View Full Version : Suggestion (Completed): Allowing formation of ice

20-03-2013, 06:14 AM
The reason why I'm posting this thread is that I have a beautiful ice lake near my house. Some ice was broken some time ago, and despite it being filled with water none has frozen. This gave me the idea. It would also help the snow biome (which looks fairly landscape griefed) and other iced over oceans to look better.

21-03-2013, 04:45 PM
The reason why I'm posting this thread is that I have a beautiful ice lake near my house. Some ice was broken some time ago, and despite it being filled with water none has frozen. This gave me the idea. It would also help the snow biome (which looks fairly landscape griefed) and other iced over oceans to look better.

The master worldguard setting is for ice formation to be turned off, however on individual worldguards you can request it to be turned on, just speak to a senior member of staff who can add that flag for you.