Hello! Steffany (Steffy) Here! I have just became a Guide and decided to try for Mod. My job is working with people most of the day and I also am in college/University. I like working with people and helping them out. I have been playing Slap for about a month now and love it! I love working with all the staff because they all make it fun and dont take thing to seriously unless the situation call for it.

> You Must have ventrilo and a microphone.
Yes I have both and I am getting a better mic soon.

> You will need to be a sensible and mature individual. I am both Mature and Sensible when the time calls for it, but I can also a joke.

> A Respected member from the Minecraft server. I like to think I have many friends on the server most of which are part of Staff.

> You must know how to talk to people in the correct
manner and address situations correctly.
I can talk to people well and can address people as the situation calls for.

> You must be a team player. I am a good team player.

> You must be able to cope under pressure. I am used to being under pressure as my job is working with people and helping people under stress themselves.

> You must be a member of the
Slap Gaming Facebook Group.
Joined when I first heard about it.

> You must be on ventrilo at all times when
you are playing on the Minecraft Server.
Yes Its always fun to talk to people!

> Where You Currently Live Selma Al.

> What Timezone's You Can Cover
(In GMT Format - UK Time)
Weekdays anytime after Midnight GMT and Weekends most of the day, and any other time I can get on.

> Your Age 20

Thanks for reading my Application for Mod!

-Steffany686 Slap-Gaming Guide