Making a living repairing electronics, welding copper/aluminum pipeing and filling it with cooling liquids like R600, R12, R134a, R410 and iso butane. my workplace varies from private homes in Norway to oilrigs in the northsea
Minecraft VIP
Wow, you guys all have a story to tell...
I'm in year 9 (third year of secondary school) and i'm coming up to my GCSE's. BTW I picked geography, computer science (a new course) and art for my options.
In the future I would like to do some IT work (programming possibly) for a company like Dell, Microsoft or Apple mabey.
Minecraft VIP
I'm a cosplayer who works at ASDA - the British version of Wall-Mart.
I also play video games and craft things.
That is all.
VIP "Rainbow" Sparkleunidog
~ Former server Admin and Moderator ~
Minecraft Admin
Plugin Dev
Howmany things can I add here?
Top kek
Quite a few actually.
Beep bep, bep beep bep, spaceshuttles, beep bep bep bep beeep bep. beep bep papoi.
So basicly Bapple .
Post Thanks / Like - 3 Likes, 0 Dislikes
Minecraft VIP
Im in school SadPanda, in 10th grade, so Sophomore. Or other terms you British people call it lol. Planning on going to college in a place near by in NSU, Northern State University. But well see. Been wanting to live in the englands and such so might possibly live there for a bit
Soft Kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of Fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, Purr Purr Purr
Minecraft VIP
I am a sophomore as well. Live in california, no idea what I want to do. well, maybe pre-med but otherwise...
New User
I'm a 2nd Quarter technical school student studying electronics and communications technology. I want to invent stuff. A buddy and I are already in the planning stages of a business venture.
I call it Redstone School. I have yet to see a single ore.