View Full Version : DIFA is recruiting!
01-05-2012, 05:59 AM
DIFA is recruiting!
To apply for DIFA you need to fill out the following questions, PLEASE DO NOT LIE:
>Are you mature?
>Your REAL age
>Why do you want to join?
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for?
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA?
>Are you good at PvP?
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite?
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon?
>Do you work well in a team?
So what exactly is DIFA?
DIFA is the first pvp-clan to form on Slap-gaming. Clad in only Diamond Gear our members are some of the nicest players, and best pvpers on the server. Only beaten by staff members, our DIFA members have the highest win lowest loss records on the server, and will always be there to answer a plead for help from other members. We boast several high ranking staff members as members of DIFA, such as the hardest working and sweetest (and sexiest) Senior Admin Daloria.
Accepted DIFA members:
Chechis - DIFA Founder and Leader
Daloria - DIFA Co-Leader
Zath1 - DIFA Co-Leader
lordgandalf DIFA Co-Leader
Bregan - Pumpkin Supremacis
Derptwig - Lord of the Derps
StillEnvious - Resident Creeper
Aminieko - Crazy cake lady
MyCookieNotUrs - Jack's boy toy
Drageon101 - Resident Redstone Engineer
01-05-2012, 07:42 AM
Oh Dear......
This Right Here, Gave Me A Good Ol'Giggle Before Work! :D
01-05-2012, 07:43 AM
> A spot on the DiFA Member's Board With a custom title!
Where you planning on giving these titles?
you aint getting them In-Game.
> A spot on the DiFA Member's Board With a custom title!
Where you planning on giving these titles?
you aint getting them In-Game.
They have a sign each on the member board, and each of the signs has their username and then a title.
01-05-2012, 03:33 PM
Alright, while studying history, lemme give my point of view on this:
Chechis plans socialist takeover by making DIFA members better than normal ones
Jack doesn't like his loss of control over this group and seizes dictatorship (that is, more than usual)
Cheesecake will probably say something to punish jack (preferred place: his cellar)
FrozenToast will post another picture of 60's spiderman even though he's quite amused
Levi and Sarah frown over this all and call their almighty Penguin/Kangaroo democracy to have the UN stop all this.
This should be solved in a few days.
01-05-2012, 06:15 PM
Alright, while studying history, lemme give my point of view on this:
Chechis plans socialist takeover by making DIFA members better than normal ones
Jack doesn't like his loss of control over this group and seizes dictatorship (that is, more than usual)
Cheesecake will probably say something to punish jack (preferred place: his cellar)
FrozenToast will post another picture of 60's spiderman even though he's quite amused
Levi and Sarah frown over this all and call their almighty Penguin/Kangaroo democracy to have the UN stop all this.
This should be solved in a few days.
Actually The colors are like this
Dark blue - Owner
Orange - co-owner
Red - Moderator (Still a regular member they are just mods)
Yellow - (One of the first 3 DiFA members)
Cyan blue (regular member)
Guys its just colors no one gets anything special.
Maybe i should give Ranks to people
I'll look into it later.
Oh Dear......
This Right Here, Gave Me A Good Ol'Giggle Before Work! :D
I hope i made your day <3
01-05-2012, 06:35 PM
I wanne join! ~ Nirosu
I'm pretty mature.
I'm 16.
I just love the members of DIFA, I want to be a part of that community because it has awesome pixel art and stuff!
I'm in slap gaming for like a month or more...
any friends there? depends if they consider me friends, I'm friendly and tend to make friends online, I can't realy point out names of friends, but I met almost everyone of the members.
this is my application!
01-05-2012, 07:40 PM
> A spot on the DiFA Member's Board With a custom title!
Where you planning on giving these titles?
you aint getting them In-Game.
It's not the in-game title, it's just a title within DIFA itself.
01-05-2012, 09:25 PM
Oh Dear...
01-05-2012, 10:16 PM
I think I am sort of mature.(Sometimes I'm a brat) I am also 10 years old.
I Want to join DIFA because It's a huge advantage in this server. It will also help all of my money problems. And, it's just fun!
I have been playing on the slap-gaming server for a couple months.
I don't think I have any friends in DIFA(THINK)
I was banned so forget about me for the rest of your life.;(
01-05-2012, 10:18 PM
Guys its just colors no one gets anything special.
Maybe i should give Ranks to people
I'll look into it
I lied about almost everything. Except about Australia's democracy, everybody knows that.
01-05-2012, 10:20 PM
>Sort of...
>Because I have been getting owned by DIFA for a long long time. I have lost many sets of diamond armor. I have also killed Frog and Cookie.(In DIFA form) I would like to team up.
>about a month.. maybe two
Thats also one of the reasons I would like to join.
I don't have diamond armor yet, but I will definitely get some.
You have to fill out all of the requirements, Please do not post again, Edit your post.
I will drop King Brown Snakes on your head, Toast. I swear to almighty Koala, I will.
02-05-2012, 08:37 AM
I will drop King Brown Snakes on your head, Toast. I swear to almighty Koala, I will.
You 2 need to get a room.
02-05-2012, 11:48 AM
>Are you Mature - Yes, Well Most of the times.
>Your Real Age - 10...
>Why do you wan't to join? - Im Trying to get in to Pvp and i thought DIFA was a good clan.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? - 1.2
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? - Yes, A bunch
02-05-2012, 02:02 PM
>Your Real Age - 10...
Sums DIFA right up, doesn't it? :D
He'd fit in perfectly with you all. ;)
02-05-2012, 02:04 PM
I will drop King Brown Snakes on your head, Toast. I swear to almighty Koala, I will.
You 2 need to get a room.
I predicted that! Only I thought cheesecake would say that...
02-05-2012, 03:23 PM
I will drop King Brown Snakes on your head, Toast. I swear to almighty Koala, I will.
You 2 need to get a room.
I predicted that! Only I thought cheesecake would say that...
he would just post a pic of his giant snow cock...
>Your Real Age - 10...
Sums DIFA right up, doesn't it? :D
He'd fit in perfectly with you all. ;)
Yes, well you're the one who hired five of us as moderators, so think about that one :P
Also, Lawler Player......what friends in difa do you have? Not to be mean or anything, but give specific names.
03-05-2012, 12:06 AM
Can I fill one out? Lol
03-05-2012, 12:06 AM
Hello my name is KraftKing989 and I love DiFA. I do consider myself mature enough to be in DiFA because I can be very helpful and nice to anybody. Also I am a 14 year old boy from Texas, I would like to join because I like the friendly community of DiFA and talking with all of them. And I have been playing on the server since March 4th 2012 and was donated to become VIP about a week or 2 later and some of my friends in DiFA are Chumizu, Derptwig, Chechis, and I can't name any others off the top of my head. Lastly I could help with redstone devices or even give lessons and I am very active on the server and Ventrilo. Thanks for your consideration!
03-05-2012, 02:12 AM
Could i have a plot but not be in difa?
Could i have a plot but not be in difa?
Right now, the plots are not up yet. when we do make the plots, however, they will most likely be invite only. The desicion on this i not yet final and subject to change.
03-05-2012, 11:34 PM
Hello my name is KraftKing989 and I love DiFA. I do consider myself mature enough to be in DiFA because I can be very helpful and nice to anybody. Also I am a 14 year old boy from Texas, I would like to join because I like the friendly community of DiFA and talking with all of them. And I have been playing on the server since March 4th 2012 and was donated to become VIP about a week or 2 later and some of my friends in DiFA are Chumizu, Derptwig, Chechis, and I can't name any others off the top of my head. Lastly I could help with redstone devices or even give lessons and I am very active on the server and Ventrilo. Thanks for your consideration!
05-05-2012, 01:42 AM
To Apply for DiFA You need to fill out the Following:
>Are you Mature?: Definetly
>Your Real Age:10
>Why do you wan't to join?: To become awesome like the rest of you
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 1 month
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? No but i want to make some
What Does a DiFA Membership Give you?
> A Plot DiFA Village (Are Not up at the moment They will be in a few days!)
> A Spot and Support from DiFA (Such as If you need help while in a PvP Battle)
> A Chance To Stand against DiAF
> Will be able to participate In Ender Dragon Raids
> Access to the local DiFA Farm (Sugar canes, Pumpkins, Watermelons, Wheat, And Ocelot island)
> A spot on the DiFA Member's Board With a custom title!
07-05-2012, 02:00 AM
My name Is drageon101 in game, Jonathan out of it, I'm 14 and I think DIFA is waaay better than DIAF. I don't know any of those in DIFA but it'd be nice to meet them. I've been on the server over 6 months, and I'd like to get onto DIFA
07-05-2012, 02:08 AM
Are you Mature?: yes
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you wan't to join?: because i like working with a team
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? for around 1 month
>any friends in DIFA?: Chechis
07-05-2012, 06:53 AM
Are you Mature?: yes
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you wan't to join?: because i like working with a team
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? for around 1 month
>any friends in DIFA?: Chechis
Here my advice, if you really wanted to sign up or join a certain group. Try not to answer question that is not being given. You always want to answer but not always the question they give you. Don't put down "Your Real Age: 14", try doing My name is ______, I came from ______. I am __ years old. Somethings like this. Tell us something about yourself. What do you enjoy, passion, other games you played, etc. Trying giving a statement of why do you want to join difa. Explain Difa in your own word. Try not to copy what advice i gave to you but try putting it into your own words. I hope this help you guys in school, jobs, and near future. Remember Chumizu saying Winnie The Pooh : " Rawr, fear me!... wait wait, I'm hungry, I'ma get a pot of honey :3"
07-05-2012, 03:03 PM
My name Is drageon101 in game, Jonathan out of it, I'm 14 and I think DIFA is waaay better than DIAF. I don't know any of those in DIFA but it'd be nice to meet them. I've been on the server over 6 months, and I'd like to get onto DIFA
07-05-2012, 07:13 PM
Zylo i sorta exatrated the "a lot" thin really there is only three they are MurasakiRyu LazyPoetess and Angry_Sp00n
08-05-2012, 02:16 AM
My name is Henry (thats why there's Hen in Hen632 not because i like chickens) i am 14 and would like to join DIFA because i always enjoyed playing with a team. being forever-alone isn't really fun =(. one of my friends in DIFA is Chechis. i have been playing for around 1 month and think it would be fun to join DIFA
09-05-2012, 02:24 AM
I'm 15, and yes, I'm mature. I want to join because I'm a "Douchebag in Fancy Armor" of course. I've been on the server for about 4 or 5 months now. Pretty sure I'm a friend of all of DiFA, but not an actual member, so I've been told. I guess DiFA membership gives me good ol' propriety, and that's basically the heart of it. Btw, I already have a plot in the village, so that's not a problem.
09-05-2012, 05:01 AM
I'm 15, and yes, I'm mature. I want to join because I'm a "Douchebag in Fancy Armor" of course. I've been on the server for about 4 or 5 months now. Pretty sure I'm a friend of all of DiFA, but not an actual member, so I've been told. I guess DiFA membership gives me good ol' propriety, and that's basically the heart of it. Btw, I already have a plot in the village, so that's not a problem.
Aren't you already in DiFA?
you were one of the first 7 DiFA members
10-05-2012, 02:02 AM
I'm 15, and yes, I'm mature. I want to join because I'm a "Douchebag in Fancy Armor" of course. I've been on the server for about 4 or 5 months now. Pretty sure I'm a friend of all of DiFA, but not an actual member, so I've been told. I guess DiFA membership gives me good ol' propriety, and that's basically the heart of it. Btw, I already have a plot in the village, so that's not a problem.
Aren't you already in DiFA?
you were one of the first 7 DiFA membersYea idk, thought I was, then was told I wasn't an official member, so I felt getting accepted here would clear things up.
I'm 15, and yes, I'm mature. I want to join because I'm a "Douchebag in Fancy Armor" of course. I've been on the server for about 4 or 5 months now. Pretty sure I'm a friend of all of DiFA, but not an actual member, so I've been told. I guess DiFA membership gives me good ol' propriety, and that's basically the heart of it. Btw, I already have a plot in the village, so that's not a problem.
Aren't you already in DiFA?
you were one of the first 7 DiFA membersYea idk, thought I was, then was told I wasn't an official member, so I felt getting accepted here would clear things up.
You're clear. You should be on the members' board so there's shouldn't have been a question. I'll take a look, someone might have removed you before I put a notice saying no one is allowed to change the members' board but me.
23-05-2012, 01:12 AM
>Are you Mature?:
>>By whose standards? I'll be serious when serious is necessary, but who doesn't love a good dick joke?
