(with dollar i mean ingame dollar so not real money) (read all for a better server!)
My name is Snelrev and i found a real strange thing in the prices about coal sand and glass
in this server and many others coal is a real nice item and should not be the cheapest thing.
wood cost 1.25 dollar
and crafting your own coal would cost around 1.5dollar
so it's only logic that the server coal cost 2dollar because finished items they sell for a little bit more.

But strange this is true for all items espect one, the item is "glass" one glass you can buy for 0.2dollar and if you wanna craft your own sand you have to pay 1 coal wish is 2 dollar then 8 sand wish is 0.15dollar*8=2+1.2=3.2dollar
so the strange is you can buy 8 "finished" glass for 1.6 dollar but if you wanna craft your own glass you actually lose 1.6dollar each time you craft it and with that money you could bought dubbel as much glass.

We should make glass alot more expensiv more then 100%.

So why do i post this? Yes as i think happend many others they feel scammed... I mean i bought 5*64 coal and 5*64*8=512 sand to craft glass for my mega house
wish cost me 1024dollar after that i started craft my own glass I went to the store and i saw the mega cheap finished glass wish would just cost me the half price 1024dollar/2 and i just feelt OMFG what have I done how I could miss this!?!?!?! I wasted alot time buying and go craft alot glass with so many furances to lose 512dollar wish I might never get back... for nothing. 512dollar is=10.42diamonds.

So here is the most logic thing we should do! we could make coal more cheap but that would make the price with wood strange cuz then you would earn more buying coal then wood for coal and that would only make the same problem but with coal. So the real Logic and smartest thing we could do is make glass price alteast 110% more expensiv so peopple can earn more be crafting there own glass espect buying finished because I know there is peoplle out there that can work hard and that haven't see that glass misstake and wish have done the same misstake as I did, so pls peopple out there HELP ME change this to be a more logic and a better slapcraft! I will personaly do my best to conect admin for this issu, THX alot and hope you understood and enjoyed my text to makeing a better server! and agen my name is Snelrev in game.