I'm so sorry about the grief on 14th May 2012. I was not griefing on the server. My younger brother, 12, used my account, Banana_boy99 while i was in camp. He hacked my password with some stupid coder and i just got back yesterday night and wanted to play on the server for a few minutes, but i got this ban timing. It read 19 hours.... I am sincerely sorry for this mishap my brother has done and would like to play on this server again. This server has really little lag and i vote it as one of the top servers compared to all those lousy servers out there. I apologise for everything that he and i caused and i asked him what he griefed. He wouldn't cough it up and i even told my mom. My mom just said it was a stupid game and i should forget about it, but this server means a lot to me. It's got a lot of friendly people and thought me discipline. The way iconomy is set like a market to buy things. I have saved a great amount of money on the server and would not like it to go to waste. To show you how sincerely sorry i am, i will consider buying a VIP for the server. A permanent one. I hope you consider this well and if you see my IGN(In Game Name) greifing again, i promise you at all cost that you can globally ban me. I will look into this matter personally at home and i would like to receive a reply even though the reply may be a bad one. Thank you for the fun in the server and i hope you accept me into your community again.

Yours sincerely,
Gabriel Leo(Banana_boy99)