View Full Version : wolhawk's Ban Appeal
08-01-2013, 01:35 AM
Ban AppealMinecraft Name
wolhawk Date of ban *If you know*
- Reason for being banned
I don't know why Why should we unban you?
im sorry but i dont know why i was banned :$ i havent been on in a while and i would appreciate bieng unbanned or to talk to an admin so we can work this problem out :)
08-01-2013, 01:43 AM
and i am able to wait it off but i would just appreciate a conversation or an explination for why i was tempbanned. I do like this server and i know i have not been on for a while and if that was any sort of problem with it im sorry.
08-01-2013, 02:50 PM
Hello wolhawk,
you have been tempbanned for griefing.
Broken Rules (
4.1.0. Griefing is not allowed. Definition of griefing: Destroying items/blocks NOT owned by the user & pouring lava or water over blocks NOT owned by the user.
Actions I have taken:
TempBan for 48h.
Remaining Regulations:
You will not be unbanned.
This thread will stay unlocked for 48 hours to leave you being able to go into a final appeal.
08-01-2013, 08:45 PM
hey flrn... im sorry i dont recall a greif i did.. im not trying to get mad at anyone if thatss what you guys are thinking i just wanna talk to someone about this... I also think its best for you to know thta i have not been on the server for a while. One more question how long am i banned for and is it a permbann
08-01-2013, 08:50 PM
i also did look at the photo... me and bird did grief that plce but krafter saw and told us that we cant cuz its in a biome so we put whatever we had in our inventory or whatever rails we had back.... im not sure why there are still rails missing, i am willing to donate rails but i wanted to let you guys know that i am posotive that i put whatever i had back....
08-01-2013, 11:03 PM
hey flrn... im sorry i dont recall a greif i did.. im not trying to get mad at anyone if thatss what you guys are thinking i just wanna talk to someone about this... I also think its best for you to know thta i have not been on the server for a while. One more question how long am i banned for and is it a permbann
Hi wolhawk,
I will respond in flrn's absence.
As stated in his initial response, it is a 48hour ban from the server.
Also, in his original response there is a post with evidence showing where and what you, and a friend of yours griefed.
Since the moment you joined the Slap Gaming Server, and especially since you purchased VIP, and by doing this you abided by the Slap Gaming Terms & Conditions, that are posted all over our website.
You broke these terms, resulting in this punishment.
i also did look at the photo... me and bird did grief that plce but krafter saw and told us that we cant cuz its in a biome so we put whatever we had in our inventory or whatever rails we had back.... im not sure why there are still rails missing, i am willing to donate rails but i wanted to let you guys know that i am posotive that i put whatever i had back....
I appreciate that you have now acknowledged what you have done, and if you wish to give the items back to the user in question who has suffered from your childish antics, then I suggest you try by all means possible to contact the users who build it was, sincerely apologise, and return the items to him.
If you wish for a staff member to organise the transfer of items on your behalf, let one of us know and we can do this, but I strongly advise you yourself try and make the contact.
I hope you have learnt your lesson, and realise that you have had a lucky escape, as this was on the boarder of being a permante non-negotiable ban from the Slap Gaming Community.
09-01-2013, 02:23 AM
Hello Everyone,
Birdisdwrd here.
Since I was present at the time of the offence, i feel I should have my say of what happened. When me and Wol found that passage, we were unaware that it was owned. However, when we started collecting, Krafter told us that it was somebodies. We Modreqd it and DrisinaRM said that as long as we put all the rails back where we found them, we could leave with no penalty. Me and Wol were thankful to be pardoned for our mistake, so we put all the rails we had back and apologized. To my suprise, when I tried to come back on, it said i was banned for griefing. I was confused that I got banned even though DrisanaRM said we wouldnt. I talked to WOlhawk on skype and we both told one another that we replaced all the rails. Thank you for the opportunity to stay on the server (tempban) after a foolish mistake. However, We dont know where the other rails could have gone. We replaced all of them when we were informed this was a penalty. I have a question about the ban length. It says the ban should be over by now, however, it is not. Please take this at your earliest convinienve, as me and Wol sincerily repent for our actions.
Yours Truly,
09-01-2013, 02:16 PM
You are both unbanned now.
Thread locked!
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