View Full Version : [Build Project] Theme Park
22-03-2012, 01:20 PM
Here a own topic for my build project im going to start building a Themepark. Jack wants to have a rollercoaster and im a big fan of the themepark map FunLand .
For people who havent played funland go check it out : ... funland-3/ (
I would like to use this topic to find experienced builders who would like to build some rollercoasters and all kinds of other rides for the themepark.
Also I would like to use this topic to get some great ideas to make rollercoaster from.
I have the following things i would like to build:
Bold: Done
Itallic: Who build it
Underline:Building in progress
Normal: Idea
- Wooden rollercoaster - Ryuuga
- Lava themed coaster
- Winter themed coaster - Lordgandalf
- Puzzeling Coaster - Lordgandalf
- Indoor coaster - Lordgandalf
- Steffanny's coaster - Steffanny686
- Sparkly Rainbow coaster(of DOOM!) - Sparkleunidog, Ryuuga( I supply the DOOM! part :D)
-=Special coasters=-
- Naiths redstone overkill coaster - Naithantu
- Jack's Theme Coaster (Will it ever be buikd ??)
- Lordgandalfs Wooden Battleing Coaster nicknamed (Sint Joris And The Dragon) - Lordgandalf
-= Other Rides =-
- Water slides
- Carrousel - Ryuuga
- Haunted House - Ryuuga
- Glass Jump Game - Lordgandalf
- Lookout Tower - Ryuuga
- The Toilet - Ryuuga
- The Washingmachine - Ryuuga
- Ferris Wheel - Ryuuga
- VIP only Wheatley Ride - Ryuuga
- The Sewers - Ryuuga
- The Sewer Dungeon - Ryuuga
- The Arcade - Zath1
- Rock-em Sock-em Robots - Frightfull
- Monorail - Ryuuga
- Race around the world - Lordgandalf
- The hourglass minigame - Ryuuga
- Idiot Tic-Tac-Toe minigame - Ryuuga
- Piggy race - Lordgandalf
- multiplayer sea battle arena(if you can think of improvements tell me) - Ryuuga
- Rainbow forest river - Sparkleunidog
- Lazy River - Steffanny686- Diving board challenge minigame - Ryuuga
- T -at -R - Ryuuga
- multiplayer Enderpearl toss Game - Unknown player1 and unknown player 2 (post on this thread if you claim to have built this I will check who did later)
- Ship Swing - ryuuga
- Lucky Dragon minigame - ryuuga
- Skate rink - Nirosu
- Floating island jumping minigame - ryuuga
- Underground minecart tour - ryuuga
- Coffin Maze of the dead - ryuuga
- Forest of lost souls maze - zath1
- Market shooting game - ryuuga
- market jump game - ryuuga
- market wishing well - ryuuga
- Water slide castle - ryuuga
- swimming pool - Sparkleunidog
- Toilets - Lordgandalf
- First Aid Station - Lordgandalf
- Ticket Booths - Lordgandalf
- Staff Station
- Slapland HQ - Ryuuga
- Hotel - Lordgandalf
- Fireworks Show - Lordgandalf
- Souvenir & Merchandise shop - Sparkleunidog
-=Foods and Drinks=-
- Snack stands (Icecream stand,Lemonade stand,Fruit stand,Bread stand) - Ryuuga
- Restaurant - Lordgandalf
-=Statues and parks=-
- Jack Statue - Ryuuga
- Inverted Jack Statue - Ryuuga
- Animal Statues - Ryuuga
- Staff Statues - Ryuuga
- Slapland Owners Statues - Ryuuga
- Fountain - Lordgandalf
- Customizable jack statue (ask ryuuga to add you to the WG if you want to alter the statue) - ryuuga
- Hatsune Miku statue - Ryuuga
Wild Western/Desert
Child Corner (This will be in the waterpark i guess)
Dare Devil Land (In the desert this will be build i guess)
Staff Only Area
Main Street (This is in progress still needs a couple of restaurants and a park shop)
i guess in the proximity of -2730,65,-39 would be nice to have a spot there then we can make a warp to that and we even can connect my and ryuugas bridge / railroad to it for easy access without the warp at the spawn.
