Hello! 'tis me, ParagonSpider and I return from the grave and my 2012 post >~>

> You Must have Team Speak 3 and a microphone
> You will need to be a sensible and mature individual
> A Respected member from the Minecraft server
> You must know how to talk to people in the correct manner and address situations correctly
> You must be a team player
> You must be able to cope under pressure
> You must be a member of the Slap Gaming Facebook Group
> You must be on Teamspeak at all times when you are playing on the Minecraft Server

I used to have Team Speak 3 until I had to reset my computer to factory default disc, and I have a brand new mic!
I'm sensible and mature (I have identical 6 year old brothers, an 18 year old sister, and VERY immature and annoying cousins, so yeah I'm the sensible one in my family XD).
I have no clue if I'm respected in the Minecraft server due to my absence for a long duration of months and I apologize sincerely for my past behaviour when I was (13?) 14-15 years old with my annoyance and rudeness. I've changed my ways.
I am a team player unless people want me to be a lone wolf..
I can cope under pressure (unless my little brothers have to be tended to, which is a minor complication since I'd afk at this point).
I am a member of the Slap Gaming Facebook Group but I don't post on it because I'm afraid I'll be asking something stupid or such.
I'll be on Team Speak 3 from now on during the summer (Not going to be on at most times during the school year but I'll try) and I love talking to others!
I've been here since 2012.

I live in Montreal, QC, Canada.
My time is (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), I tend to play at night or all day starting from 8AM until 12AM (16 hours in total Which means I'm on for the whole day, and I'll announce if I have plans and won't be able to come on).
I am 16 years old, soon to be 17 in December ;D
I'd love to be part of the staff of SLAP Gaming's Minecraft and help around when needed, spending time on helping others when required (and when staff is offline). I see many friends I've met here on SLAP Gaming (Most of them are still here I hope, which I am grateful for), and I'd love to make more friends. Thanks.