Pokemon X and Y is finally out and it time to start sharing friend codes and trading Pokemon.

For those unfamiliar with the friend code sharing process simply go to the home menu of you 3ds and tap the square smiley face near the top middle of the touch screen. The first actual person on you friend list should be yourself, touch that Icon and it will slide over and up on the main screen under the picture of yourself you see your friend code under your name

My Screen reads like this


Friend Code: 0473-7767-9997

Once you've entered someones friend code you'll have to wait until they enter yours on their own 3ds so be sure to post your own friend code on this thread.

As far as I am currently aware this is all that is required for players of pokemon to be able to interact in game but if I find out Pokemon has its own personal friend code I'll update the thread.

Now hurry up and get playing before I catch all the Pokemons and there are none left for you.