>Your Real Age:
>Why do you wan't to join?:
>>Thought it might be nice to associate myself with a group. I'm not much of a clan person, but I'd rather have you guys as friends than enemies.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
>>A few months.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
>>Yeah. If I looked at a list of members I could probably pick out the people that are my friends.
23-05-2012, 01:16 AM
>Are you Mature?:
>>By whose standards? I'll be serious when serious is necessary, but who doesn't love a good pee pee joke?
>Your Real Age:
>Why do you wan't to join?:
>>Thought it might be nice to associate myself with a group. I'm not much of a clan person, but I'd rather have you guys as friends than enemies.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
>>A few months.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
>>Yeah. If I looked at a list of members I could probably pick out the people that are my friends.
23-05-2012, 10:34 PM
Are you Mature?: I think so..
Your Real Age: 13
Why do you want to join?: I PvP every once in a while, thought it might be fun
How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?: About 5 months
Any Friends That are in DiFA?: Kraftking989, Chechis:3
23-05-2012, 10:50 PM
Are you Mature?: I think so..
Your Real Age: 13
Why do you want to join?: I PvP every once in a while, thought it might be fun
How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?: About 5 months
Any Friends That are in DiFA?: Kraftking989, Chechis:3
23-05-2012, 10:56 PM
Yes, I am mature
I want to join so I can have fun pvping without being betrayed by others
I have played on slap-gaming for about 4-5 months
thank you for your consideration
23-05-2012, 11:07 PM
12 but almost 13
I really enjoy pvp and it would be awsome to fight alongside difa
about 4 months
Thank you
24-05-2012, 01:27 AM
Dear SlapGaming,
Hey how are you? I'm a 14 year old boy who loves to PvP, my username is redhurricane1998, and i would like to fight alongside DIFA. I've been on the Slap-Gaming server for 2 months now. I find myself pretty mature and my friend hen632 is in DIFA as well. I promise that if you accept my invitation to DIFA, i will never betray anyone. I hope to see you again soon.
Thank you for your time,
sincerely yours redhurricane1998...
25-05-2012, 01:57 AM
I am at certain times.
i am 12 years old
I really enjoy pvp and it would be awsome to fight alongside difa
about 4 months
thank you
25-05-2012, 04:40 AM
about 4 months
thank you
Y U LIE?!?
Snackhero Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2012
Seems more like a month to me.
27-05-2012, 08:54 PM
>Are you Mature?: Yes I am if I want to,as well as if the situation isnt an inapropriate one, But usually im pretty innapro
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you wan't to join?: because i want to have fun (and be a douchebag in fancy armor)
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? about 2 1/2 weeks
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? yes, hen 632
28-05-2012, 06:21 PM
Oh Hai there DIFA Peeps!
I've contemplated applying to join your wonder ranks for a while so I thought it was about time I did ^.^
>Are you Mature?:
When the occasion calls for it =D
>Your Real Age:
>Why do you wan't to join?:
Because Difa in general is just incredible! And I always have immense fun in the PVP arena with the DIFA gang ^.^
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
1 month tomorrow! (29/4)
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Quite a few! 9 peeps ^.^
28-05-2012, 06:38 PM
Hello I would like to Try rejoining Difa :D
I made a mistake of betraying Difa in the time of Trouble, And I am very sorry for betraying you.
<3 Difa
A little about Myself :D
Hello my name Is Cats_say_Moo (In Game) And Austin (Irl).
Why I would want to join Difa is because I Miss Pvping a lot with friends!
I had a rough time with family before when i was in Difa and the stress carried on in Game with signs.
I think the signs i put got miss understood. I put a sign saying (Barbra hates Difa) *Well considering when ever i mentioned barbra u killed a sheep in my face -.- So i put the sign as a joke but it got miss understood and people thought i was betraying them :O
I am a little shy when it comes to pvping but when pvping in Groups im ok :P
I live in South Dakota (Same state as Still Envious) :D
Question Time :D
>Are you Mature?
I try to Be as Mature as Possible!
>Your Real Age: I am 14 Years old :P
>Why do you wan't to join?:
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? I joined the server April 29th 2012
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Chechies, Chumizu, Daloria, Murasaki Ryu, Lazy Poetess
Please Give me a chance to Rejoin <3
28-05-2012, 06:39 PM
Oh Hai there DIFA Peeps!
I've contemplated applying to join your wonder ranks for a while so I thought it was about time I did ^.^
>Are you Mature?:
When the occasion calls for it =D
>Your Real Age:
>Why do you wan't to join?:
Because Difa in general is just incredible! And I always have immense fun in the PVP arena with the DIFA gang ^.^
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
1 month tomorrow! (29/4)
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Quite a few! 9 peeps ^.^
28-05-2012, 06:40 PM
Whoops Posted on accident.
30-05-2012, 08:17 PM
mature yes
age 12
friends yea
reason i want to join a good cool team
how long been playing server:3 or 2 months
30-05-2012, 08:45 PM
mature yes
age 12
friends yea
reason i want to join a good cool team
how long been playing server:3 or 2 months
Why u lie, clearly its only been few weeks
30-05-2012, 08:47 PM
mature yes
age 12
friends yea
reason i want to join a good cool team
how long been playing server:3 or 2 months
You joined exactly 2 weeks ago.
Don't lie or you will instantly be denied.
30-05-2012, 08:52 PM
age 12
time 2 weeks srry bout that
mature always
frineds yea
reason i want to team up with u guys plus Difa sounds fun and I'm tired of getting owned by you guys so if you can beat them join them
30-05-2012, 08:57 PM
age 12
time 2 weeks srry bout that
mature always
frineds yea
reason i want to team up with u guys plus Difa sounds fun
1. List your friends
2. Use the "Edit" button.
30-05-2012, 09:03 PM
what edit button
30-05-2012, 09:06 PM
age 12
time 2 weeks srry bout that
mature always
frineds checks but sometimes i hang out with zath1
reason i want to team up with u guys plus Difa sounds fun
30-05-2012, 09:06 PM
age 12
time 2 weeks srry bout that
mature always
frineds chechis but sometimes i hang out with zath1
reason i want to team up with u guys plus Difa sounds fun
30-05-2012, 10:07 PM
the edit button is the button on the top right of your post that says "Edit"
Use it, stop spamming up the post.
02-06-2012, 02:43 PM
We are still looking for members.
03-06-2012, 10:25 PM
Added an explanation of what DIFA is.
03-06-2012, 10:27 PM
Added an explanation of what DIFA is.
I fixed up some of the typos :p
03-06-2012, 10:35 PM
Added an explanation of what DIFA is.
I fixed up some of the typos :p
I unfixed them because you can't into words.
03-06-2012, 10:54 PM
1. Well, you decide from my age.
2. 9
3.I have learned that DiFA members become great fighters, and DiFA is always together.
4.A month or so, but a long time.
04-06-2012, 06:26 AM
Added an explanation of what DIFA is.
I fixed up some of the typos :p
I unfixed them because you can't into words.
Aww :c
04-06-2012, 08:52 AM
1. Well, you decide from my age.
2. 9
3.I have learned that DiFA members become great fighters, and DiFA is always together.
4.A month or so, but a long time.
why are you lying? you just join 2 days ago.
04-06-2012, 09:35 AM
My in game name is EndurableJono and my irl name is Jonathan North. I am 14 years old. I have been on the server for about 3 months now. I am mature. (Most of the time :P) The reason why i want to join DIFA is simple: They are just plain awesome. I have PvP'd before and i have won most times. I do have a DIFA plot. I was invited by Cyro. I dont really have any friends in DIFA but i hope by joining it will give me a opportunity to make some. If any members from DIFA need my help in a pvp ill be sure to help and i hope they would do the same for me.
Thanks, EndurableJono.
07-06-2012, 04:56 PM
>Are you Mature?: YEP
>Your Real Age: 18
>Why do you wan't to join?: CHECHIS and DALORIA WOOOOO, and i hate patton
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 2 weeks
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Chechis-___- , LazyPoetess ^.^, Daloria >:D., AMI XD
07-06-2012, 10:23 PM
>Are you Mature?: Yes.
>Your Real Age: 17
>Why do you wan't to join?: It would be nice to destroy people in PvP areas, with some company, and i like killing dragons. xD
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? since 22:35PM on the 31/5/12 :D
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Friends, well... Daloria sorta likes me? and me and Oreo like to fight ;)... Also, Murasaki is a awesome admin, i like her too..
Please and Thank You!
07-06-2012, 11:26 PM
>Are you Mature?: Yes.
>Your Real Age: 17
>Why do you wan't to join?: It would be nice to destroy people in PvP areas, with some company, and i like killing dragons. xD
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? since 22:35PM on the 31/5/12 :D
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Friends, well... Daloria sorta likes me? and me and Oreo like to fight ;)... Also, Murasaki is a awesome admin, i like her too..
Please and Thank You!
08-06-2012, 12:19 AM
>Are you Mature?: Yes.
>Your Real Age: 17
>Why do you wan't to join?: It would be nice to destroy people in PvP areas, with some company, and i like killing dragons. xD
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? since 22:35PM on the 31/5/12 :D
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Friends, well... Daloria sorta likes me? and me and Oreo like to fight ;)... Also, Murasaki is a awesome admin, i like her too..
Please and Thank You!
Oh yeah x xD
08-06-2012, 12:17 PM
Hey, my IGN is GunSlinger4750, and my real name is Declan. I'm 13 years old, 14 in 2 months. I like to think I am mature, and I have been playing on this server for 2 months now. I've also had minecraft since September 6th 2010. I would like to join DIFA because minecraft is becoming kind of dry to me now, and I want to try something new, PvP. Last night there was a lot of us, (By that I mean about 5..) in the PvP arena all fighting with fists and it was quite fun. I don't reall have any friends in DIFA, but I want to hopefully make some if I get accepted. I also have vent so I can communicate with that. Thanks for reading, and it would be nice if you took me into consideration. :)
10-06-2012, 02:15 PM
Are you Mature?:
>Your Real Age:
>Why do you wan't to join?:
everyone is in it and its the best one i sell potions, armour and weapons that help in pvp
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
9 month
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
i have vent and i can talk.
i hope to join and
Thank You
10-06-2012, 09:30 PM
Are you mature?:
I believe I am.
16 Years old
Why i want to join:
I want to surround myself with other good pvpers
How long have i played on the server:
A week but i get on about every day
Any friends that are in Difa:
In real life no. I have an alliance with zath1 and i haven't made any enemies out of difa.
12-06-2012, 02:58 AM
i'll work on these apps tomorrow.
13-06-2012, 01:54 AM
Ok, now that I've had more experience, I'll do my app again:
I am mature in word and mind, not age.I am 9, and I know about everything that DiFA Members get amny thing that I can use to advantages for the clan.I have played for a month, give or take a few days. I don't have any freinds in DiFA currently, though I am looking to have friends in it once I join.
30-06-2012, 10:17 AM
I am 14 from the UK and have been on the slap gaming server for nearly 4 months. I want to join difa because i would like to improve my pvp skills and play with a supportive, friendly pvp clan. I would participate wherever possible in clan events and aim to represent the clan in a good way. DIAF are a bunch of bullies and should be crushed, I hope you will consider my application!
P.S I am also be active on vent.
04-07-2012, 03:46 PM
>Are you Mature?: I like to think so
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you wan't to join?: Because it is an awesome group and would be awesome to be in it
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? a couple of months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA: i like to think i'm friends with just about all of them
Lol? kraft, you applied again?
04-07-2012, 08:19 PM
>Are you Mature?: I like to think so
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you wan't to join?: Because it is an awesome group and would be awesome to be in it
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? a couple of months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA: i like to think i'm friends with just about all of them
Lol? kraft, you applied again?
thats what i was saying lol
07-07-2012, 01:51 AM
My in game name is EndurableJono and my irl name is Jonathan North. I am 14 years old. I have been on the server for about 3 months now. I am mature. (Most of the time :P) The reason why i want to join DIFA is simple: They are just plain awesome. I have PvP'd before and i have won most times. I do have a DIFA plot. I was invited by Cyro. I dont really have any friends in DIFA but i hope by joining it will give me a opportunity to make some. If any members from DIFA need my help in a pvp ill be sure to help and i hope they would do the same for me.
Thanks, EndurableJono.
