So, for the first time since I built it my tree farm was all the way full.

To mark this momentous event, I'm offering a diamond axe, and THE ENTIRE HARVEST OF LOGS to the member who makes the best guess as to how many logs were in the fully loaded farm when I harvested it.
I'll post the answer on Monday 9th April, and the winner will be announced shortly afterwards

  • You need to be a member to win! So get yourself signed up.
    The nearest Guess (over or under) wins.
    Post your guesses as replies to this topic.
    One guess per member.
    Guesses should be easily read, e.g. 1 stack and 63 logs.
    Read the thread to make sure you're not making the same guess as someone else. I'll only accept the first entry.
    In the event of a tie the member who posted earliest will win.

If you're a [builder] sign up for member status.:D

Good luck!

EDIT: Extended competition and updated the prize.

Competition is now closed.

The tree farm yielded 11 stacks and 50 logs.

Best guess is indentity with 15 stacks. He wins a diamond axe, 11 stacks and 50 logs of wood, and a stack of apples.

As a thankyou for participating, Megabonus92, lordgandalf and frozentoast2 each get a cake :D

See me in game for the prizes, cake winners may have to wait for me to do the baking:D