I Guess a area of 300 wide and 200 deep will be sufficient enough and with a main street we have a central part which we can connect to new areas
Any ideas and stuff is welcome will check what we can get together.
Also donations in stuff are also welcome as we can use those to build our park
##Movies of Slapland##
22-03-2012 Addedd naith and jack their coasters to the rides list + selected a spot to start
27-04-2012 Updated start post to refelct current progress. Will need to build more coasters and to get the area of the dare devil land done
10-05-2012 Updated progress on couple of things naiths coaster snow coaster and staff building
02-09-2012 Restyling and progress update
10-01-2013 major update of all the available rides
15-01-2013 small update for finished and new rides etc.
22-03-2012, 02:16 PM
Add this to the rollercoasters:
Naiths redstone overkill coaster (the name = the idea :D)
22-03-2012, 02:20 PM
Hurray! someone is taking on the project :D
nice 1 gandalf!
before you start bulding, contact me in-game and we'll sort you out a large area of land :D
Add to rollercoasters; Jack's Theme Coaster.
22-03-2012, 02:43 PM
Both the coasters are added to their own subsection Special Coasters which are the VIP,Mod and Admin made coasters.
And i have added some normal coasters with some theme ideas :P.
I had some area in the Server Ideas topic and naith got those.
But we still need to think about a name for the theme park and how we will make it.
I was thinking about some kinda area thing so you will get a wild western themed area and a snow land area and such or what should i / we do ???
And yes jack i finaly took some steps to kick the project in a overdrive :P
22-03-2012, 03:00 PM
good good, glad someone did!
we need more server wide projects so glad someone's decided to pick this 1 up!
23-03-2012, 09:31 AM
Jack i wil be online on minecraft and vent tonight so maybey we can discuss the location then ?? or tommorow or the day after that :P
Hope we can get a spot and start building i got a spot in proximity of the island me and my brother ryuuga build i guess we could make it there its just in the middle of the ocean naith loved it :p
23-03-2012, 09:51 AM
i will be online tonight after 9:30GMT.
have football before then!
23-03-2012, 02:45 PM
k see and speak to you then in game and on vent :P
26-03-2012, 08:50 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The build has begun.
xiTropicz and ianj and the rest of the team thnx for the starting area.
I have begun on building the entrance.
Check if you like it or else adjust it.
Will start to build some utilities for a start.
may need to get some materials because the cobblestone doesnt look that great but i had to build with waht i ahve
26-03-2012, 11:05 PM
Where is is being built?
27-03-2012, 04:11 AM
next to ryuugas island on the left side on the map
We have the first atrraction namely a carroussel by ryuuga !
And we have a first aid post and a start of the toilets
02-04-2012, 08:38 PM
We are getting something that looks like a funpark here :P but loads need to be build
03-04-2012, 02:51 PM
Did some more work on my rollercoaster. The person to get the correct route the minecart would take on this picture wins a stack of pie:
(Tip: It enters in the middle top, where the detector rail is and exits on the top left :P)
03-04-2012, 03:49 PM
Oh Boy, More Naithantu Redstone!
03-04-2012, 05:26 PM
Naith forgot to say this:
There's a 50% chance you survive. :p
03-04-2012, 06:19 PM
Naith forgot to say this:
There's a 50% chance you survive. :p
Still too high! Lower it too 10 %!
