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View Full Version : Ban Appeal, and the honest truth.

30-07-2012, 07:24 PM
Okay, I was banned today for griefing, and I know this ban is temporary, but this wasn't done by me, and if I was lying I would actually kill myself.

This is the honest truth:

Okay. right, this is the honest truth. I said the same to Daloria. I have been out all day today, from 9:30am till 18:30. Can you remember when I said it was starnge that i had moved to difa, when i logged out in my farm? Well, I have just remembered that I started to set up a website for WPG. And George (MxnsterMunch) helped me set it up, so i told hi what i wanted my username and password were to be. These were the same as my minecraft, so he is te only one who knew what my password was, so today, when it says that I griefed, it must have been at about hmm... 11am? Well, the only person who could've done that is George. Also, I know it was him since, he was talking to me yesterday and said that we should overrun difa, and take everything from the chests, sothey look less powerful. So if this has hurt your feelings, I am truly sorry, and hpefully you know that I wouldnt have done this so... sorry.
I heard that I had "given" him a Sharpness V sword, this is because IT WAS HIM, I even told Gun that It was strange how I had logged out in my farm and then logged on in the DIFA sheep farm, HE LOGGED ONTO TO BOTH ACCOUNTS AND MADE ME GIVE HIM THE SWORD. He is bibi1010, he got banned straight away from the server before, and then MxnsterMunch was his brother's account, and he cam onto the server using that account instead.

Okay, you all probably think I'm lying but honestly I have been on this server for 3 months, never ever griefed or disrespected staff or anything, until strange things happened when MxnsterMnch knew my password. I do realize this has affected my relationship with staff, and my under consideration part of Moderator.



30-07-2012, 08:14 PM
It is quite simpel: It was your account which did it, so your account will be banned. Always try to use as many passwords as possible instead of the same one everywhere. I would suggest you chance your passwords and whenever you have the feeling someone else is/was on your account -> Change it immediately!
The ban however sticks, it is your account so your responsibilty. It is only 24 hours so just wait it out.

Thread locked!