07-07-2012, 01:55 AM
Hey, my IGN is GunSlinger4750, and my real name is Declan. I'm 13 years old, 14 in 2 months. I like to think I am mature, and I have been playing on this server for 2 months now. I've also had minecraft since September 6th 2010. I would like to join DIFA because minecraft is becoming kind of dry to me now, and I want to try something new, PvP. Last night there was a lot of us, (By that I mean about 5..) in the PvP arena all fighting with fists and it was quite fun. I don't reall have any friends in DIFA, but I want to hopefully make some if I get accepted. I also have vent so I can communicate with that. Thanks for reading, and it would be nice if you took me into consideration. :)
07-07-2012, 04:35 AM
Hey, my name is Jordan also know as MasterCrafter_13. I have played this server for over a month, I love how y'all team up and work together. I enjoy teaming up with y'all in the pvp arena, including Gunslinger4750, Endurablejono, and many more. I want to get better at pvp and i'm hoping that joining y'all will help me become better at is. I hope you consider me, and thank y'all for even reading this.
08-07-2012, 04:58 AM
>Are you Mature?: I am mature when i want to be, i like to have fun though sometimes.
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you wan't to join?: It sounds like a good time, Able to use the facilities, and help some people while i'm at it
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? About 2 months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Kraftking989, Chumizu, and last but certainly not least Daloria
08-07-2012, 07:17 AM
Hello I would like to Try rejoining Difa :D
I made a mistake of betraying Difa in the time of Trouble, And I am very sorry for betraying you.
<3 Difa
A little about Myself :D
Hello my name Is Cats_say_Moo (In Game) And Austin (Irl).
Why I would want to join Difa is because I Miss Pvping a lot with friends!
I had a rough time with family before when i was in Difa and the stress carried on in Game with signs.
I think the signs i put got miss understood. I put a sign saying (Barbra hates Difa) *Well considering when ever i mentioned barbra u killed a sheep in my face -.- So i put the sign as a joke but it got miss understood and people thought i was betraying them :O
I am a little shy when it comes to pvping but when pvping in Groups im ok :P
I live in South Dakota (Same state as Still Envious) :D
Question Time :D
>Are you Mature?
I try to Be as Mature as Possible!
>Your Real Age: I am 14 Years old :P
>Why do you wan't to join?:
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? I joined the server April 29th 2012
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Chechies, Chumizu, Daloria, Murasaki Ryu, Lazy Poetess
Please Give me a chance to Rejoin <3
Re Accepted :D
08-07-2012, 11:47 AM
Are you Mature?: Yes but i have fun every once in a while
>Your Real Age: 13
>Why do you wan't to join?: It sounds awesome
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 2 and a half days
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? No
10-07-2012, 03:01 AM
>Are you Mature?: I am mature when i want to be, i like to have fun though sometimes.
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you wan't to join?: It sounds like a good time, Able to use the facilities, and help some people while i'm at it
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? About 2 months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Kraftking989, Chumizu, and last but certainly not least Daloria
11-07-2012, 07:03 AM
Topic updated!
14-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Am i accepted into difa 'cause i applied but no one said i was in or could you clear it with me please, am i in difa or not?
thank you
20-07-2012, 02:03 AM
>Are you Mature?: I like fart jokes still if that's what you mean. heh, fart.
>Your Real Age: 25
>Why do you want to join?: Competitive nature always brings me towards the wrong crowd. You guys are just on the side of the tracks that I like :P.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?: I have no idea. ( I looked it up Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:29 pm) so 9 days apparently.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?: Not that i know of but I think most of you guys know who I am.
>Are you a good PvPer?: Ask Kraft :D
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favourite?: Sword, I love being in the middle of it.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?: If that's what we're doing then yeah.
>Can you work well in a team?: I can work well, and I like being on a team does that count?
20-07-2012, 07:40 AM
My name is swans8 and I come from Australia and I would like to be in DIFA. I am mature and I can help people out with whatever they need. I joined about 2 weeks ago and I am a member of the Slap-Gaming Minecraft Server
22-07-2012, 06:16 AM
Hello, how are you doing?
My name is on the server redhurricane1998 and I am applying for DIFA. I am 14 years of age and I enjoy PVP. I would like to fight alongside DIFA because they are an awesome PVP team, I've on the Slap Gaming server for about 3 months now and fighting in PVP is mostly what I've been doing when I log on... I find myself to be a pretty good PVP player, and I Hope to fight with you soon.
Sincerely yours,
22-07-2012, 06:20 AM
>Are you Mature?:Yes!
>Your Real Age:16
>Why do you want to join?:
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? A week
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? KraftKing
>Are you a good PvPer?i Try my Hardest
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Sword
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yes
>Can you work well in a team? Yea
22-07-2012, 06:28 AM
Am i accepted into difa 'cause i applied but no one said i was in or could you clear it with me please, am i in difa or not?
thank you
22-07-2012, 06:29 AM
>Are you Mature?: I like fart jokes still if that's what you mean. heh, fart.
>Your Real Age: 25
>Why do you want to join?: Competitive nature always brings me towards the wrong crowd. You guys are just on the side of the tracks that I like :P.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?: I have no idea. ( I looked it up Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:29 pm) so 9 days apparently.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?: Not that i know of but I think most of you guys know who I am.
>Are you a good PvPer?: Ask Kraft :D
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favourite?: Sword, I love being in the middle of it.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?: If that's what we're doing then yeah.
>Can you work well in a team?: I can work well, and I like being on a team does that count?
22-07-2012, 06:43 AM
Why Hello there fellow minecraftians and douchebags in fancy armor!
My Ingame name is coolguyselwyn, and real name is andrey.
I live in canada and i am soon moving to scotland.
My real age is 14, soon to be 15. The main reason That I want to be in DIFA is because I want to be part of something big. something called a team. I like being in a team because there are more people that I can trust. Another reason is because I can the battle alongside friends. Concerning PVP, I would call myself amazing, but I am fairly good with a bow. I have never battled enderdragons, but I am always eager to try!
All the Best, Coolguyselwyn
22-07-2012, 03:03 PM
>Are you Mature?:
I am when i want to be.
>Your Real Age:
>Why do you want to join?:
because its the strongest, biggest the best and i want to be a part and help i also make potions and armour.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
about 5 month
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
I know some people that are in it and are friendly to me, but i dont know if there my friends.
>Are you a good PvPer?
im quite good , i use potions to improve my ability.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
im better with a bow, i like sniping people and mobs.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?
Yup exp is very useful you know :D
>Can you work well in a team?
i can and i prefer to be in a team aswell
i have ventrillo, and ive fixed my mic :)
thank you
23-07-2012, 12:19 AM
Mature: yes
age: 11
reason: joind other teams that r terrible and
DIFA is a boss
time: playing: 2 months
frineds: know some peps but not really frineds
pvper: yes good i think lol
sowrd or bow:Bow 100%
like killing dragon: yes i luv it
team player: yes i am a pretty good team player
i will prob get vent FYI
23-07-2012, 10:46 AM
I am Black_Shadow6 but people call me Black
I am a very Mature person
I am 14 years old
I want to join because I love pvp and i like joining things
I've been on this server for more than 3 mounths
yes i have many friends like Kraftking and Redhurricane
I am a good PvPer when i want to be sometimes I just like to watch
Well i am a all-rounder and my favourite is Geffory my diamond sword
Yes i like killing the enderdragon if I have the Equipment if not I rambo it
Yes i can work well i a team i can listen AND follow orders and i can listen as i have Ventrilo
23-07-2012, 04:05 PM
>Are you Mature?:
yes i am 11 but i am very mature but i am silly at heart
>Your Real Age:
>Why do you want to join?:
i want to join because i have alway's looked up to DIFA even when i was a builder and i still do also im a better pvper in a team
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
8 months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
people are friendly but i don't know if there my friend's
>Are you a good PvPer?
yes with a good set of armor and a sword at my side
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
i am good with both though i prefer sword
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?
yes i do i haven't killed one because well i went with some random builder's and they betrayed me i killed them then the dragon got me
>Can you work well in a team?
yes i can i acually preer to work in a team
kraft you know if im good or not because well me and u pvped your epic!! i hope you concider me oreowaffle123
23-07-2012, 08:48 PM
My DIFA App! :D
>Are you Mature?: I'd like to think that I am very mature for my age.
>Your Real Age: I am 14 Years Old.
>Why do you want to join?: Because it would be fun to be in a PvP clan, and I like to fight monsters and people <3
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? About 3 Months.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Yes, about 5. Including EndurableJono and GunSlinger
>Are you a good PvPer? I'm rather good :D
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Sword FTW <3
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yup, love killing it <3 for the exp and the LOLs.
>Can you work well in a team? Yes, I like to help out others and communicate well with others :)
23-07-2012, 09:31 PM
Are you Mature?: I am mature, however I do get upset if I die over and over and etc. .
>Your Real Age: I am 13 years old.
>Why do you want to join?: Because, honestly, I am tired of DIFA killing me. I also would like to be able to Pvp while having a chance to win.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? About a month now.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Unless Nirosu is, and I think so, then none.
>Are you a good PvPer? I think I am relatively good.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? I am usually better with a bow but if need be I can melee.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yes. I once was able to shoot out all the crystals before I was slaughtered.
>Can you work well in a team? I work very well in a team.
23-07-2012, 10:55 PM
Come on Guys lets get some new recruits :D
24-07-2012, 12:36 AM
[quote="KraftKing989"]Come on Guys lets get some new recruits :D[/q
some people applied on perrivous page
24-07-2012, 01:08 AM
I am Black_Shadow6 but people call me Black
I am a very Mature person
I am 14 years old
I want to join because I love pvp and i like joining things
I've been on this server for more than 3 mounths
yes i have many friends like Kraftking and Redhurricane
I am a good PvPer when i want to be sometimes I just like to watch
Well i am a all-rounder and my favourite is Geffory my diamond sword
Yes i like killing the enderdragon if I have the Equipment if not I rambo it
Yes i can work well i a team i can listen AND follow orders and i can listen as i have Ventrilo
My DIFA App! :D
>Are you Mature?: I'd like to think that I am very mature for my age.
>Your Real Age: I am 14 Years Old.
>Why do you want to join?: Because it would be fun to be in a PvP clan, and I like to fight monsters and people <3
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? About 3 Months.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Yes, about 5. Including EndurableJono and GunSlinger
>Are you a good PvPer? I'm rather good :D
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Sword FTW <3
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yup, love killing it <3 for the exp and the LOLs.
>Can you work well in a team? Yes, I like to help out others and communicate well with others :)
24-07-2012, 03:14 AM
I am Madogten
I am very mature
15 years old
I love pvp and I am very good at it
I have been on the server for 3 days
I have friends like bob44455 Redhurricane and bing7822
I am a great pvper
I like the sword but only enchanted ones if not enchanted then I am better with the bow
I love killing the ender dragon oly that I have not got around to doing it on this server but I have done it before
I am great with teams and I love working with them I follow orders and I am a great leader
24-07-2012, 09:33 AM
Hey it's me! I saw DiFA was recruiting so i thought that i would post a reply and see if i have a chance.
>Are you Mature?:
I would say that i'm mature. I'm not mean to people who didn't do something to me and i don't swear that bad so..
>Your Real Age:
i'm 14 and if ya don't think i'm old enough then.. I can't do anything about it, sorry.
>Why do you want to join?:
i'd really like to join both because you guys are pretty damn awesome and because i work better in teams.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?:
I don't really know but long enough i think. Like a couple o' months. (5 months soon, i discovered)
i'm really in to the server and i got the armor and weapons to join rightaway.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?:
Well i'm friends with Derp and Red and i think that
i'm also friends with Endurable and Zath (i don't know what they think)
>Are you a good PvP'er:
I would say so. I don't really PvP that much more 'cause i lost a very well enchanted sword and a full set of diamond armor to a DiFA member and i didn't want that to happen again. So now i'm hoping to be recruited:)
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?:
I'm pretty good with a bow. I also use the sword a lot, but i like the bow the most. I do use potions i don't hope that thats not allowed
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?:
I do! I love fighting with that thing and i think it would be fun to fight it with other people to. But do you split the exp?
>Can you work well in a team?:
I do work best in a team (as i mentioned before)
So i would love to be recruited in the team. What happens if a DiFA member kill a other member? Do you get your stuff back?
>Other than that:
(i made that myself heh) i'm getting a new pc soon so i can be all ready for some PvP. With the computer i have now i'm not gonna pvp serious. I have all the settings on low and it still lags like a bunch of sloppy snails.