03-04-2012, 06:58 PM
Nah, this isnt the deadly part. But there is a 90% chance you go in there with about 2 hearts left after the tunnel of death which wasnt supposed to be a tunnel of death when i made it =D
04-04-2012, 09:17 AM
I'm So Confused By That... =(
Theme Parks are supposed to be fun, not confusing redstone deathtraps :(
04-04-2012, 11:35 AM
Since where are confusing redstone deathtraps not fun? :D
14-04-2012, 05:50 PM
We have some new attractions and i have updated some coaster and attractions ideas.
18-04-2012, 04:37 PM
Hereby a plan of how the theme park should look like will update this pic maybey later on with other sections (
RED = Shops
GREEN = Special rides
BLUE = Waterpark
YELLOW = Desert Area
20-04-2012, 10:04 PM
okay so since there are so many "death traps". I mean attractions I have made some:
- signs near the entrance and attractions to warn our kind visitors *DONE*
- a non lethal two floor glass maze *DONE*
- lookout tower *DONE*
- stopped building statues (was running out of hand we're building a park not a collection of statues :P).
If anyone has suggestions or request let me know and I'll try to add it.
21-04-2012, 08:01 PM
u guys should have mini games using redstone in the Theme Park :P
21-04-2012, 08:20 PM
yeah but i guess we need some more mats
27-04-2012, 12:19 AM
Can I help? I gave up on the Downtown Comp.
27-04-2012, 06:09 AM
Depends what do you want to bring to the themepark what we dont have yet ??? We need some wild western style stuff and some extra coaster.
Need to ask a mod or admin to fix a corner to become a desert btw its the pat which is yellow.
will update the start post btw we have some new attractions and stuff
28-04-2012, 12:36 AM
Maybe on Jack's theme coaster you could ride under some pixel art like this:
28-04-2012, 11:13 AM
Maybe on Jack's theme coaster you could ride under some pixel art like this:
Check his statue near the Spleef Arena :D
28-04-2012, 02:04 PM
I know.
But it would still be cool
I will donate some materials in-game
29-04-2012, 04:10 PM
Maybe on Jack's theme coaster you could ride under some pixel art like this:
i love that :D
29-04-2012, 11:33 PM
Hey LordG Have u made plans on a arcade in ur theme park? Zath1 was wondering if she could transfer her Arcade there :P
30-04-2012, 10:33 AM
Hey LordG Have u made plans on a arcade in ur theme park? Zath1 was wondering if she could transfer her Arcade there :P
i'd move the arcade over to the theme park if lord agrees.
30-04-2012, 04:00 PM
The arcade may be moved but i guess thats up to zath1 if he agrees.
It isnt my arcade so he has to say something about it i guess
30-04-2012, 09:16 PM
Yea zath wanted me to ask u in the forums :P
The arcade is in the snow biome btw
30-04-2012, 09:42 PM
Arcade now migrated into the theme park ... 9999999983 (
05-05-2012, 09:18 AM
We have open Ed the themepark for a while yesterday andere people liked it.
So the themepark is partially opened when im or ryuuga are online.
We wont give out free tps so please use the tp pad to riverside and there follow the map to the start of the rail track to the themepark.
Ryuuga had started construction of a non moving ferris wheel and im started the building of a snow coaster.
Please don't use rides which arent done and keep away from parts when we say so because there not ready het.
Have fun in slapland
05-05-2012, 11:36 AM
We have open Ed the themepark for a while yesterday andere people liked it.
So the themepark is partially opened when im or ryuuga are online.
We wont give out free tps so please use the tp pad to riverside and there follow the map to the start of the rail track to the themepark.
Ryuuga had started construction of a non moving ferris wheel and im started the building of a snow coaster.
Please don't use rides which arent done and keep away from parts when we say so because there not ready het.
Have fun in slapland
once slapland is fully built, i will give you a TP pad from spawn.
We have open Ed the themepark for a while yesterday andere people liked it.
So the themepark is partially opened when im or ryuuga are online.
We wont give out free tps so please use the tp pad to riverside and there follow the map to the start of the rail track to the themepark.
Ryuuga had started construction of a non moving ferris wheel and im started the building of a snow coaster.
