Quote Originally Posted by MurasakiRyu
Quote Originally Posted by veryunderstated
Quote Originally Posted by sporefan
Just a question here...
what if the killing mobs part of a spawner is auto (EG use pressure pads then pistions) so the mobs don't pile up but your still AFK at it?
from what I understand that is fine. a grinder is what that would be called. the problem is more form the exp farms it seems.

but I'm not staff, so I may be wrong but I doubt it.
The problem we have is with lag, so I suppose as long as it wasn't built on a plot, and you didn't let any stack up I suppose it should be ok.

well, the idea of a grinder is that they don't stack up. they are killed as they spawn. usually through drowning or falling damage. unless it's a poorly built grinder there is little to no chance of lag being caused as far as I can see.