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View Full Version : Sorry :(

10-06-2012, 09:54 PM
Sorry about earlier admins, but I was really pissed off because it was my first ever house I had built in Minecraft and I hadn't even been inactive that long. I know you cant do anything about it but I just wanted to apologize anyway. Sorry, Deaks

10-06-2012, 10:05 PM
I was just like to add, although my initial message was a little offensive (can you blame me), most of the admins that replied were completely unprofessional about it and I got only one answer to my question, Telluur even replied by swearing at me and REFUSED to even attempt to sort out the problem, not what you would expect from the staff of a good server.

10-06-2012, 10:29 PM
Hi Deaks,

when did this occur?

approx what time and i will check the logs.

10-06-2012, 10:35 PM
Hi Deaks,

after reviewing the log files, i can totally see where you are coming from,
yes your language was not ideal, but in the circumstances, and considering it was not in public chat, i have decided to uplift the ban and convert it to a 48hour tempban.

the member of staff who swore at you (it was not Telluur) has been dealt with.

Upon rejoining the server, if you wish to do so, please contact myself or a senior member of staff and we will see if we can restore your house/compensate you with in game cash to start a new plot.

sorry for the troubles you have had on the server.

10-06-2012, 11:16 PM
thank you very much Jack for being so reasonable.
I couldn't quite remember who swore at me and I knew Telluur was one of the admins that unprofessionally replied so I thought it might be him so sorry about that.

I look forward to talking to you about compensation in 48 hours, and I will strive to be more active from now on.

Also I just want to apologize again to all admins (except the one who swore at me :( ) about calling you assholes.

Thanks a lot, Deaks :D

10-06-2012, 11:32 PM
Hi 197Deaks,

Once again we are very sorry about what happened to you. If Jack is not on when your ban expires, either myself or Daloria can sort out some kind of compensation for you.

I hope you have a better experience on our server in the future.