Please don't use rides which arent done and keep away from parts when we say so because there not ready het.
Have fun in slapland
once slapland is fully built, i will give you a TP pad from spawn.
That'll make it nice and easy :D
05-05-2012, 02:39 PM
Thnx jackster21.
We are far from done but where slowly progressing on the builds.
Its mostly getting much much materials :P
But for now we let the public enjoy the parts we have opened :P
05-05-2012, 06:04 PM
So I have an idea for Slap Land, but I would like to build it. It's a maze where you lead a chicken with a piece of wheat to several pressure plates. There'll be about 3 pressure plates and they'll light up some redstone lamps. If I make 2 it can be a race against someone else.
Another idea is a little area where you only have a bow and a few arrows, no armor. It'll be a pretty small area, and kinda like a paintball course. With this idea, you can build different themed areas, nether, forest, etc. It's a quick fun pvp game where no one has the upper hand due to armor/weapon enchantments.
The final idea is a dodgeball kinda thing where you throw snowballs across a trench at someone else trying to knock them off their side. There'll be holes in the floor or just a thin side so it won't take to many hits to get them.
05-05-2012, 06:56 PM
There are a lot of mazes already in slapland
05-05-2012, 08:10 PM
Alright well how about the other ideas?
06-05-2012, 09:36 AM
I see some problems with the maze idea also because if you lead a chicken its always you who triggers a pressure plate whats then the purpose of the chicken ?
The pvp arenas is more a idea for the pvp world thats being created i guess.
The snow ball trench idea isnt buildable i guess because i dont think snowballs knock you off the bar on which youre standing
10-05-2012, 10:08 AM
I have updated the starting post with our first youtube preview :P
And updated the start post with up to date info and new attractions
10-05-2012, 09:24 PM
I have a beanbag toss.
Zath didnt accept it so I figured I could try it out for this. Message me in-game to see it.
I put alot of work into it and it should go to use.
29-05-2012, 04:50 PM
What about a thing like Bumper Boats! You try to destroy ever body's boat and be the last survivor :D
30-05-2012, 05:39 AM
That would be a fun idea need to test if boats stay alive on ice that would make it nicer :P.
Let me try something and i will try to make this
04-07-2012, 01:55 PM
Bumping the topic.
We have made some progresses on the theme park.
there is a headquarters of slap land inc.
We have a sky wheel and a ship.
There is a monorail around the park and we have a start of the desert/ adventure area.
I`m busy with a puzzeling game to play with your friend.
ryuuga is busy building some plumming for the huge toiletbowl.
We need some more ideas people if you have a nice idea to add to our park let us know and we will check it out.
08-07-2012, 09:43 PM
concerning boats on ice it doesn't work
I'm currently working on the following:
- movie theatre
- "underground"/"sewers"
- "adventure" land mini games
- "adventure" land terra forming
future planning:
- battle coaster (try to destroy your opponents minecart by punching)
- sea battle (see battle coaster only this time with boats)
if you have idea's/attractions for SLAPLAND please make a post with possibly a screenshot of your idea and an explanation.(we WILL respond to everything it just takes time in some cases since all final decision need to be made by lordgandalf)
2nd EDIT:
I have gotten permission from lordgandalf to make the final decision in some cases.
3rd EDIT:
sorry about many edits but double posting isn't my style. Anyways from July 16th till July 23rd Slapland construction will temporary be halted due to both my own and lordgandalfs absence due to a personal vacation.
28-07-2012, 06:17 PM
If you didnt noticed we are back in action.
We have added some new shops and we have a restaurant.
Im busy with a batteling puzzeling game.
And where busy thinkering about adventure land and the waterpark.
