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View Full Version : Without a lappy for a while

30-08-2012, 09:48 PM
So I had to take my laptop in due to a malfunctioning system fan, if I want my warranty I have to let them ship it, frustrating but whatever I'll keep badgering them on the phone till they take the 30 minutes it takes to fix the laptop or deduce it can't be fixed. until then I cannot play minecraft, my wife's pc doesn't have opengl for some bizarre reason (its a s7220n slimline) and so I am out of luck with mc play time.

I will probably still pop on vent and try and keep up with what is going on but without my own pc I will be on less.

31-08-2012, 06:33 PM
Update to my dilemma, my wife's pc is a 7 year old piece of junk, and the sound that I manage to ccoax out of it has decided to crap out again, my guess is the soundcard is dying. I'm going to see if we can get a cheap not 7 years old pc somewhere but until then I am only able to browse the forums for at least 2 weeks -.-.

Sorry about this.