View Full Version : A New Team For PVP has Been Made R.O.B.
26-10-2012, 04:32 AM
R.O.B. Stands for Robotic Ocelot Brains. R.O.B. will be a new clan for pvp lead by me.We will do better as a team. We can destroy teams like team DIFA in order to get our names in shining lights. We will earn respect and be unstoppable! If you get accepted in my clan, you will be welcome to the Castle of Light in order to become a citizen, plus more! All you have to do is answer the questions below and if you get accepted then all you have to do is meet me on the server to make you a true R.O.B. member. I spend a lot of time on the server so you really can't miss me unless you live elsewhere (Where the time is different because I live in New York). Answer the questions below to try tojoin R.O.B.
**NOTE**- you MUST be on the server often or else you will be kicked out. If you have a special reason for not being on the server often, PLZ post it. (Ex. Zap, i'm on vaca. and will be back soon k. cya soon)
Why do you wish to join ROB?
What are you better at using in pvp?(potions, bows, swords,etc.)
What is your Minecraft username so that Iknow who you are?
To become a citizen for Castle of Light you must agree to these terms:
· You must not always be too nice or too mean in pvp
· You must never get upset that you lost your gear in pvp and the person who killed you won’t give it back
· You must always follow the server’s rules
· You must never say that you’re going to the nether or else someone may kill you so if you’re going to the nether don’t talk about it
· If you get gear from pvp,you must share it with me. I will be fair and give you the good stuff if you got the kill.
· Finally,to become a true citizen you need to build a small house in which you can live in within the castle walls.
CASTLE OF LIGHT HAS BEEN COMPLETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, are you a Pokémon fan? Be honest and if you are one then tell me all 3 facts about Pokémon inorder to prove that you’re not lying. It’s ok if you’re not one, but I just want to know.
By the way, there are 3"ranks" for ROB:
1. Sparks - your're basically a member of ROB.
2. volts- your a member that gets more things, but you can only get this if you have been on the team for a long time (1 month) and have never done anything wrong.
3. Fusion Bolts- You will be able to come with me on secret pvp missions as well as secret training centers in order to pratice pvp. This rank is the most rewarding one, but takes a lot of effort to get.
Never ask for a rank from me. I will choose the ranks, but you are not to ask me for them!
knabel13- volts(You on vaca?)
madkiller212- volts (Come on more often or else you will be kicked out)
Trainman42- volts (where have you been?)
jacobRBLX- volts (havent been on in a while)
burning_gemios- volts (Are you coming online?)
birdisdwrd-volts (come on more often or else you will be kicked out)
Number13teen-volts (Come on more often or else you will be kicked out)
Dark_Skope_Legend -sparks
:(Denied (sorry):<o:p></o:p>
27-10-2012, 08:51 PM
Hello my name is ridgefox1234 Am i a pokomon fan? I was when i was young :P I am very trustworthy too and i would like to join this awsome clan
27-10-2012, 08:58 PM
Why do you wish to join ROB? Becuase they sound like a coop team
What are you better at using in pvp?(potions, bows, swords,etc.) I guess swords because bows are slow
What is your Minecraft username so that Iknow who you are? ridgefox1234
When i was young i loved pokomon so yes
My age? 19
am i mature? Yes well i guess :P
27-10-2012, 09:00 PM
By the way ridge i never asked fer ur age so u didnt have to say. same goes for ur maturity, i didnt ask so u didnt have to say.
27-10-2012, 09:11 PM
Why do you wish to join Rob?
Because i have never been in a team/clan for minecraft and this seems like a good opportunity
What are you better at using in pvp?
To me,i am best at swords.
What is your Minecraft Username?
Am i a pokemon fan?
1.Shedninja can only be hit if it is its weakness
2Arceaus is told to be the Best/strongest/Leader of all pokemon.
3Arceaus can be any pokemon type because you can give it plates to change itself.
27-10-2012, 11:18 PM
Officeryew ur in k.