19-08-2012, 11:58 AM
completed stuff:
- movie theatre
- "adventure" land terra forming (with many thanks to daloria who helped speeding this up).
still in construction:
- sewers
- possibly more mini games for "adventure" land
- sea battle
- battle coaster (since it's almost god damn impossible to accurately aim while in a minecart unless the rails is straight for a long stretch)
EDIT: Since my internship is coming up I might not be online as often as i used to but slapland construction will continue gradually! just a bit slower maybe.
Edit 2: gandalf can you update your first post at some point I kind of feel it's getting outdated :P
22-08-2012, 07:19 PM
I have a few projects I am working on currently, which should be finished soon. I 'd be happy to help if needed :)
22-08-2012, 09:56 PM
Normaly we let people build there rides of site and let a admin or owner move it over to slapland. This so we can check out the ride and if we like it move it.
We are currently working slowly on slapland ryuuga is one of the main builders and with his internship he isnt online that much.
and im busy with work and if im online im currently more working on my villa than working in slapland :P.
The only parts that need rides anyhow are adventure land and waterworld. we do have some adventureland rides already but we can always use a coaster or something like that and the water world is currently darn empty :p
so if you have a ride which fits into one of those areas let us know and we will look into it
07-09-2012, 01:21 PM
well for those building stuff it would be great if some people could make some "small" minigames since we don't have enough of them.
TO give you an idea of what I want here are some criteria:
- must be my "small" size meaning no larger than 15 x 15 blocks preferably smaller
- check minigames in Slapland to prevent doubles
- if possible use adventure or water team preferably water theme (more room in that area so possibly multiple applications)
- auto resettable (meaning someone nhot added to the WG can reset the game) if possible
- contact gandalf or ryuuga to get it placed (placing stuff might take a while since admmins are busy people
I might think of some more rules if we bump into problems
27-09-2012, 07:27 AM
There will be a piggy game in slapland when 1.4 is coming out.
And where still searching for minigames and where also looking into some water and desert themed thrill rides for slapland.
So if anyone knows a ride or has made one let me know vi PM,ingame mail or a message when im online and we will check out the game and decide if we like it in slapland
14-10-2012, 10:35 PM
if people like to build some rides let me of ryuuga know we will decide then if and where to build it.
Slapland is currently in a low mode because im working on a couple of other projects and ryuuga is getting his degree which takes some time away from him.
but let me know when im on and we figure something out.
We need some desert themed or water rides.
31-10-2012, 08:07 AM
we currently have 2 rides under construction
a coaster like attraction by steffany and a water ride by sparkleunidog
if anyone else want to design/make more water ride please let us know we still need more
p.s. might not be on until later this week since my internet died
31-10-2012, 08:58 AM
And the piggy ride im making Ryuuga xD
31-10-2012, 10:12 AM
you can start building it already? I've been offline for the most part due to my internet dying as you know.
besides if you take our constructions along you've also got your unfinished course that you're working on and your hotel remember. And I'm still working on the sewers (wonder if I'll ever actually will finish it?
01-11-2012, 11:26 AM
Piggy race - Almost done only some finetuning actually and making the main building
Racing course - Will complete that after the piggy race and some other projects its on a low because i lost inspiration but it will comeback.
Hotel - That will also be completed after some other projects
Current projects with higher priority - PiggyRace , Staffcity Home and Downtown
03-11-2012, 12:03 PM
so has the first post been updated yet can't seem to find the piggy race? almost done with the piggy race gandalf?
things to do: finish sewers (halfway done digging), make new statue row (need to add steffany and sparkles they're building in slapland), update SLAPLAND HQ(add steffanny andd sparkles to engineers), finish downtown skyscraper sections.
edit:oh forgot to mention built a hatsune miku(see jacks vocaloid vid on facebook) statue(probably at the end of the second statue row).
priority 1: dealing with trial mod stuff :P
14-11-2012, 03:44 PM
I would like to help build a water slide. You need boats, water, and wood. Tons of wood. Along with fences. If I could help build, I would, but I have to work on some other things, like the new shipyard, and also being banned for a week from my mom. I could also make anything you would like me to make for you. Thanks in advance!