When i get my new pc i'm gonna be recording a lot so maybe i could be Team DiFA's cameraman or something like that. And i got a question. If i get accepted can i then make a channel called teamdifa or officialteamdifa (something like that). And post some videos i edited while team DiFA was fighting.
I really hope you're gonna accept me, i want to be a part of the team.
P.s. Sorry for my bad english. It's not my primary language
24-07-2012, 12:33 PM
Kraft u missed 2 on the last page lol
24-07-2012, 12:47 PM
if he missed their application, that means that they are not accepted.
24-07-2012, 12:57 PM
really then I didn't make it :(
25-07-2012, 01:53 AM
>Are you Mature?: when I need to be
>Your Real Age: 32
>Why do you want to join?: sounds like fun, help in PvP is always a good idea, and I like the people involved.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? about two months now.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? yes. Drageon101 is the first one to come to mind as I'm helping him with his massive slime farm
>Are you a good PvPer? Good enough that I've not lost since I joined the server. but I'm picky, if I don't think I'll win I don't try usually.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Sword, for both questions
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Do I like it? not really like or dislike, but I'll do it without complaining.
>Can you work well in a team? yes, yes I can. period. lol
25-07-2012, 08:01 PM
Yes. I would consider you as my friend.
26-07-2012, 08:54 AM
>Are you Mature?: Yes i would say i am
>Your Real Age: 18
>Why do you want to join?: i like pvp and being in a team
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?: cant remember sorry
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?: Penfoldjnr
>Are you a good PvPer?: yes
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?: sword
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?: really love it!
>Can you work well in a team?: yes i can.
Thank you
>Are you Mature?: yeah, at least i think so.
>Your Real Age: 12
>Why do you want to join?: i have been on many pvp servers.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 2 and a half months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? no
>Are you a good PvPer? yes, i have been first on a survival games server
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? bow, because i am good at aiming, (and i have used bows in real life)
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? yes, but not on this server because there are like 3 enderdragons
>Can you work well in a team? yes, i like being in a team more than alone.
26-07-2012, 02:36 PM
>Are you Mature?: mature to not kill a team member
>Your Real Age: 13
>Why do you want to join?: safer pvp :3 and for lols
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? ~9:30 in the morning GMT on the 3rd of june (lol)
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? dont think so D:
>Are you a good PvPer? yes (if the fight is not massively unfair)
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? i can fight with both but with a bow+no lag+no server lag i alway hit them if there within ~100 blocks :D
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? in SSP cus i dont like the pvp in the end D:
>Can you work well in a team? yes
note: i do not have a Ventrillo account
28-07-2012, 11:34 PM
Hello my name is David. I live in New jersey. I am 14 years old and honestly how would you define mature if i were to define it i would say yes i am. I want to join because im always in the Pvp area with members from it and i want to feel like part of the team. I have played this server for about 2 monthes now and i love it. Yes i have about a few Gunslinger4750 we always pvp together, zath1 i made a camp with her :3 Kraftking i consider a friend because he always helps me (even tho its his job to).Yes i am a pretty good pvper i can get good armor and kill if i wish to. I am better with a bow because i feel swords can hit at ANY range. honestly i have never killed a ender dragon but i would like to. Yes i can work well in a team and quite frankly i team alot in pvp with gunslinger4750 as previously stated and i love it :)
well thanks
From David
29-07-2012, 12:25 AM
Hello my name is David. I live in New jersey. I am 14 years old and honestly how would you define mature if i were to define it i would say yes i am. I want to join because im always in the Pvp area with members from it and i want to feel like part of the team. I have played this server for about 2 monthes now and i love it. Yes i have about a few Gunslinger4750 we always pvp together, zath1 i made a camp with her :3 Kraftking i consider a friend because he always helps me (even tho its his job to).Yes i am a pretty good pvper i can get good armor and kill if i wish to. I am better with a bow because i feel swords can hit at ANY range. honestly i have never killed a ender dragon but i would like to. Yes i can work well in a team and quite frankly i team alot in pvp with gunslinger4750 as previously stated and i love it :)
well thanks
From David
29-07-2012, 10:11 AM
Does that mean that i am also rejected?
29-07-2012, 08:23 PM
Does that mean that i am also rejected?me to? /me cries
29-07-2012, 10:32 PM
I think I am DIFA Therefore I am.
app for difa
30-07-2012, 12:04 AM
I think I am DIFA Therefore I am.
app for difa
30-07-2012, 09:55 AM
I think I am DIFA Therefore I am.
app for difa
lol did he just get accepted for having fancy armor? lol
i got full diamond armor protection IV but i still need to get a new helmet. ):)
got a sharpness IV sword.
i make lots of potions.
i have a skelly farm so i can give free bows+arrows to the team.
thank you for reading this.
30-07-2012, 12:41 PM
to get into difa, you must also know kraft well enough. if he does not know you very well, you have a very little chance of getting accepted. brabbit knows him quite well, and was kind of asked to join difa, so he put in this to confirm.
01-08-2012, 02:33 AM
my name is ryan johnson aka lyska im 20 years old and act it a good majority of the time.
i want to join difa to help out people around me with potions and weapons to make up for the fact i can lag in some fights.
i have played on this server for about 2 months and have been social for the past month thru the use of vent etc.
im all right at pvp i mainly use potions to my advantage in fights and let others take the kill. if i am solo i like using my sword but in groups i prefer bows so i dont hit team mates. as to weather i have friends in difa i hang out with kraftking so i hope he is my friend and i have held the nether hostage with members from difa, i love working in a team i mainly help out by using splash potions to increase people around me and i have tryed to kill the enderdragon a few times but we ended up getting bored and holding the pvp arena
thanks for your consideration
02-08-2012, 06:38 PM
my name is ryan johnson aka lyska im 20 years old and act it a good majority of the time.
i want to join difa to help out people around me with potions and weapons to make up for the fact i can lag in some fights.
i have played on this server for about 2 months and have been social for the past month thru the use of vent etc.
im all right at pvp i mainly use potions to my advantage in fights and let others take the kill. if i am solo i like using my sword but in groups i prefer bows so i dont hit team mates. as to weather i have friends in difa i hang out with kraftking so i hope he is my friend and i have held the nether hostage with members from difa, i love working in a team i mainly help out by using splash potions to increase people around me and i have tryed to kill the enderdragon a few times but we ended up getting bored and holding the pvp arena
thanks for your consideration
05-08-2012, 08:39 PM
DIFA Castle is soon to be :D
06-08-2012, 08:26 AM
>Are you Mature?: No
>Your Real Age: between 0 and 50
>Why do you want to join?: because Kraft is a meany
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 37 days!
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Possibly
>Are you a good PvPer? No =]
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I am horrible with MC bows.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? I've never tried
>Can you work well in a team? Probably
06-08-2012, 08:27 AM
>Are you Mature?: No
>Your Real Age: between 0 and 50
>Why do you want to join?: because Kraft is a meany
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 37 days!
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Possibly
>Are you a good PvPer? No =]
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I am horrible with MC bows.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? I've never tried
>Can you work well in a team? Probably
06-08-2012, 08:32 AM
Damnit all D= Now I have... sort off.. obligations, I guess. Maybe?
06-08-2012, 08:44 AM
have you been rejected from DiFA? well SWaG is recruiting check it out! viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1888 (
07-08-2012, 12:06 AM
Yaaay, here be my application.
My names Fredrik and Im a 22 year old guy who currently live in Sweden, (You dont really need to know it, but its an awesome country, oh yea!) I am mature when its needed. I wanna join DiFA because I do enjoy pvping; and spend quite alot of time in the pvp arena. Ive been playing on slap-gaming for almost 4 months now, and in that time i've gotten to know quite a few people from DiFA, and would consider them friends. Im not the best pvper but, im pretty good. While I do love to use both bows and swords i kinda favor swords higher because i can lag a bit at times. I do enjoy killing the ender dragon, though I havent done it in a while.
And of course; I do work very well in a team.
07-08-2012, 12:13 AM
Hello Difa,
I am Richard (IGN richie9352) and I would like to be a member of Difa. I am a mature 14 year old Minnesotan. I would like to join Difa because I work better in a group than alone and Difa is an Awesome part of the slap gaming server, and I also want to make new friends and become better at Minecraft PvP. I have played on the slap gaming server for 2 months and have loved every second of it. I have friends that are in Difa and I would like to meet new friends while in the clan, my Difa friends are but not limited to: Redhurricane1998, Derptwig, WirelessPillow. I believe I am a good PvP'er, I normally use enchantments and armor to my advantage. I am best with the bow above the action but also enjoy being on the ground and notching arrows. I like killing mobs both in the nether and in the normal world. I have only gone to the end a few times but have loved it when i tried. I always work better in a team than alone and I work well in them. Please consider me to become a member in Difa.
07-08-2012, 12:19 AM
Hey it's me! I saw DiFA was recruiting so i thought that i would post a reply and see if i have a chance.
>Are you Mature?:
I would say that i'm mature. I'm not mean to people who didn't do something to me and i don't swear that bad so..
>Your Real Age:
i'm 14 and if ya don't think i'm old enough then.. I can't do anything about it, sorry.
>Why do you want to join?:
i'd really like to join both because you guys are pretty damn awesome and because i work better in teams.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?:
I don't really know but long enough i think. Like a couple o' months. (5 months soon, i discovered)
i'm really in to the server and i got the armor and weapons to join rightaway.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?:
Well i'm friends with Derp and Red and i think that
i'm also friends with Endurable and Zath (i don't know what they think)
>Are you a good PvP'er:
I would say so. I don't really PvP that much more 'cause i lost a very well enchanted sword and a full set of diamond armor to a DiFA member and i didn't want that to happen again. So now i'm hoping to be recruited:)
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?:
I'm pretty good with a bow. I also use the sword a lot, but i like the bow the most. I do use potions i don't hope that thats not allowed
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?:
I do! I love fighting with that thing and i think it would be fun to fight it with other people to. But do you split the exp?
>Can you work well in a team?:
I do work best in a team (as i mentioned before)
So i would love to be recruited in the team. What happens if a DiFA member kill a other member? Do you get your stuff back?
>Other than that:
(i made that myself heh) i'm getting a new pc soon so i can be all ready for some PvP. With the computer i have now i'm not gonna pvp serious. I have all the settings on low and it still lags like a bunch of sloppy snails.
When i get my new pc i'm gonna be recording a lot so maybe i could be Team DiFA's cameraman or something like that. And i got a question. If i get accepted can i then make a channel called teamdifa or officialteamdifa (something like that). And post some videos i edited while team DiFA was fighting.
I really hope you're gonna accept me, i want to be a part of the team.
P.s. Sorry for my bad english. It's not my primary language
07-08-2012, 12:35 AM
Noes! Don't accept abusqa!!!
07-08-2012, 01:31 AM
Yaaay, here be my application.
My names Fredrik and Im a 22 year old guy who currently live in Sweden, (You dont really need to know it, but its an awesome country, oh yea!) I am mature when its needed. I wanna join DiFA because I do enjoy pvping; and spend quite alot of time in the pvp arena. Ive been playing on slap-gaming for almost 4 months now, and in that time i've gotten to know quite a few people from DiFA, and would consider them friends. Im not the best pvper but, im pretty good. While I do love to use both bows and swords i kinda favor swords higher because i can lag a bit at times. I do enjoy killing the ender dragon, though I havent done it in a while.
And of course; I do work very well in a team.
07-08-2012, 10:25 AM
if i make a youtube video and you like it would i be reconsidered for DIFA?
07-08-2012, 10:50 PM
Y u ignoring me Kraft?
07-08-2012, 10:53 PM
I'm not ignoring, if you are not referred to then you are declined
07-08-2012, 11:01 PM
Oh.. Ok
08-08-2012, 12:16 AM
it's just a nicer way of not drawing attention to the rejections.
11-08-2012, 03:10 AM
dis' be my applications suckaas so accept and what not! >:O
11-08-2012, 03:10 AM
dis' be my applications suckaas so accept and what not! >:O
11-08-2012, 12:41 PM
dis' be my applications suckaas so accept and what not! >:O
dat application :D
12-08-2012, 11:04 PM
Yo Yo Yo I be filading ouf dis appimacation
gET down wit my appuval bro!!!!
12-08-2012, 11:04 PM
Yo Yo Yo I be filading ouf dis appimacation
gET down wit my appuval bro!!!!
14-08-2012, 09:55 PM
Are you Mature?: not usually enless im an staff position
>Your Real Age: 15
>Why do you want to join?: because the server admins are real nice...
