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  1. #1
    XBox Clan Manager xiTropicz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
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    Minecraft Name
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    Slap Tropicz

    Slap XBox Recruitment

    Slap Gaming XBox360 Recruitment!

    Here you can apply for the Slap Gaming XBox clan. Read the post below and follow the instructions stated.

    Before you can apply you need to have:

    > XBox live

    > An XBox mic, comunication is essential.

    > You will also need modarate skills in general gaming.

    If you would like to join then please answer the questions below:

    > What Is Your current Xbox live Gamertag?

    > Have you been in any clans on XBox? if so please state them.

    > What call of duty's do you play?

    > Do you play any other XBox games?

    > Can you recored your gameplay on XBox? If so what quality can you record in?

    > Have you got any experiance in editing clips/videos? If you have please explain in thurther detail.

    > Do you know how to or anything about Quickscoping/Trickshoting or Sniping?

    > What is you're timezone?

    Before you are accepted you will be asked to go through a trial.

    If you are accepted then you will need to add Everyone in the Slap clan to your friends list. The eaisiest way to do this is to add one person then add the rest from their friends list.

    If you have any questions please PM the XBox community leader xiTropicz on the forums.

    Current Members:

    xiTropicz - Gamertag: Slap Tropicz

    Slap Stylez - Gamertag: Slap Stylez

    Deeb332 - Gamertag: Slap Dreamz

    Gamingkarrot - Gamertag: Slap Rewindz

    Slap Shadowz - Gamertag: Slap Shadowz

    Slap Pulse - Gamertag: Slap Pulse


    Ceezums2003 - jackster0203

    Rejected - Sorry

    ParagonSpider - Spiderman2K7
    AFC2000 - llawoo
    CrazyKilla133 - xXM0CH4M4G1CXx
    SparkleUnidog - Sparkle Unidog
    TheKrafter1923 - TheKrafter1923
    Jono - EndurableJono
    Blake - FormedStorm4952
    Stillenvious - Godsunexistence
    MrKoopaTroopa - A Chicken Wrap
    seanmce - seanmce
    IActDead - I Act Dead
    mrassassin4hire - Valors Fury
    Stickypotato - personify134
    michael2012m - michael2604m
    Blake - Slap Panda
    Last edited by xiTropicz; 22-08-2014 at 03:50 PM.

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