28-10-2012, 05:45 PM
i wish to join your team because you were the first to help me on the server and now i wanna help you.
potions are my better weapon. i have plenty of potion supplies although i do wish you would supply me with glowstone dust to make stronger potions.
obviously my name for minecraft is knabel13.
i agree to these terms and yes i was a previous pokemon fan but not anymore. i kinda got bored of it :'(
30-10-2012, 02:02 PM
You did know that Krafter isnt even in difa right?
30-10-2012, 11:22 PM
Not anymore at least even if I do apply I probably won't get accepted because of history but its EndurableJono's Choice
31-10-2012, 12:04 AM
No i knew that Kraft wasn't in DIFA anymore, but if my memory is corret i killed him when he was still in DIFA. and kraft anyone can join ROB just as long as no one trys to be on 2 teams or something like that.
31-10-2012, 10:50 PM
R.O.B. Stands for Robotic Ocelot Brains. R.O.B. will be a new clan for pvp lead by me.We will do better as a team. We can destroy teams like team DIFA in order to get our names in shining lights. We will earn respect and be unstoppable! It may seem impossible to stop teams like DIFA, but guess what; I have already beaten Krafter like 3 times already. So, if I did it then so can you. Besides, Robotic Ocelot Brains offers more than team DIFA does. For example, if you are accepted by me in joining team R.O.B. then you will get an easy $100 from me(on the server), 5 diamonds, 1 emerald, and you will be welcome to Castle Zap in order to become a citizen, plus more! All you have to do is answer the questions below and if you get accepted then all you have to do is meet me on the server to make you a true R.O.B. member. I spend a lot of time on the server so you really can't miss me unless you live elsewhere (Where the time is different because I live in New York). Answer the questions below to try tojoin R.O.B.
Why do you wish to join ROB?
What are you better at using in pvp?(potions, bows, swords,etc.)
What is your Minecraft username so that Iknow who you are?
To become a citizen for Castle Zap you must agree to these terms:
· You must not always be too nice or too mean in pvp
· You must never get upset that you lost your gear in pvp and the person who killed you won’t give it back
· You must always follow the server’s rules
· You must never say that you’re going to the nether or else someone may kill you so if you’re going to the nether don’t talk about it
· If you get gear from pvp,you must share it with me. I will be fair and give you the good stuff if you got the kill.
· Finally,to become a true citizen you need to build a small house in which you can live in within the castle walls. * NOTE: The castle is under development.
Finally, are you a Pokémon fan? Be honest and if you are one then tell me all 3 facts about Pokémon inorder to prove that you’re not lying. It’s ok if you’re not one, but I just want to know.
By the way, there are 3"ranks" for ROB:
1. Member - your're basically a member of ROB.
2. T-Rex- your one of the members that is on akilling streak or you have killed 30 people so far without dying yet.
3. Security Guards- You must protect me(Zapados3) whenever I enter pvp and ask for your help.
Never ask for a rank from me. I will choose the ranks, but you are not to ask me for them!
:(Denied (sorry):<o:p></o:p>
1. I want a good PVP team...
2. Bows and swords, ill need them supplied
3. Trainman42 (You know me from the server...)
4. I agree to these terms
5. Kinda, not that much. Pikachu is Ash's most important and favorite pokemon. Thats all I know...
ill build a nice wooden house...
03-11-2012, 12:30 AM
Hello my name is JacobRBLx and I Used to be a pokemon fan 1 and a half years ogo. I am better at using swords/ bows. I am below normal in pvp but with your help you could make me a pro PVPer.
I am Very trustworthy and I never break a promise. I would like to join this Clan. :D!!!
03-11-2012, 01:22 PM
R.O.B. Stands for Robotic Ocelot Brains. R.O.B. will be a new clan for pvp lead by me.We will do better as a team. We can destroy teams like team DIFA in order to get our names in shining lights. We will earn respect and be unstoppable! It may seem impossible to stop teams like DIFA, but guess what; I have already beaten Krafter like 3 times already. So, if I did it then so can you. Besides, Robotic Ocelot Brains offers more than team DIFA does. For example, if you are accepted by me in joining team R.O.B. then you will get an easy $100 from me(on the server), 5 diamonds, 1 emerald, and you will be welcome to Castle of Light in order to become a citizen, plus more! All you have to do is answer the questions below and if you get accepted then all you have to do is meet me on the server to make you a true R.O.B. member. I spend a lot of time on the server so you really can't miss me unless you live elsewhere (Where the time is different because I live in New York). Answer the questions below to try tojoin R.O.B.