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? about 1 day to be honest
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? no not really
>Are you a good PvPer? i dont know ive had a lot of practice thats up to you who is reading this
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? definitly bow i love a good bow
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? A little bit its kinda boring
>Can you work well in a team? ohh yah ill do my best ima team player
14-08-2012, 10:34 PM
Are you mature? Yes, before i wasnt but now yep.
My real age: I am 14
Why do you want to join: Everytimme i go in PvP i am killed by DIFA they are very powerful and work great together and i want to be apart of that.
Any friends in DIFA: Not really but Abusqa is the most one i know
Are you a good PvPer? Kind of. Not a Pro.
Sword or Bow? I am better with a sword and like it more too.
Do you like to kill the ender dragon: Only when i know im ready because i kind of like it, but wouldn't prefer it in singleplayer
Can I work well in a team: Yes, I probably can once i get to know the other DIFA members
15-08-2012, 05:49 PM
Are you mature? Yes, before i wasnt but now yep.
My real age: I am 14
Why do you want to join: Everytimme i go in PvP i am killed by DIFA they are very powerful and work great together and i want to be apart of that.
Any friends in DIFA: Not really but Abusqa is the most one i know
Are you a good PvPer? Kind of. Not a Pro.
Sword or Bow? I am better with a sword and like it more too.
Do you like to kill the ender dragon: Only when i know im ready because i kind of like it, but wouldn't prefer it in singleplayer
Can I work well in a team: Yes, I probably can once i get to know the other DIFA members
I might consider you but ill have to ask other members
17-08-2012, 01:46 AM
Ok chechis :D thanks man, when u ask tell me plz
20-08-2012, 04:46 AM
Hi my name is Chris but my ign is LuckyC5.
I'm pretty mature
I'm 14
I want to go deeper in the awesome community SLAP Gaming has to offer :)
I've played on SLAP a little over a month but minecraft way over a year
I'm friends with Zath1 and ChuMizu if he considers me as one :)
I am good at pvp in general and provide good support when they need me
I'm great with a sword
I never cared about the ender dragon but will help any friends who go to the end
I work well in a team, always bring food for everybody and rarely hit teamates also i have ventrillo
Thanks for taking me into consideration and hope I can be a part
20-08-2012, 11:08 PM
Are you Mature?: Yes i am.
>Your Real Age: 11 and a half.
>Why do you want to join?: I like pvping and pvping as a team and difa is a nice slap gaming pvp clan.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 2 Monts.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Nirosu and phoenix i forgot the numbers
>Are you a good PvPer? I believe so thats me i dont know about other peolple
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Sword but i can use both.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? I love to go killing the Ender Dragon.
>Can you work well in a team? Yes i can. This has been my DIFA application thanks for your time. -TheKrafter1923
27-08-2012, 09:53 AM
>Are you Mature?: Yep, wouldn't be a guide if i wasn't
>Your Real Age: 15
>Why do you want to join?: I'm a douchebag..... and i like to wear armour. Seriously though, pvping is a lot of fun, and joining a group which i could fight with would be that much more fun.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 5 months and about 3 weeks
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Ingame friends: Gunslinger, abusqa etc
>Are you a good PvPer? Yep, noone seems to want to pvp me lately because i am 'overpowered'.....
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I love using a bow; kills quicker and you feel like a pro using it :')
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yep, i have 19 ender dragon eggs from which i have collected from killing the dragon alone most of the time
>Can you work well in a team? I can. A tank charges in with a great sword and i'll be stood behind him, picking off all of the flankers that try to kill him from behind with my bow.
29-08-2012, 10:03 AM
Hello i'm DJH98
I would like to join DIFA. i am 13 years old and most people think 13 year olds are not mature but i am.i have been on slap gaming for about 2 months now. i would like to join because i have heard alot about how good of a clan this is. i know some people in DIFA i belive and i am allright at pvp i love using my bow but i am properly better with a sword. i love killing the ender dragon with nirosu and i can work really good as a team.
04-09-2012, 11:13 PM
For now on,
Chumizu and Daloria will be leading Difa to a new future. No Longer shall we holding on to the past. We shall move forward. A new day shall shine for Difa and for Slap-gaming server :D You're allowed to make new application
06-09-2012, 03:38 PM
>Are you Mature?:
I think I am mature enough. I almost never have any trouble with people and I like to help everyone.
> Your Real Age:
I am 17 years old
> Why do you want to join?:
Because I like to PvP alot and I thought I would give it a try in the best PvP Clan out there! ;)
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
I think over a month now? I'm not really sure about that, but it feels like it ;D
> Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Well, I think I do have some friends, but it's more I can talk good with them and have fun ;) For example, abusqa or zath1 or Daloria
> Are you a good PvPer?
I considder myself as a good PvPer yes.
> Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
I can handle both very good.
> Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?
Yes I do, I like to kill him for exp and for fun. ;)
> Can you work well in a team?
I can work very well in a team. I have been in Clans in CoD Games, which you have to work well in a team aswell, especially when your a sniper like I am. ;p
06-09-2012, 03:49 PM
>Are you Mature?:
I think I am mature enough. I almost never have any trouble with people and I like to help everyone.
> Your Real Age:
I am 17 years old
> Why do you want to join?:
Because I like to PvP alot and I thought I would give it a try in the best PvP Clan out there! ;)
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
I think over a month now? I'm not really sure about that, but it feels like it ;D
> Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Well, I think I do have some friends, but it's more I can talk good with them and have fun ;) For example, abusqa or zath1 or Daloria
> Are you a good PvPer?
I considder myself as a good PvPer yes.
> Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
I can handle both very good.
> Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?
Yes I do, I like to kill him for exp and for fun. ;)
> Can you work well in a team?
I can work very well in a team. I have been in Clans in CoD Games, which you have to work well in a team aswell, especially when your a sniper like I am. ;p
she's not allowed in.
Simply because i said so! ;D
07-09-2012, 02:44 AM
she's not allowed in.
Simply because i said so! ;D
Jack said no :D I said YES!
07-09-2012, 10:47 AM
she's not allowed in.
Simply because i said so! ;D
Jack said no :D I said YES!
i hate you.
07-09-2012, 12:45 PM
i hate you.
but but but I love you <3
07-09-2012, 05:23 PM
Hello, This is my applicattion :D
Yes Id say im pretty mature, but i am when it is needed. Im nearly 14 ( a month or so). I want to join DIFA because they work great together in PVP and are dominent, i would like to be apart of that. I think i joined SLAP Gaming on April 2012. Yes I have a couple, zath1, RedHurricane989 and Charlotina thats it i guess. I would say im a good PVPer im not the best, but i definitely love it :P Im better with a sword and like it more, i love dat fire aspect. Yes, i just recently found it fun after killing it with my friends.Yes, i prefer to work in a team i find it more fun
08-09-2012, 10:03 PM
Hello, Its Jono here and this is my DIFA app:
I have been accepted into DIFA before and wasnt sure why i got removed. So i thought i'd apply again.
I am mature and especially when i need to be. I am 14 years old. Been playing on the server for a little while now. Joined about april i think. The reason why i want to join is because PvP is fun, It's even better when you have a team to fight with. I have a few friends in DIFA; Zath1, GunSlinger4750 and Cats_say_MOO. I am alright at PvP and i work best with a sword. Though i dont mind using a bow; especially for killing the Ender_Dragon, Because killing the Dragon is so much fun :D So finally i can work well in a team and i would support all people in DIFA when they need help.
Thanks, Jono.
10-09-2012, 03:08 AM
>Are you Mature?: Very much; immaturity makes things really difficult sometimes
>Your Real Age: 21
>Why do you want to join?: Just bored at the moment, need a group to hang around and do things with
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? A little under 2 months?
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? A few; GTR and Dal :3
>Are you a good PvPer? Meh, I'm mediocre at it, I'm good with a bow though
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Bow for both :3
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yup, I've solo'd it a few times
>Can you work well in a team? Indeed I can!
13-09-2012, 08:28 PM
i am mature i am a good pvper i prefer a sword i have played on the slapgaming for about 1 and a half month i am 16 no i dont have any friends on difa yes i do like killing ender dragon and i do work well in a team so can i pls join
14-09-2012, 03:32 AM
To Apply for DiFA You need to fill out the Following:
>Are you Mature?: I think so...
>Your Real Age: 20
>Why do you want to join?: I know a lot of people in DIFA
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? A month or so
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Yes a few
>Are you a good PvPer? I suck....but I want to get better
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I am better with a sword but I like a bow
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Never seen it so... IDK
>Can you work well in a team? If my teammates dont walk in front of my sword I am!
14-09-2012, 03:38 AM
To Apply for DiFA You need to fill out the Following:
>Are you Mature?: I would say so...
> Your Real Age: 14 almost 15 :)
> Why do you want to join?: I know a lot of people in DIFA
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? A few months
> Any Friends That are in DiFA? Yep! A couple.
> Are you a good PvPer? Not really...
> Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I like the bow better but i can use a sword pretty well.
> Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yeah but I never killed it.
> Can you work well in a team? Yes I can! :D
14-09-2012, 06:48 PM
>Are you Mature?: yes very mature for my age
>Your Real Age:14
>Why do you want to join?: im a good pvper and would love to join the "pvp champs" communtiy
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? 1-2 month
>Any Friends ( That are in DiFA? charlotina
>Are you a good PvPer? yes have beaten some staff
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? sword
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? i have not done on the server but why not have done many times before
>Can you work well in a team? i always say theres no i in team
15-09-2012, 08:14 AM
Im luiz6470
i think im mature because im good and i dont swear and im 12 years old
i want to join DIFA beacuse i always die on pvp and i see the diamond armours just there killing every one so i wanted to join them
i have been play slapgaming server for 1 month
i dont have no friends in difa i think
i was banned for disconetcing on pvp 2 time s i get scared to die
15-09-2012, 04:01 PM
Hi I'm TheKrafter1923 IGN Evan McWhinnie IRL
>Your Real Age: I am 11 years of age.
>Why do you want to join?:I want to join because I want to have a kick but time in pvp on Slap Gaming and get to know everyone better
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? Almost a year now if my memory serves correctly.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? HusainPwnsNoobs, LegendaryToxic, Nirosu
, and zath1
>Are you a good PvPer? I belive so i can kill about 4 people in chain armor alone.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Definitely sword. I like sword more because a variety of enchants you can get on it.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? I absolutely love to yesterday, when Jackster21 reset the end i was the first one in the end.
>Can you work well in a team? Yes I have teamed with HusainaPwnsNoobs And LegendaryToxic before.
Are You Mature: I believe i am very mature for my 11 years of age.
15-09-2012, 09:51 PM
im luiz6470
i think im mature,im 12 years old
i want to join difa beacuse i love to pvp
i have been plauing slapgaming for 1 month i think
i dont have any friends on difa i think
im a good pvper im good with both sword and bow
i love killing the ender dragon
i can work well in a team
thanks for looking
17-09-2012, 02:39 PM
Yes most of the time im mature but in pvp that is the real challenge.
i want to join because all the time the players think i am bad at pvp but with you guys i am sure i will be amazing
i think i joined on april.
yes i have charlotina in difa me and her have been getting along well.
kindof because when i am in pvp i know that difa will come in and kill me so i say time to leave but i really could become like you in pvp.
when i see the ender dragon i take it like a challenge like pvp i never betray my friends i help them out.
my favorite is bow because i am amazing at long shots the thing that improved it by call of duty of course.
when i am with a team i fell confident i say lets take on a challenge and help others because when i am sourounded i now my team is here to protect me like i will do for them.
24-09-2012, 01:57 AM
Hello I am L8nine THIS IS PROOF
> Are You Mature: Yes I am very mature and do not apprciate vulgar or cussing.
>Your Real Age: 11
>Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I love collabrative PvP and I want to become friends with other people. I also die every time I face Difa so I admire them and want to be apart of that team.
How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?: For about 2 months.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?: No, but I would love to meet new people.
>Are you a good PvPer?: I think so, I can kill 4 people by myself. All of them against me.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?: I love both and I am competent with both.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?: I enjoy and excell at killiing the Ender Dragon.
>Can you work well in a team?: I am ten times better in a team and love working with other people.
Please consider my application. Thank you:laugh:.
30-09-2012, 04:28 AM
poll4a and TheKrafter19235 are new members to DiFA!
30-09-2012, 04:33 AM
>Are you Mature?:
>Your Real Age: I am 11 years old But I am Cool if you get to know me.
