View Full Version : freedom of speech on the internet violation!

24-10-2012, 03:01 AM
the person named P4R4BE11UM on your guys' mincraft server kicked me for saying that i had the freedom of speech, and then, when i got back on, he banned me for saying he was being power happy!!! >:( i will either get all legal on your you, or you can un ban me! (please :P)

24-10-2012, 11:47 AM
Hello the_chap,

Two things:
1. Now I would have banned you for insulting a staff member.
2. Appeal your ban here: http://forums.slapgaming.com/forumdisplay.php?128-Ban-Appeals

It will be dealt with shortly.

Kind regards,
SLAP Gaming Admin

25-10-2012, 02:15 AM
I do not believe that you should unban him, he first was rude to P4R4 and other staff members online at the moment, such as Zero and Stef. He then lied about buying diamond armor and trying to put it on while lag made him lose it and he lost money. I do believe that he should consult with p4r4 before you unban him.

25-10-2012, 06:38 AM
If this was some poor attempt at a ban appeal, it's in the wroing section.
You'll find the correct section in flrdprdmn's post.