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View Full Version : blackhawkbomber2's Ban Appeal

17-11-2012, 05:11 AM
Ban Appeal
Minecraft Name
Date of ban *If you know*
Reason for being banned
I don't know why
Why should we unban you?
I haven't been on the server for a couple of weeks, when i recently tried to log on it said disconnected by server "the ban hammer has spocken" i dont know why. If you can unban me or at least tell me why i was banned reply to this post. All I do right now is watch the map and hope to get back on. I really like this server and miss it.

23-11-2012, 06:34 PM
Please reply to my appeal I really miss playing on the server and want to come back.

23-11-2012, 07:07 PM
We had a bug a while back,

You should be able to get back online now.