Why do you wish to join ROB?
What are you better at using in pvp?(potions, bows, swords,etc.)
What is your Minecraft username so that Iknow who you are?
To become a citizen for Castle of Light you must agree to these terms:
· You must not always be too nice or too mean in pvp
· You must never get upset that you lost your gear in pvp and the person who killed you won’t give it back
· You must always follow the server’s rules
· You must never say that you’re going to the nether or else someone may kill you so if you’re going to the nether don’t talk about it
· If you get gear from pvp,you must share it with me. I will be fair and give you the good stuff if you got the kill.
· Finally,to become a true citizen you need to build a small house in which you can live in within the castle walls.
CASTLE OF LIGHT HAS BEEN COMPLETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, are you a Pokémon fan? Be honest and if you are one then tell me all 3 facts about Pokémon inorder to prove that you’re not lying. It’s ok if you’re not one, but I just want to know.
By the way, there are 3"ranks" for ROB:
1. Member - your're basically a member of ROB.
2. T-Rex- your one of the members that is on akilling streak or you have killed 30 people so far without dying yet.
3. Security Guards- You must protect me(Zapados3) whenever I enter pvp and ask for your help.
Never ask for a rank from me. I will choose the ranks, but you are not to ask me for them!
:(Denied (sorry):<o:p></o:p>
Thanks man!!!
12-11-2012, 11:29 PM
So... is this team Ventrilo approved? Ill talk to you on Ventrilo if you want to and we're fighting others...
16-11-2012, 01:34 AM
hey zap i realy want to be R.O.B. i know a few weak points of krafter i am better at using a sword but i can use a bow to and my name is ceasar8
16-11-2012, 04:39 AM
i would like to be in R.O.B because i am sick of dying in pvp and i need hep also zap you are my friend and i want to support you
i like swords as a primary weapon and rarely use bows as secondary weapons also i know some of krafters weaknesses but i am not strong enough to carry on the attack and need help
mt name is ceasar8
18-11-2012, 11:16 PM
soz we haven't been doing any pvp yet. i'm busy doing other things like deciding the castle home build rules as well as working on our team merging with Kraft's clan. so yeah i have ben busy so we will do some pvp soon enough.
Why do you wish to join ROB?
because i really need a pvp group and i know you have so many other EPIC people on your team
What are you better at using in pvp?(potions, bows, swords,etc.)
bows ans swords
What is your Minecraft username so that Iknow who you are?
30-11-2012, 01:33 PM
if u guys want to get to meh castle, u have to find it using the live map. look in the snow biome in the real world.
01-12-2012, 10:59 PM
hey guys. just so u know, i don't tell u when to pvp unless i do tell u. but if i don't tell u, the u just pvp whenever ur on the server. but i warn u not to go in when someone strong is on cuz they can take ur stuff away. But if u want to fight big names in pvp to try and beat them, then u can.
04-12-2012, 12:43 AM
It is birdisdwrd here.
Since you and Krafters clans are merging, and I am very low in Krafters clan, i would like to apply for a leadership oppurtunity in R.O.B
