Heya, I've got a suggestion, as I don't want to make much of an essay, I'd write it in short and leave it up to you to suggest/ discuss removal or addition of details.

My suggestion is basically giving something special to the members who've been here for so long in order to remind them Slap-Gaming is a home they are always welcome in:
Members who have been playing on the server for over 2 years will get a title called "Senior Member" (or something).
At Each of a members Anniversary, a member will receive 2 extra sethomes and 7 day VIP*(or 2,500 ingame cash for lifetime VIP) for the celebration of a full year of membership, the sethomes is a little reminder of having Slap-Gaming as a home that our members are always welcome, especially those who've been with us all these years.

My Suggestion is also not meant to affect already old members(such as I), and will take place only from the day it would be implanted, a player must log in the day of anniversary to receive the rewards, and will get a reminder 5 days before the anniversary(and everyday since).

If it does sounds too much, or too less, just comment :3

*- The VIP received at each Anniversary does not include extra VIP sethomes nor VIP bonus of 2,500 ingame cash at join as VIP.