Minecraft Member Application

Your In-Game Username: Someb0dy
Your Real Age: 21
Country Of Origin: Greece
How Long You Have Played Minecraft For?: It should be about a year or so
Where Did You Hear About The Slap Gaming Server?: Yogscast Forums
If Other (From above question):
How Long You Have Played On The Slap-Gaming Server For: 1 day
Reason For Wanting To Play On Our Server: Well haven't played minecraft for a while and I searched for a server, this one seemed pretty interesting and well.... here I am .
Any Friends You Have That Play Our Server: Nope, but if it does seem to be the server I am going to be playing on for quite some time, I might bring some friends over.
Anything Else?: No, can't think of anything right now if you want anything in particular you can msg me or talk to me ingame .