1. I wish to join ROB for the reasons stated above.
2. My best is the sword, i love melee.
3. Im birdisdwrd (DUH)
1. Arceus is the best Pokemon of all time (considered)
2. Gary Oak used to be Ash's rival, but now studies with his dad, Professor Oak
3. Pokemon # 001 in the POkedex is Bulbusar,
09-12-2012, 08:36 PM
1. I want to join ROB because Zapados3 is a pretty cool guy and I totally owe him for everything he has done for me : )
2. I am more a support guy so potions and food are my specialty.
3. Number13teen
4. I agree to all of the Castle of Light terms.
5. I was such a pokemon nerd when i was younger I am now ashamed, but I can't wait to play pokemon rumble blast for Christmas (Yes I am still a fan)
a. Bulbasaur is the 1st pokemon
b. Pikachu is the mascot
c. Arceus is the God of pokemon
09-12-2012, 08:40 PM
13! ur in
27-12-2012, 04:39 AM
hey guys just letting u know that R.O.B. will be merging together with kraft's clan DFMWU. so yeah soon our name will change and we be stronger as a whole. as of right now, kraft and i are working on the merge so it may take some time but it will happen soon. untill then, keep pvping (the safe way)
28-12-2012, 12:19 AM
What's the name of the merged group? Also, can you help me with something, I'll PM u zap if you say it's ok, because if anyone sees it, they they might ask to help and steal what I'm trying to get to regain my stuff...
05-01-2013, 12:40 PM
ok i accept to all your rules and i will be the most hardcore pvper on this server
05-01-2013, 11:15 PM
persian, u need to answer the questions cuz # 1, idk if persian is ur real name on the server, # 2, idk what ur better at pvp with and # 3, it says to answer the questions in my thread. once u answer the questions, u can be in.
EDIT 1: Hello R.O.B. members and DFMWU members as well as others watching. Anyways, somethings have been added and taken away. I have taken out the gifts to joining the Team because people might only want to join just so that they could get free gifts. Also, a Farm has been added to the castle out back. I'm still working on it and i'm working on adding a "Flying Castle" above the castle so that fusionbolts can have the chance to create something unique. However, only fusionbolts will be allowed up there. Any one who isn't a fusionbolt that is caught building up there will be either kicked out of the team or will recieve a punishment of which i will decide on. The only way that a non-fusionbolt could build up there is that if they had been given MY permission to build there. Finally, i'm going to begin working on a "Obstacle Course" to train hard and be ready for anything. Anyways that's all and untill then, keep pvping the safe way.
EDIT 2:is there anyone here who is very good at pixel art? i need soemeone to build a giant zapdos bird for the castle. I will pay $ 500 for your work. I will show you the castle, what i want it to look like, and where i want it built. Also, if you build it and i like it, i will give you the fusionbolt rank. and the merge with kraft's clan will happen just give it time. well that's all i have to say so keep pvping.
EDIT 3: the flying castle is starting to be built. btw if u want to find the castle, i will be posting up the cordiantes for it here soon. Z and X are the only one's that actually matter.Also, the merge is almost here. just a little bit more time and the merge will be fully complete. unt ill then keep pvping.
EDIT 4: hey guys, i need your help! krafter and i are having trouble coming up with names for the new clan. so i need you guys to start making up names. it can't be something that's already been made like DIFA or CAMB. It has to be something that YOU created (sorta how i created R.O.B) it can be a made up word. plz guys i need your help to finish this merge already. al of you have been waiting for this and so if you guys come up with names for the clan, the merge will happen A LOT faster. leave a post of the name and what each letter stands for. The winning name will recieve $300 in game. 2nd place will get $200 and 3rd place $100. yep sorta like a contest. however, all entrys will recieve $50. i hope i find some good names (Kraft's gonna look 2)
02-03-2013, 09:33 PM
Why do you wish to join ROB? Because me know you long time >.< And i want to get back into pvp
What are you better at using in pvp?(potions, bows, swords,etc.) Swords/Bows
What is your Minecraft username so that Iknow who you are? Darkskope_legend :ph34r:
I accept all terms and conditions and hope to join your soon >:)
03-03-2013, 11:22 PM
dark ur in.
08-03-2013, 07:25 PM
I wish to join R.O.B. because i am tired of difa members stabbing me in the back. I want to gain respect from those backstabbers. We should concur them. I am better at using bows (archer) in p.v.p. but i always go with a sword just in case. My minecraft username is youngspeed. I do like the game pok'emon. 3 facts Raikou first appered in gen 2 of pok'emon heart gold and soul silver versions is where they became popular, Gen 3 of pok'emon legendaries were all golems, latias and latios are often thought of brother pok'emon because of there body style and names. p.s. i do not like the card game but i do like the video games :cool:
09-03-2013, 01:13 AM
i decided not to join r.o.b. sorry i have made my own clan
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