>Why do you want to join?: I have many friends in difa and I don't do much pvping so I'll have chances to get better
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? I think like 6 months now
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? zath1 EndurableJono Phoenix2581
>Are you a good PvPer? I think i'm an exceptionally good pvper
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I'm better with a sword. I like bows and swords equally
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yes as a matter of fact I did today!
>Can you work well in a team? Yea when killing the Ender Dragon I worked very well.
P.S. I have ventrillo and i'm buying a mic in the next week or two
30-09-2012, 05:13 PM
>Are you Mature?: Yes. Sometimes will be immature for jokes.
> Your Real Age: 14 (Turning 15 on December 12)
> Why do you want to join?: Cuz I'm always a Douche in armor :P
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?: 1 month and a half.
> Any Friends That are in DiFA?: Yes there are. Alot most likely.
> Are you a good PvPer?: It depends on who I am dealing with :D
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?: I am decent with both weapons, if I had to choose, it would be both are my favorite.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?: Yes!
>Can you work well in a team?: I always work good in a team
P.S. I have ventrilo and a working mic :)
30-09-2012, 07:37 PM
Hey cbtrooper here I want to be in the DIFA clan because i work well as a team im rich got dimoand and gold and stuff got a xp spawner i am a DoucheBag and i wear fancy armour so Yeah also never been ban from this sever :P
Your Scincely
02-10-2012, 05:38 PM
Hey cbtrooper here I want to be in the DIFA clan because i work well as a team im rich got dimoand and gold and stuff got a xp spawner i am a DoucheBag and i wear fancy armour so Yeah also never been ban from this sever :P
Your Scincely
Awnser the application questions.
02-10-2012, 05:47 PM
Hey it's me! I saw DiFA was recruiting so i thought that i would post a reply and see if i have a chance.
>Are you Mature?:
I would say that i'm mature. I'm not mean to people who didn't do something to me and i don't swear that bad so..
>Your Real Age:
i'm 14 and if ya don't think i'm old enough then.. I can't do anything about it, sorry.
>Why do you want to join?:
i'd really like to join both because you guys are pretty damn awesome and because i work better in teams.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?:
I don't really know but long enough i think. Like a couple o' months. (5 months soon, i discovered)
i'm really in to the server and i got the armor and weapons to join rightaway.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?:
Well i'm friends with Derp and Red and i think that
i'm also friends with Endurable and Zath (i don't know what they think)
>Are you a good PvP'er:
I would say so. I don't really PvP that much more 'cause i lost a very well enchanted sword and a full set of diamond armor to a DiFA member and i didn't want that to happen again. So now i'm hoping to be recruited:)
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?:
I'm pretty good with a bow. I also use the sword a lot, but i like the bow the most. I do use potions, i don't hope that thats not allowed
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?:
I do! I love fighting with that thing and i think it would be fun to fight it with other people to. But do you split the exp?
>Can you work well in a team?:
I do work best in a team (as i mentioned before)
So i would love to be recruited in the team. What happens if a DiFA member kill a other member? Do you get your stuff back?
>Other than that:
(i made that myself heh) i'm getting a new pc soon so i can be all ready for some PvP. With the computer i have now i'm not gonna pvp serious. I have all the settings on low and it still lags like a bunch of sloppy snails.
When i get my new pc i'm gonna be recording a lot so maybe i could be Team DiFA's cameraman or something like that. And i got a question. If i get accepted can i then make a channel called teamdifa or officialteamdifa (something like that). And post some videos i edited while team DiFA was fighting.
I really hope you're gonna accept me, i want to be a part of the team.
P.s. Sorry for my bad english. It's not my primary language
04-10-2012, 12:51 AM
am i mature. I am pretty mature for my age.
my real age. i am 14 i will be 15 on October 15,2012
Why do you want to join?: i would like to join beacause i am a really well pvper and i am ready to take over pvp!!!
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? since July 17,2012
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Thekrafter,crageon101, and zath1
>Are you a good PvPer? i sure am and i have nice diamond sword and armor ;)
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? I am better with a sword because with a bow i am constantly shooting team mates i like the sword better beacause it does more damge it has more durabilty and is just strait up awesome!!
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? yes as a mater in fact i do i have 4 dragon eggs
>Can you work well in a team? i do as long as i dont have a bow beacause i shhot other teammates by mistake.
well i sure hope i get in thank you for reading this..
04-10-2012, 07:20 PM
Hi peeps, I'm slacky and I like to apply for DIFA! :D
>Are you Mature?: I think I am, but I laugh with the most jokes, can't help it. :)
>Your Real Age: 17
>Why do you want to join?: Because DIFA looks like an awesome clan with great people! It's also a nice feeling when people can back you up or you can help them, no mather what.
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? Don't know the exact date, but I think for more then a month.
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? I know multiple people who are in DIFA.
>Are you a good PvPer? I think I'm pretty good. Didn't lose much fights yet, but there are a few better PVPers.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? A bow for sure. But when it gets cramped, I don't mind swinging my sword!
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yep, and it's more fun when you're with a few people.
>Can you work well in a team? I think I do. I play a teamsport in real life and prefer to play/enjoy games with multiple people, so I like to work as a team!
19-10-2012, 01:07 PM
>Are you Mature?: yes i am mature
> Your Real Age: 17
> Why do you want to join?:to be part of a team and to have fun
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?1 month or longer
> Any Friends That are in DiFA?ya thekrafter1923 is in difa
> Are you a good PvPer?i am an ok pvper
> Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?sword but i like bows to
> Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?yes especily with team mates to back me up
> Can you work well in a team?yes i work well with a team i think i dont question the leader and i make sure i include people
22-10-2012, 07:02 PM
>Are you Mature?: yes i am mature
> Your Real Age: 12
> Why do you want to join?:to be part of a team and meet to people and fun
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For a long time maybe 4 mouths
> Any Friends That are in DiFA? not sure :/
> Are you a good PvPer? im okay i guess im good with bows
> Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? swords but things like cptf is bow
> Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? not tryed on this sever
> Can you work well in a team?yes i work well with a team i think i dont question the leader and i make sure i include people
27-10-2012, 08:12 PM
Can i join? name is ridgefox1234 my real age 19 am i mature? yes any friends in difa? steffany slacky zath1 endurablejono why do i want to join? I just heard that a new pvp clan is out so i wanted to join and yes im overpowered like them :P how long have i played slapgaming for? tbh about 2 months but i have made exellent progress am i a good pvper? Yep my mouse can click extremely fast and im good at redstone am i better with sword or bow which is my favorite? Well i use sword mostly so id go with sword why not bow? because i always lose fights with bows and there slow at shooting do i like going to kill the enderdragon? Well hmm i guess so can i work well in a team? Absoutloutly unless they kill me -.-
28-10-2012, 12:09 AM
>Are you Mature?: I am mature enough to be a team player and respect leaders and rules
>Your Real Age: 32
>Why do you want to join?: seems like fun and lately I've been getting better at PvP
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? a few months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Dal, Jono, Zath, Drageon
>Are you a good PvPer? I've beaten a few different members in one on one battle, so yeah I am.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? sword, sword
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? I hate doing it solo, but with a group it can be really fun if it's organized
>Can you work well in a team? for PvP and questing I can, but I do hate mining with other people.
28-10-2012, 11:28 AM
>Are you Mature?: I Guess i am
>Your Real Age: 29
>Why do you want to join?: Because i want a group to help when im ganged up in pvp and because i like Difa
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? half year+ now
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Jono and all staff i guess
>Are you a good PvPer? Im a average pvper i can stand my point in a pvp battle but if ganged up on i lose it
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? im sufficient in both but like the bow more and use the sword to end the kill
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? yeah i can always use some action
>Can you work well in a team? i guess so
28-10-2012, 11:30 AM
>Are you Mature?: I Guess i am
>Your Real Age: 29
>Why do you want to join?: Because i want a group to help when im ganged up in pvp and because i like Difa
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? half year+ now
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Jono and all staff i guess
>Are you a good PvPer? Im a average pvper i can stand my point in a pvp battle but if ganged up on i lose it
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? im sufficient in both but like the bow more and use the sword to end the kill
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? yeah i can always use some action
>Can you work well in a team? i guess so
28-10-2012, 06:37 PM
I am back on minecraft so i'll be able to help out with DiFA :D
28-10-2012, 07:40 PM
Yo Im Wlee601
i am mature because Im 17 years old
i would like to join because Im good at pvp
i have been playing the slap server for 3 months
i do not have any friends in DIFA
i have not been banned
28-10-2012, 08:46 PM
i am very good in pvp my favaruite weapon is a sword. i want to join difa cause i have never been in a clan for 2 years and i have been in slapgameing for 3 years.i am 18 years old i relly like to go and kill the ender dragon cause you get tones of xp and my name is abdul-kareem
28-10-2012, 08:54 PM
i am mature
my real age is 13
i want to join because i like to pvp
i have no friends that r on the team
i am good at pvp
i am better with a sword
i like to kill the dragon
and i work good in a team
29-10-2012, 05:18 PM
i am mature
my real age is 13
i want to join because i like to pvp
i have no friends that r on the team
i am good at pvp
i am better with a sword
i like to kill the dragon
and i work good in a team
On your last post you said you were 17 years old. this one you say you're 13, So which one are you?
29-10-2012, 10:12 PM
On your last post you said you were 17 years old. this one you say you're 13, So which one are you?
I agree with that ^^^^
30-10-2012, 12:35 AM
My IGN is LuckyC5 and this is my Application,
I am pretty mature
I'm 15
I have a lot of people telling me to join and know some people in DiFA
A little over 4 months
Zath1, Drageon101, Steffany686, and Bandana6
Yes I'm pretty good at pvp
I'm good with both but love bows
I like to kill the ender drageon but enjoy it more with a group of people
I always work best in a team
Thanks for your time :),
30-10-2012, 02:57 AM
>Are you Mature?:
~I have a high maturity level.
>Your Real Age:
~I am 15 years old.
>Why do you want to join?:
~I just want to see if i can do it :wub:
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
~I have played for 2 weeks +
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
~I dont think so.
>Are you a good PvPer?
~I think I can pvp pretty well.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
~I have mostly been going with a Sword, and the sword is my favorite.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?
~Well, I havent been to most of the Ender dragon raids, so probably yes.
>Can you work well in a team?
~I can work well as a team player.
01-11-2012, 06:06 PM
HI im dillontroll
>Are you Mature?:im mature
>Your Real Age:my real age is 15
>Why do you want to join?:i really want to join beacuse i wanna be a good pvper and i wanna help people on difa
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?i played slapgaming for 2 months i think
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?no i dont have any friend on difa i think
>Are you a good PvPer?yes im a good pvper
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?both
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?yes i love to kill the ender dragon
>Can you work well in a team?yes i can work well im a tem
01-11-2012, 09:47 PM
>Are you Mature?:
~I have a high maturity level.
>Your Real Age:
~I am 15 years old.
>Why do you want to join?:
~I just want to see if i can do it :wub:
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
~I have played for 2 weeks +
>Any Friends That are in DiFA?
~I dont think so.
>Are you a good PvPer?
~I think I can pvp pretty well.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
~I have mostly been going with a Sword, and the sword is my favorite.
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon?
~Well, I havent been to most of the Ender dragon raids, so probably yes.
>Can you work well in a team?
~I can work well as a team player.
Accepted, good fight by the way, was awesome :D
01-11-2012, 10:07 PM
[QUOTE=Chechis;107336]To Apply for DiFA You need to fill out the Following:
(Please do not lie!)
>Are you Mature?: Out of 1/10 i guess im 7/10
>Your Real Age: im 19
>Why do you want to join?: this community is so great and so coop i just wish i can join
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? about 6 months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? Well.... slacky i guess zath1 and endurablejono
>Are you a good PvPer? I'm good but not as good as difa :P
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite? Sword becuase arrows arn't infinite
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yes its really fun!
