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20-05-2011, 04:30 PM
Hey guys im planning on making a huge automated wheat farm ( it will also grow trees and possibly reeds and cacti) make a comment if you want to help

20-05-2011, 04:33 PM
theres already a massive 1, check it out here;

http://awesomedave.co.uk/?worldX=400&wo ... 407&zoom=5 (http://awesomedave.co.uk/?worldX=400&worldY=0&worldZ=-407&zoom=5)

23-05-2011, 04:10 PM
yes but its not made for wheat and if im correct its protected to hizzy

also im not sure but i think i have a way of making it harvest the reeds but im not sure

24-05-2011, 05:22 PM
The only way to harvest reeds is by cutting off the water supply and then hitting down the bottom one. Then you could have water flushing the reeds down to a collection point, pretty sure there isnt any other (useful) way of making it.
You could also place wheat in the reed farm, but its pointless anyway, when you destroy wheat with water it doesnt give any seeds... :(

25-05-2011, 04:53 PM
i got hizzys working again earlier but you actually do get seeds when harvesting with water
i have made two farms using water to harvest both give seeds maybe your glitches somehow...