27-11-2012, 01:20 PM
trainman we request builders but they all have to provide their own resources for their builds for the most part.
Btw people finally finished the Slapland Sewers.
Edit: well "finished" just made plans to expand it again XD
Going to continue building additonal statues and an underground dungeon if my mod tasks allow me to
first small steps made towards the dungeon the entrance and about half of the first floor is done.
made jack statue "editable" still testing this though currently charlotina and slacky456 are testing it for me :P
tested and working might open it up to other people who want to dress jack up.
p.s. can someone post here beside me so I can actually bump this thread up again editing doesn't help and don't wanna double post :P
10-01-2013, 12:03 PM
Oi! Lordy and Ryu! That first post needs updating! D:<
So, my water ride, "Rainbow Forest River" or whatever (sign on ride), is finished - just gotta do the now "secret caven" that's within it - I'll work on that at somepoint.
I'll admitt, I'm nearly done with the coaster I started. I just need to finish the "end of it (no Ryu, I am not leaving the lava pit xD ) and then make it all nice and pretty! gonna call that the "Rainbow Rollacoaster" (whoooo for original ideas!)
And dun forget! I know Zapados wants to do a water theme park, so may do something like that in SlapLand, but I still wanna do the Swimming Center - filled with slides, pools, hottubs, rappid rivers, showers and changing rooms ^^ I'm planning this all out on paper, and plan to not lose it this time xD
10-01-2013, 12:45 PM
why are you not leaving it it was a great end to your ride XD
10-01-2013, 12:47 PM
Hm... well, I COULD leave it... hide the lava away so people can see it....
No Ryu, no no xD Though... hmmm, gave mje an idea now ;D
10-01-2013, 01:19 PM
updated the rides O_o like WTF like added 10-20 rides XD oh nI added myself as a bulder of your coaster since I did the lava :P
I probably should warn people though that they might/ most certainly will die ><
10-01-2013, 01:36 PM
We need more space :S we have only a couple of empty spots adn those aint that big :S
10-01-2013, 02:03 PM
sorry gandalf but are we looking at the same SLAPLAND? I see about 25% empty space that can still be used if we just fit people into those area's :S
10-01-2013, 03:29 PM
Lol you really want to keep the lava, eh ryu? xD
10-01-2013, 04:23 PM
well not the lava in particular but I want to keep a high chance of them ending up death and lava is just happens to be very suitable for that XD
10-01-2013, 04:40 PM
Then we shall work around that. ;D
11-01-2013, 06:22 PM
unless you of course want them to survive but we already have so many survivable coasters XD
27-01-2013, 09:26 PM
i have an idea! It's a race where u have to complete several things in order to move on. If you beat it in under 2 min, u get a big prize. If you complete it in under 5 min, u get a prize. If you complete it in under 10 min you get a small prize. Anything above 10 min is a $1 prize. Obstacles will be a maze, a little parkour, an archerey mini game, a quick boat ride with obstacles, and soul sand at the finish. If i could, i would like to build this. I have many more ideas that have yet to come but as soon as they do, i'll post them here.
27-01-2013, 09:52 PM
Hey, sounds fun! I believe Ryu was wanting more mini games sort of rides :D
28-01-2013, 08:00 AM
yes I want more minigames indeed since a lot of people seem to enjoy a quick minigame more than the giant rides which take like 15 mins to finish :P
01-02-2013, 01:07 PM
ok then i'll get started on the build as soon as i can? just one question, who are the people that i need to ask in order to get a building plot here? cuz idk if all mods can do it or if specific staff members that are part of slap land have to do it.
01-02-2013, 01:27 PM
It hink you'll either need to ask me or gandalf first then drag staff over to make it so you can built there :D
15-04-2013, 12:15 PM
Like the idea we have have a space problem though we might need more space
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