>Can you work well in a team? I can work very well in a team
I hope i can join i'm really a great person and i hope i can come in this is just such an awsome team I probably won't be alowwed in but atleast i tried please let me in
01-11-2012, 11:30 PM
Well..... hi ther im _xope_ and i'd like to join DIFA, here are my answers to the questions :D -->
question 1--> well.... i guess im mature enough, maybe 8/10.
question 2--> I'm 13.
question 3-->Well.... i just thought it'd be nice to be part of a group, after all, in a group is always better, especially in THIS group XD.
question 4-->hmm... im not sure but i think it has been about 8 or 9 months.
question 5--> Well... there is zath,, and char ( im not sure she is in DIFA though, but im almost certain).
question 6-->Oh well... i admit Im not as great as jono, char or checis, but im pretty not that bad in it :D.
question 7-->I'm not very sure, in a closed place i'd definitely prefer the sword, but if it something like hunger games, a bow would be great. But i think i prefer the sword.
question 8-->One of my favorite things to do :D jono
question 9-->I guess the best way i work is in a team, as one can help and protect each other. Actually, who doesn't like to stay in a group? :D
03-11-2012, 12:23 AM
I believe I am mature. I am 14 years of age and almost 15. I would like to join difa because many of my friends are in, and I enjoy holding pvp with them. I have been playing on slap for 6 months friends: zath, drageon, pillow, chuchu, steff, lucky, ect. I believe i am a good pvper and am better with a bow. I have only tried to kill the ender dragon once but loved it! I work well in a team and the larger the better.
03-11-2012, 12:57 AM
I believe I am mature. I am 14 years of age and almost 15. I would like to join difa because many of my friends are in, and I enjoy holding pvp with them. I have been playing on slap for 6 months friends: zath, drageon, pillow, chuchu, steff, lucky, ect. I believe i am a good pvper and am better with a bow. I have only tried to kill the ender dragon once but loved it! I work well in a team and the larger the better.
Accepted! Welcome, Richehh. Skype meh.
03-11-2012, 01:31 AM
Hi guys this Is my re-application
I have a vent account btw
1. I am a very mature people except when stupidity happens
2. I am 11 and a 1/2
3. Whenever I go into pvp I always get killed by a Difa member wether it be Charlotina Jono Or anyone else I always die I want to be on a team :D
4.I have been on for 5 months tommorow
5.Richie zath (I think) Chechis ThePresonOn veryunderstated
6. I am pretty good I have killed zath1 and Chechis before but not as great as them
7. I prefer sword my aim isn't that bad but its not great.
8. Yes I have killed it four or five times now and will soon again.
9. I'd like to join to get to know the people better and be on the best PvP team on the SLAP gaming Mc server
10-11-2012, 12:39 AM
I would like to Apply
1. Yes I am Mature... I would say 7.5/10
2. I am 13 Years of age.
3. I would like to join DIFA because I feel that it could really help me improve my PVP skills, and I can be of great help to the Clan.
4. I have played on the Slap-Gaming Server for about 4 months
5. No, I have no friends that I know that are in DIFA
6. I am a decent PVPer but i feel I could learn to get better,
7. I am better with a bow, but I like using a sword better
8. Killing the Ender Dragon gives great pleasure to me ;)
9. Yes, I can work extremely well in a team.
My name on the server is birdisdwrd
10-11-2012, 12:59 AM
hello. i have heard this clan is very skilled, and i would like to join. i have skill in archery, but can also use a sword.
i am only amatuer at pvp, but i am keen to learn.
my real age is 14 and i am very mature for my age.
i hope you accept my request, i am looking forward to joining,.
thank you p.s. my username is Blaineo but i prefer to be called chookie
10-11-2012, 01:06 AM
hello. i have heard this clan is very skilled, and i would like to join. i have skill in archery, but can also use a sword.
i am only amatuer at pvp, but i am keen to learn.
my real age is 14 and i am very mature for my age.
i hope you accept my request, i am looking forward to joining,.
thank you p.s. my username is Blaineo but i prefer to be called chookie
10-11-2012, 03:52 PM
>Are you Mature?: Yes, I belive that i am somewhat mature at times, but at other times im really funny and i hope i can provide comedy for the team :D
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you want to join?: Because i need a good reliable team and its a big advantage for all of us when we enter pvp
, plus i hate it when i get clan banged, so i rely on you guys! also iim more of a fight than a runner
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
about 9 months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? yes jono, zath, charlotina, and Daloria
>Are you a good PvPer?
Yes, i think i am at least, i have killed jono once :3
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
A sword and my favorite is a sword
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yes, but i only did once
>Can you work well in a team?: Very well, i accutally rely on you guys more than myself
11-11-2012, 05:49 PM
hey, i'm xXjbird16Xx
i am mature. i am 12 years old.
i want jjoin DIFA because it is a BIG pvp team.DIFA has a LOT of my friends in it and also it look like a fun team to join.
i have been play this slap-gameing server for about 6 months but i stopped for a while then started it again.
im really good with a bow and also good with a sword. im a good pvper.
i have a LOT of friends in DIFA.
ive been in the arena a lot and kill some people but i dont go in much anymore cause of you guys... aka charl.
plz accept this request so i can be on your awesome team!!
15-11-2012, 09:32 PM
>Are you Mature?: Yes, I belive that i am somewhat mature at times, but at other times im really funny and i hope i can provide comedy for the team :D
>Your Real Age: 14
>Why do you want to join?: Because i need a good reliable team and its a big advantage for all of us when we enter pvp
, plus i hate it when i get clan banged, so i rely on you guys! also iim more of a fight than a runner
>How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For?
about 9 months
>Any Friends That are in DiFA? yes jono, zath, charlotina, and Daloria
>Are you a good PvPer?
Yes, i think i am at least, i have killed jono once :3
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your favorite?
A sword and my favorite is a sword
>Do you like going to kill the Ender Dragon? Yes, but i only did once
>Can you work well in a team?: Very well, i accutally rely on you guys more than myself
16-11-2012, 07:28 PM
19-11-2012, 05:31 AM
I would like to join DIFA and yes i could be considered mature I am 11 I am currently in R.O.B. but, i will leave if i get into this. Toanswer the next question I have played on the slap gami ng for several months and several hours each day. I have absolutely no friends in DIFA. I am very good at PvP if properly equipped i know many strtegies and others who like to PvP that can help me in battle. I am much better with a sword but i do rarely use a bow as a secondary weapon. So far every time i have tried to kill the Eder Dragon i end up dying but, that is because i am allways alone. If i had to say i worked well in a team i would say i am fine just to be modest. Sadly, I do not have
23-11-2012, 06:34 PM
>Are you mature? I guess so
>Your REAL age 19
>Why do you want to join? Such a great server Such a great clan
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? Probably around 6 months
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? Sparkle I guess charlotina becuase we like to throw snowballs at eachother :P
>Are you good at PvP? I am alright
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword for kkilling fast bow for knocking back
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? Yes i killed it twice today
>Do you work well in a team? Yes i a, 100% trusted
23-11-2012, 07:37 PM
Sorry for some of the spelling :L i type to fast
24-11-2012, 05:55 PM
i am very mature
i am 12 years old
i want to join DIFA because it looks REALY fun and there are a lot of friends on DIFA.
i've been playing slap for about a year now
i am very good at pvp. i play hunger games a lot to practice.
i do like killing the endur dragon.
i do work well on a team.
25-11-2012, 08:12 PM
i am a mature
i am 10 years old
i want to join cause it looks really fun and theres alot of freands on there
iv played for 1 year
i am good at pvp i use my mob spawner to help me practice
i like killing the ender dragon because i get xp and because its really fun
i work really well with teams
25-11-2012, 09:42 PM
dark_libra you have also applied to TheKrafters pvp team isnt it ??
26-11-2012, 12:30 AM
He got denied from mine Gandalf ^^
27-11-2012, 02:26 AM
Hi, Im birdisdwrd
Im pretty mature.
Im 13 years old
I want to join DIFA cause it is the best clan ever, and i wanna improve my pvp skills.
I have been playing since October
Slacky, ThePersonOn
Im pretty good at pvp, and my favourite is the sword for suree.
I do like some action, so killing the Dragon is fun.
I am really dependent on my team, so yes, for sure.
Thanks Everyone
08-12-2012, 02:05 PM
Yes i am mature
I am 15
I wan't to PvP, like a boss ;)
a year and a half.
not realy.
YEs im good at PvP.
Im good with both and i don't know which is my favorite, i like pwning with the sword but i love geting longshots with the bow.
ye i like killing the enderdragon, over 100 kills on it on this server!
i work very well in a team as im in a clan on xbox :)
I can also offer discount on super golden apples :D
09-12-2012, 08:14 PM
Yes i am mature
I am 15
I wan't to PvP, like a boss ;)
a year and a half.
not realy.
YEs im good at PvP.
Im good with both and i don't know which is my favorite, i like pwning with the sword but i love geting longshots with the bow.
ye i like killing the enderdragon, over 100 kills on it on this server!
i work very well in a team as im in a clan on xbox :)
I can also offer discount on super golden apples :D
Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Jono!
10-12-2012, 05:43 PM
Yes i am mature
I am 15
I wan't to PvP, like a boss ;)
a year and a half.
not realy.
YEs im good at PvP.
Im good with both and i don't know which is my favorite, i like pwning with the sword but i love geting longshots with the bow.
ye i like killing the enderdragon, over 100 kills on it on this server!
i work very well in a team as im in a clan on xbox :)
I can also offer discount on super golden apples :D
Accepted :)
21-12-2012, 03:11 AM
> Your REAL age
> Why do you want to join?
i want to be on a pvp clan that is awesome
> How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for?
mabye 10months to a year i dont know.
> Have you got any friends that are in DIFA?
no but i am friendly.
> Are you good at PvP?
im prety good at pvp when i have the right gear
> Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite?
im better with a sowrd i prefer sowrd
> Do you like to kill the EnderDragon?
i love to kill the ender dragon
> Do you work well in a team?
i work perfect on a team.
Bye the way this is jayjayblast :ph34r:im a asasin.
23-12-2012, 12:08 AM
>Are you mature? Im not sure :P
>Your REAL age 19
>Why do you want to join? I am sick of getting killed by all the staff >.< This is one of the most powerful pvp team and i hope i can be apart of it :)
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? Maby around 7 months
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? Ehh no I guess but i hope that dosn't prevent me from entering
>Are you good at PvP? Yeah i'm quite good
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? Yup you gte loads of xp
>Do you work well in a team? I work amazing in a team
24-12-2012, 04:02 AM
>Are you mature? Yes.
>Your REAL age: 19
>Why do you want to join? Because some of my friends are in it and it's a cool team.
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? 2-3 months now.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? Drageon, lucky, we're all cool.
>Are you good at PvP? Yes.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword, bow is fun to play around with though.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? Who doesn't, of course.
>Do you work well in a team? Yes
25-12-2012, 09:01 AM
>Are you mature? Yes
>Your REAL age 14
>Why do you want to join? Because im a good pvper and need a good team and have heared alot of amazing stuf about this clan
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? 2 months
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? yes luckyc5 and husainpwnsnoobs
>Are you good at PvP? yes
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? sword and sword
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? yes with my friends/clan
>Do you work well in a team? yes i feel i work better in a team.
27-12-2012, 09:54 AM
>Are you mature? Yes.
>Your REAL age: 19
>Why do you want to join? Because some of my friends are in it and it's a cool team.
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? 2-3 months now.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? Drageon, lucky, we're all cool.
>Are you good at PvP? Yes.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword, bow is fun to play around with though.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? Who doesn't, of course.
>Do you work well in a team? Yes
30-12-2012, 08:39 PM
>Are you mature? Yes.
>Your REAL age: 12 but I am very mature for my age
>Why do you want to join? Because I've seen how good at pvping Difa is and I wanna give it a try
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? 6 Months ish
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? Not really
>Are you good at PvP? I think I am
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword because with a bow I'm quite laggy
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? YEAH!
>Do you work well in a team? Yes
05-01-2013, 07:32 PM
>Are you mature? Ehh not really :S.
>Your REAL age 19.
>Why do you want to join? Hmm well all the best pvpers play on this clan so i hope i can be one of em.
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? Not sure maybe 6 or 7 months?.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? Sparkleunidog and I look forwarf too meeting more .
>Are you good at PvP? Yep.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Swords good but bows are also fun too play with :3.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? Yeah .
>Do you work well in a team? Yes indeed!.
06-01-2013, 02:09 PM
>Are you mature?Yes.
>Your REAL age?15.
>Why do you want to join?Because my friend is in it and i really want to fight in pvp with a good team.
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for?Not a long time but im becoming a really good pvper.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA?Yes.
>Are you good at PvP?Improving.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite?Sword because it is easier to us and better.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon?I love to kill EnderDragon.
>Do you work well in a team?I love working in teams
07-01-2013, 10:52 PM
>Are you mature? Yes. Trust me I am not stupid.
>Your REAL age: 14. I don't lie :p
>Why do you want to join?: Because it seems like you guys have soo much fun playing together so I want to join the fun :D
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? I'm not sure exactly but I think for about more than a month.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA?: I know most of the people in DIFA but I'm not sure if they think of me as their "friend"
>Are you good at PvP? I don't die often and I kill almost everyone I see in the arena soo...
