Hello kekie6, I will be doing your ban appeal.

After reviewing your appeal I came to this statement:

1. Broken rules: --> http://slapgaming.com/index.php?pageid=terms&tabid=33
4.5.0. Being ‘AFK’ near a mobspawner block is strictly forbidden.
4.5.1. ‘AFK-ing’ near a spawner will result in the spawner being removed. It does not matter to who the mobspawner belongs.

As you stated, it said you were banned for AFKing at a spawner. This is the case, as you were indeed AFK at the spawner. Although it is alright to own a spawner and XP farm it, AFKing by one and allowing the mobs to build past 3-4 mobs at a time is unacceptable. We found huge lag spikes in the server, and as I TPed to you, the amount of lag in that chunk of area was so bad, my MC nearly crashed. Your spawner was indeed on and there was no light, on/off switches or even something to keep killing the mobs as they spawned.

The amount of mobs you had on that 1 little block was nearly 600. WAY over the limit, and this caused huge lag for many players.

2. Actions we have taken
After talking this through with other staff, you have been tempbanned for 48 hours, and your spawner removed.

Next time, I suggest you make an on/off switch for your spawners and log off/TP away so that this won't happen again.

Ban sticks. Topic locked.