect me to randomnly disconnect, and if you have any things that may help, it would be greatly appreciated.
but im sorry, i just dont know how to save a screenshot