View Full Version : ceasar8's Ban Appeal

16-12-2012, 02:14 AM
Ban AppealMinecraft Name
ceasar8 Date of ban *If you know*
December 15, 2012 Reason for being banned
I don't know why Why should we unban you?
I do know why I was banned it just wasnt an optian.
It siad abuse of staff and I dont know what I said to abuse staff and it said abuse of a player but drageon was making fun of me like he always does and i called myself a nether pussie because he kept on saying come to the nether not him. Please do anything but a ban a fine or a final warning like even a kick would be a ban i ply on this server for hiursa a day please.

16-12-2012, 02:15 AM
As soon I was banned I wanted to cry and I tell many people from school about this server like many others but, please uplift my ban.

16-12-2012, 02:23 AM
Ceasar8 the reason you have been banned is because you have repeatedly been abussive and rude to players and to staff. You've had multiple warnings regarding this and even tempbans.

After being given numerous chances you continued to act this way so you have been permenantly banned from the server and this ban will not be uplifted.

16-12-2012, 02:32 AM
yes i understand

16-12-2012, 02:33 AM
but i do have one last question who was i being rude to?

16-12-2012, 09:43 PM
To be honest ceasar there have been several people over the course off the last few weeks including both staff and players.

This ban appeal will be locked in 24 hours.