Hi poke,

as it stands, you ban will NOT be uplifted.

you have had your fair share of warnings, and a lot of tempbans, so enough is enough.

you have broken the following terms;

3.1.1. spamming and/or flaming.
3.3.0. disrespectful behavior to our staff.
3.4.0. not following of any orders given by staff.

4.1.0. Griefing is not allowed. Definition of griefing: Destroying items/blocks NOT owned by the user & pouring lava or water over blocks NOT owned by the user.

after breaking all of these terms and conditions, you are from this point foward banned from Slap Gaming.

as stated in the term 2.9.0 you will not receive a refund for your VIP contribution

2.9.0. All donations to SLAP are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for any other services offered by SLAP

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