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite?: I personally like the bow but I usually just use the sword if they are close enough.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon?: I have never killed him before because they don't kill him much and because when they do, I'm not on -,-
>Do you work well in a team?: Yes! I love teams because you have someone to rely on and have fun with!
09-01-2013, 06:05 AM
I believe I am mature.
My real age is 17. I'll be 18 in 11 days.
I want to join since a lot of my friends are in DIFA and I believe I would be a good member.
I have been playing for 6 months.
I have a lot of friends in DIFA. It would take a while to type them all out.
I consider myself good at PVP.
I am better with a sword and a sword is my favorite out of the two.
I like to kill the EnderDragon.
I would well in a team.
Thanks for considering me!
09-01-2013, 09:13 AM
I Will be taking charge of DiFA since EndurableJono can't do it anymore.
09-01-2013, 10:44 AM
>Are you mature? depends what do you guys think I'm kinda mature I guess
>Your REAL age: 23 although I wouldnt mind being 6 either :D
>Why do you want to join? Because A lot of people I know and like are in DIFA
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? 6-8 Months ish nor really sure actually
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? yes Charlotina, ChuMizu, Steffany686, Bandana6, slacky456, lordgandalf, Rikyuu_Kato, Daloria and zath1 are all friends of me or at least on friendly terms (unless of course they feel differently about it)
>Are you good at PvP? I think I am decent at pvp but there are better people around.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? bow killing them from a distance seems safer
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? meh kind of? I won't deny a chance to kill it :D
09-01-2013, 11:15 AM
Accept ^^^^^^^^
12-01-2013, 03:03 AM
Hello I would like to Try rejoining Difa :D
I made a mistake of betraying Difa in the time of Trouble, And I am very sorry for betraying you.
< 3 Difa
A little about Myself :D
Hello my name Is Cats_say_Moo (In Game) And Austin (Irl).
Why I would want to join Difa is because I Miss Pvping a lot with friends!
I had a rough time with family before when i was in Difa and the stress carried on in Game with signs.
I think the signs i put got miss understood. I put a sign saying (Barbra hates Difa) *Well considering when ever i mentioned barbra u killed a sheep in my face -.- So i put the sign as a joke but it got miss understood and people thought i was betraying them :O
I am a little shy when it comes to pvping but when pvping in Groups im ok :P
I live in South Dakota (Same state as Still Envious) :D
Question Time :D
> Are you Mature?
I try to Be as Mature as Possible!
>Your Real Age: I am 14 Years old :P
> Why do you wan't to join?:
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? I joined the server April 29th 2012
> Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Chechies, Chumizu, Daloria, Murasaki Ryu, Lazy Poetess
Please Give me a chance to Rejoin <3
Sorry Got lazy :3
19-01-2013, 02:58 AM
>Are you mature? By My Standards ,Im pretty sure i am!
>Your REAL age: 14
>Why do you want to join? I want to be in a clan that knows how to work together as a team and knows how to have fun!
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? About 9-10 months
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? Yes, many of my friends are in DIFA.
>Are you good at PvP? I think i am!
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? I am more effective with the sword but the bow will always be my favorite.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? Yes
>Do you work well in a team? Yes, i am on vent often which can be an advantage :) p/s my in game name is kevinandv
Thanks for accepting me Chech <3
20-01-2013, 01:03 AM
Hello I would like to Try rejoining Difa :D
I made a mistake of betraying Difa in the time of Trouble, And I am very sorry for betraying you.
< 3 Difa
A little about Myself :D
Hello my name Is Cats_say_Moo (In Game) And Austin (Irl).
Why I would want to join Difa is because I Miss Pvping a lot with friends!
I had a rough time with family before when i was in Difa and the stress carried on in Game with signs.
I think the signs i put got miss understood. I put a sign saying (Barbra hates Difa) *Well considering when ever i mentioned barbra u killed a sheep in my face -.- So i put the sign as a joke but it got miss understood and people thought i was betraying them :O
I am a little shy when it comes to pvping but when pvping in Groups im ok :P
I live in South Dakota (Same state as Still Envious) :D
Question Time :D
> Are you Mature?
I try to Be as Mature as Possible!
>Your Real Age: I am 14 Years old :P
> Why do you wan't to join?:
> How long have you played on the Slap Gaming Server For? I joined the server April 29th 2012
> Any Friends That are in DiFA?
Chechies, Chumizu, Daloria, Murasaki Ryu, Lazy Poetess
Please Give me a chance to Rejoin <3
Sorry Got lazy :3
I'll have to think about it, Hell i don't even remember what the reason was :p
20-01-2013, 08:31 PM
Oh, it looks like I was kicked out during my period of inactivity.
Well, I'd like to rejoin because I like DIFA.
Pfff... Another application, then.
>Are you mature?
> I'm probably not mature for my age, but relatively, I am.
>Your REAL age
> 19 at this point.
>Why do you want to join?
> I was in DIFA once. Thought I still was. Good bunch of people. Good fighters, too.
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for?
> Almost a year. Or maybe a little more than a year.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA?
> Yes. I have a lot of friends in DIFA.
>Are you good at PvP?
> I can hold my own. Not against admins or anything and I'm sure that some of you guys could give me a what for. But I'm certainly not bad at it.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite?
> Sword. I hate bows with a passion. I lag too much to shoot people.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon?
> I am willing to kill Enderdragons and have done so before with the clan.
>Do you work well in a team?
> Same as everyone else. I'll toss my friends health and strength potions and I'll aim away when I'm trying to slash someone, but I expect the same courtesy.
Can someone tell me what happened in DIFA while I was gone, by the way? Cats mentioned some trouble and I hate being out of the loop.
20-01-2013, 10:42 PM
>Are you mature? depends what do you guys think I'm kinda mature I guess
>Your REAL age: 23 although I wouldnt mind being 6 either :D
>Why do you want to join? Because A lot of people I know and like are in DIFA
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? 6-8 Months ish nor really sure actually
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? yes Charlotina, ChuMizu, Steffany686, Bandana6, slacky456, lordgandalf, Rikyuu_Kato, Daloria and zath1 are all friends of me or at least on friendly terms (unless of course they feel differently about it)
>Are you good at PvP? I think I am decent at pvp but there are better people around.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? bow killing them from a distance seems safer
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? meh kind of? I won't deny a chance to kill it :D
Ryuuga youre in !
23-01-2013, 07:06 PM
Hello there, heere is my DIFA application:
1). Yea, I guess Im mature enough. In my opinion at least.
2). Im 13.
3). Oh well... I already was in DFMWU, but as it didnt give me that..... REAL pvp experience and I usually had to pvp alone -.-.... I decided to leave it and enter DIFA, which seems to be more..... united.
4). Oh boy..... I think I first entered last year in around.... February i think.
5). Yes, I have some, Sparkle, Char, Tjek, Jono, Pillow, Frog and maybe some other which I cant remember.
6). Well... I think I am good enough to aid DIFA, I am not bad in it.
7). Well... The Bow usually does more damage but still... The sword is always more... `loyal`.
8). Yea, one of my favourite things to do :D
9). Yes, I do work very well in a team.
06-02-2013, 05:00 PM
Can someone change the dark blue names on the first page to a more read-able colour?
07-02-2013, 07:55 AM
Can someone change the dark blue names on the first page to a more read-able colour?
thought about changing it to pink... I did....then I turned it into cyan since I saw my own name in the list :P
nah, anyways it's changed now char an should be more readable if not send me a pm and I'll change it again.
07-02-2013, 02:17 PM
It's OK now. :)
07-02-2013, 03:01 PM
>Are you mature? Not really no.
>Your REAL age 85 in dog years.
>Why do you want to join? I haven't really put that much thought into it honestly...
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? A while? Ask Jack he may know.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? I don't like people.
>Are you good at PvP? 10000 arena rating retail wow resto dr00. Not scrub.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword. Bow. Wait... No Sword. No... Um... Fish? Yeah probably best with a fish or flower.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? "Dobby never meant to kill, mearly maim... or seriously injure!"
>Do you work well in a team? I don't like people.
07-02-2013, 06:10 PM
>Are you mature? Not really no.
>Your REAL age 85 in dog years.
>Why do you want to join? I haven't really put that much thought into it honestly...
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? A while? Ask Jack he may know.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? I don't like people.
>Are you good at PvP? 10000 arena rating retail wow resto dr00. Not scrub.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword. Bow. Wait... No Sword. No... Um... Fish? Yeah probably best with a fish or flower.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? "Dobby never meant to kill, mearly maim... or seriously injure!"
>Do you work well in a team? I don't like people.
10,000 arena rating :O THATS OVER 9000
07-02-2013, 08:06 PM
>Are you mature? Not really no.
>Your REAL age 85 in dog years.
>Why do you want to join? I haven't really put that much thought into it honestly...
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? A while? Ask Jack he may know.
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? I don't like people.
>Are you good at PvP? 10000 arena rating retail wow resto dr00. Not scrub.
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword. Bow. Wait... No Sword. No... Um... Fish? Yeah probably best with a fish or flower.
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? "Dobby never meant to kill, mearly maim... or seriously injure!"
>Do you work well in a team? I don't like people.
O.o Mr. BlueHat in DIFA?
08-02-2013, 07:54 AM
I believe he is applying so the answer would be:"not yet"
08-02-2013, 08:00 AM
If he edits his application with some more realistic data i might consider him xD
08-02-2013, 09:15 AM
okay so let me try to translate this from bluehat-tian
>Are you mature? Not really no.
translation: no I don't consider myself mature
>Your REAL age 85 in dog years.
translation:17 years
>Why do you want to join? I haven't really put that much thought into it honestly...
translation: because it seemed a fun group to join
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? A while? Ask Jack he may know.
translation: I don't know but long enough to be friendly with jack
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? I don't like people.
translation: No I don't know anyone who is already in DIFA
>Are you good at PvP? 10000 arena rating retail wow resto dr00. Not scrub.
translation: I'm pretty decent at it
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword. Bow. Wait... No Sword. No... Um... Fish? Yeah probably best with a fish or flower.
translation: I like to fool around but I think a sword suits me better
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? "Dobby never meant to kill, merely maim... or seriously injure!"
translation: yes, when can I start killing it?
>Do you work well in a team? I don't like people.
translation: I don't think I do that well in team work
The Boy Who Lived
does that help gandalf?
and bluehat let me know if I made a mistake in my translation somewhere k?
08-02-2013, 10:04 AM
okee ur in mr dBlueHat xD and _xope_ also
09-02-2013, 10:07 PM
I want to leave DIFA, so if you could take my name off the list.. ^,^
10-02-2013, 12:08 AM
Why are you leaving us char :(
10-02-2013, 12:09 AM
Because, Chechis is never online, Daloria and Zath1 same thing, and you donīt PvP. And thereīs to many people in it, in my opinion. Itīs not the good friend club who likes to PvP anymore.
10-02-2013, 03:37 PM
okay so let me try to translate this from bluehat-tian
>Are you mature? Not really no.
translation: no I don't consider myself mature
>Your REAL age 85 in dog years.
translation:17 years
>Why do you want to join? I haven't really put that much thought into it honestly...
translation: because it seemed a fun group to join
>How long have you been on the SlapGaming server for? A while? Ask Jack he may know.
translation: I don't know but long enough to be friendly with jack
>Have you got any friends that are in DIFA? I don't like people.
translation: No I don't know anyone who is already in DIFA
>Are you good at PvP? 10000 arena rating retail wow resto dr00. Not scrub.
translation: I'm pretty decent at it
>Are you better with a Sword or Bow? Which is your Favorite? Sword. Bow. Wait... No Sword. No... Um... Fish? Yeah probably best with a fish or flower.
translation: I like to fool around but I think a sword suits me better
>Do you like to kill the EnderDragon? "Dobby never meant to kill, merely maim... or seriously injure!"
translation: yes, when can I start killing it?
>Do you work well in a team? I don't like people.
translation: I don't think I do that well in team work
The Boy Who Lived
does that help gandalf?
and bluehat let me know if I made a mistake in my translation somewhere k?
18 year actually.
Meh, close enough xD
Jack said I had to be serious as I was an upstanding member of this community... I'm sure he'll never find out about this.
10-02-2013, 07:47 PM
18 year actually.
Meh, close enough xD
Jack said I had to be serious as I was an upstanding member of this community... I'm sure he'll never find out about this.
I'm sure, haha. ;)
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