Minecraft VIP
Lava placement for Ethos blaze grinder?????
Is it allowed or not? ive always been able to ask a member of staff to place the lava for me however i'm now being told its against the rules as its not for decoration? it is within my wg and completely covered, its only use is to turn the spawner on and off and its of no danger to anyone.
~Lifes journy is not to arrive at the grave safley in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, " Holy shit!...... What a ride!"~
I know for a fact that a certain staff member has had this done for a blaze farm in the old Nether, so unless the rules have changed it should be an option still.
Minecraft VIP
See I dunno about this whole Decoration purpose of lava placement, Most of the times you get told no when used for decoration purpases, and little to be told yes. Dunno about this changing in the future or not of a Specific rule of placement of lava.
Soft Kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of Fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, Purr Purr Purr
- Spawners must have a "on/off" feature
It is advised you create a type of switch that allows you to turn your Spawner(s) off - this would stop any Mob for spawning and avoid the chance of your Spawner being destroyed. The only thing that can turn off a blaze spawner is lava.
Minecraft VIP
Phoenix, was it for the Blaze spawner you showed and asked for the lava? Because we have to be careful when it comes to lava, and if you weren't specific on what you wanted the lava for, you'll most likely get denied.
If you can show us next time you're on, we'll most likely be able to sort something out :3
VIP "Rainbow" Sparkleunidog
~ Former server Admin and Moderator ~
Minecraft Moderator
Originally Posted by
- Spawners must have a "on/off" feature
It is advised you create a type of switch that allows you to turn your Spawner(s) off - this would stop any Mob for spawning and avoid the chance of your Spawner being destroyed. The only thing that can turn off a blaze spawner is lava.
I'm not convinced the only way to turn of a blaze spawner is by placing lava there's always been at least one way to turn off a spawner without resorting to lava. Also I can't see how lava would turn a spawner "off" I can imagine it killing the mobs but that doesn't count as turning the spawner off in my eyes so could you clarify this part for me?
I will look into ways to turn it off and will come back later with what I've found. If you want to you can tell me where this spawner is phoenix so that I can take a look at it.
If you CAN'T turn it off then, according to the rules you simply can't have, a blaze spawner for now
Plugin Developer
If lava is the only way to turn off a blaze spawner, then you can have lava to do it.
We don't allow lava very often, because lava has great destructive power (not just because it's really difficult to clean without admin commands, but also because it kills players very very quickly and destroys the items dropped). If lava is used for decorative purposes it could easily be changed to a lava trap without staff noticing, therefore we only place lava for players we know well and don't cause trouble.
naithantu - Slap Gaming Minecraft Plugin Developer
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Minecraft VIP
If there is enough lighting blaze spawners will stop spawning blazes according the minecraft wiki page.
So no need for lava
Minecraft Moderator
Originally Posted by
If there is enough lighting blaze spawners will stop spawning blazes according the minecraft wiki page.
So no need for lava
in accordance to this I've checked the interwebs and it says the same they recommend using jack-o-lanterns or glowstone instead of torches since blazes can spawn at a light level of 12 and lower. (I still need to double check if this works on the server though)
Minecraft VIP
yes sparkle it was, I explained fully what and why I wanted it and that I have had this done for me in the past with no issue. Ryuuga the lava falls down past the spawner lighting the area enough to stop it, without permenantly effecting the spawn rate. to do it with lanterns or glowstone would be extremely difficult as when off you need it to black out, otherwise you reduce the spawn rate, also the redstone work on that would be a feat in itself, If you come up with something please let me know. Lordgandalf, again its the issue of doing it without wrecking the spawn rate.
~Lifes journy is not to arrive at the grave safley in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, " Holy shit!...... What a ride!"~