Dear Megabonus

I, Aminieko, am the one who recorded the video. I see no reason to edit the video either. You simply heard someone's opinion that hurt your feelings. I'm not going to apologize for recording what this person's opinion of you is either. If you're going to be upset that someone on the server finds you a little hard to tolerate then I'm not sure what to tell you. To be frank, I think you're a bit of a cry baby and a wuss. This does not mean I hate you, I just find you to be easier to play with in doses. Just like other players find me easy to deal with in doses. Especially those I slay in PVP. Am I mad or sad about it? Nope. That is their opinion, and I full heartedly respect it.

In simple, you can't please everyone in life. Someone, somewhere, just plan and simple isn't going to like you. Now you can either put on your big boy undies and deal with it and have fun in a game, which games are made for, or cry about it and prove me right about being a big cry baby. I am going to continue to record the fun we have on this server. If the moderators and admins have a problem with this then I will stop recording.

Life goes on kiddo. If someone comes and griefs my house and steals all my gear or tells me they don't like me, then I'll be a little upset, but I'll deal with it and live. Stop being a baby, and start being awesome.