View Full Version : Finished Redstone Tutorial

06-04-2013, 12:53 AM

The Redstone tutorial is finished!

-Block Power Sources
-Redstone Signal Length
-Difference between Sticky and Regular pistons
-Powered Blocks
-Directions of Power
-Powering Upwards!
-Odd Redstone Lamps
- T-FlipFlop
-Pulse Extender
-4x4 Piston Door
-Direction of hoppers
-Auto Armoury
-Detector Rails
-Hopper Shop
-Horizontal BUD Switch
-Daylight Sensor
-Vertical BUD Switch
-5 minute Timer
-Dropper Item Elevator
-Hopper Pipe
-Auto Smelter
-My once daily "harvester"
-More about repeaters
-Hopper Minecart Item Transport System!
-Input/Output Gate
-NOT Gate
-AND Gate
-OR Gate
-NAND Gate
-NOR Gate
-Rapid Pulsar
-XOR Gate
-XNOR Gate
-RS NOR Latch
-Locking Repeaters
-Random Timer
-Super hidden switch!
-One Way Track
-Detector Rail Track!
-Seamless hidden door!
-No Lag chicken farm
-Double Pulse Button
-Tileable Double Piston Extenders!

x: -2189
y: 63
z: 3178

If I'm online, just msg me for a tp there :D

06-04-2013, 03:25 PM
For those who messaged me, the no lag chicken farm uses all hoppers instead of water