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25-10-2011, 04:55 PM
Anyone in slap gaming play wow europe side? If so then what server etc? I'm bored and thinking about launching my wow account to kill some time till Guildwars 2 is released.

25-10-2011, 05:22 PM
Nah, I quit a month or two ago, waiting for guild wars while playing LoL atm

25-10-2011, 05:24 PM
Me + Duee play, on....


25-10-2011, 06:53 PM
Nah, I quit a month or two ago, waiting for guild wars while playing LoL atm

Me too, waiting for those slow-ass bitches sucks :D

26-10-2011, 08:02 AM
Me + Duee play, on....


What is your playstyle? PvP PvE etc? How active? Need to know this stuff before I plough more money into Actiblizzards pockets.

26-10-2011, 08:21 AM
its PvP server.
raid twice a week PvE, do PvP BG's etc.

i am not that active at the moment as im not on my computer that much,

Duee plays quite often and raids.

26-10-2011, 08:51 AM
I'd most likely be rolling a new toon for poops and giggles.

26-10-2011, 08:55 AM
I'd most likely be rolling a new toon for poops and giggles.

what class?

26-10-2011, 09:02 AM
Not sure, might try either hunter/rogue/pally. What faction do you play for?

26-10-2011, 09:12 AM
Not sure, might try either hunter/rogue/pally. What faction do you play for?

Horde, im a Druid,
gonna transfer my rogue over to this server tho if i start playing more,
i love playing Rogue <3

26-10-2011, 09:14 AM
Horde is the way forward tbh! I've got a couple of top level toons on another server but cba spending loads to transfer if I'm waiting out for Guildwars2. If you search for Hydrodude and Hydroreaper you will find my two toons.

26-10-2011, 12:26 PM
So out of interest then. If I activate my wow account and create a toon on your server, who do I whisper for an invite if they are taking on "social" members? (Could be tonight)

26-10-2011, 12:48 PM
i dunnooo.
depends if i go on tonight or not. xD

Duee's name is Fiblar (i think)

26-10-2011, 01:00 PM
Is this a slap guild then? or just a random guild you are part of? (link a website for the guild if they have one!)

26-10-2011, 01:08 PM
Is this a slap guild then? or just a random guild you are part of? (link a website for the guild if they have one!)

nah slap aint a guild,
members of slap were all in 1, then we moved server, now in some new 1 that i dont know the name of as i havent played since we moved from Hellfire > Kazzak

26-10-2011, 01:15 PM
I'm going to eject the wife from the house tonight so I can get some undisturbed gaming time. Fancy starting a toon with me at the same time Jack'o'lad?

26-10-2011, 02:00 PM
I'm going to eject the wife from the house tonight so I can get some undisturbed gaming time. Fancy starting a toon with me at the same time Jack'o'lad?

sure, if i can find a way to boot the girlfriend out for the evening,

tonight was gonna be a gaming night, but now im taking her out for a meal. xD

26-10-2011, 02:06 PM
Quick trip to the McD's and then drop her off at her mums :P

I'm doing something similar but I'm ejecting the wife to the pub quiz at our local.

26-10-2011, 03:11 PM

im a bit more classy than that...


Nah, taking her to a resutrant, :D

26-10-2011, 03:13 PM
Wimpys. Burgeriffic.

26-10-2011, 09:23 PM
resutrant? :P

27-10-2011, 12:58 PM
Ok, I'm going to resurrect my account then, if someone can poke duee and ask him to reply and let me know when he will be online I can get a toon created and start the grind!

27-10-2011, 01:00 PM
Ok, I'm going to resurrect my account then, if someone can poke duee and ask him to reply and let me know when he will be online I can get a toon created and start the grind!

catch him on vent/steam/msn

27-10-2011, 01:02 PM
I haven't used msn in AGES! Wonder what that shit looks like these days?

27-10-2011, 01:22 PM
I haven't used msn in AGES! Wonder what that shit looks like these days?

still shit, me and duee use it to talk to each other when at work :D

27-10-2011, 01:54 PM
I also do not have that luxury. All sites concidered a distraction (FB, emails, ebay, etc) are blocked. So no fun time stuff for me. Somehow the WoW europe site still works tho!

27-10-2011, 04:58 PM
I haven't used msn in AGES! Wonder what that shit looks like these days?

still shit, me and duee use it to talk to each other when at work :D

Why do i not see you on msn :/

27-10-2011, 05:19 PM
Oh noes, rumbled

28-10-2011, 07:19 AM
I'm gonna try and get on your guild Vent later Homer. I'm supposed to be going for a few drinks tonight but I need to confirm that first before I can say what time I'll be online!