View Full Version : Lava placement for Ethos blaze grinder?????
16-04-2013, 11:24 PM
Is it allowed or not? ive always been able to ask a member of staff to place the lava for me however i'm now being told its against the rules as its not for decoration? it is within my wg and completely covered, its only use is to turn the spawner on and off and its of no danger to anyone.
16-04-2013, 11:41 PM
I know for a fact that a certain staff member has had this done for a blaze farm in the old Nether, so unless the rules have changed it should be an option still.
16-04-2013, 11:52 PM
See I dunno about this whole Decoration purpose of lava placement, Most of the times you get told no when used for decoration purpases, and little to be told yes. Dunno about this changing in the future or not of a Specific rule of placement of lava.
17-04-2013, 02:58 AM
- Spawners must have a "on/off" feature
It is advised you create a type of switch that allows you to turn your Spawner(s) off - this would stop any Mob for spawning and avoid the chance of your Spawner being destroyed. The only thing that can turn off a blaze spawner is lava.
17-04-2013, 08:20 AM
Phoenix, was it for the Blaze spawner you showed and asked for the lava? Because we have to be careful when it comes to lava, and if you weren't specific on what you wanted the lava for, you'll most likely get denied.
If you can show us next time you're on, we'll most likely be able to sort something out :3
17-04-2013, 08:54 AM
- Spawners must have a "on/off" feature
It is advised you create a type of switch that allows you to turn your Spawner(s) off - this would stop any Mob for spawning and avoid the chance of your Spawner being destroyed. The only thing that can turn off a blaze spawner is lava.
I'm not convinced the only way to turn of a blaze spawner is by placing lava there's always been at least one way to turn off a spawner without resorting to lava. Also I can't see how lava would turn a spawner "off" I can imagine it killing the mobs but that doesn't count as turning the spawner off in my eyes so could you clarify this part for me?
I will look into ways to turn it off and will come back later with what I've found. If you want to you can tell me where this spawner is phoenix so that I can take a look at it.
If you CAN'T turn it off then, according to the rules you simply can't have, a blaze spawner for now
17-04-2013, 10:43 AM
If lava is the only way to turn off a blaze spawner, then you can have lava to do it.
We don't allow lava very often, because lava has great destructive power (not just because it's really difficult to clean without admin commands, but also because it kills players very very quickly and destroys the items dropped). If lava is used for decorative purposes it could easily be changed to a lava trap without staff noticing, therefore we only place lava for players we know well and don't cause trouble.
17-04-2013, 11:27 AM
If there is enough lighting blaze spawners will stop spawning blazes according the minecraft wiki page.
So no need for lava
17-04-2013, 12:38 PM
If there is enough lighting blaze spawners will stop spawning blazes according the minecraft wiki page.
So no need for lava
in accordance to this I've checked the interwebs and it says the same they recommend using jack-o-lanterns or glowstone instead of torches since blazes can spawn at a light level of 12 and lower. (I still need to double check if this works on the server though)
17-04-2013, 03:55 PM
yes sparkle it was, I explained fully what and why I wanted it and that I have had this done for me in the past with no issue. Ryuuga the lava falls down past the spawner lighting the area enough to stop it, without permenantly effecting the spawn rate. to do it with lanterns or glowstone would be extremely difficult as when off you need it to black out, otherwise you reduce the spawn rate, also the redstone work on that would be a feat in itself, If you come up with something please let me know. Lordgandalf, again its the issue of doing it without wrecking the spawn rate.
17-04-2013, 03:59 PM
Make a block swapper for glowstone and normal stone fixes this problem
17-04-2013, 04:24 PM
is this something you've tried and tested?
17-04-2013, 04:24 PM
If the point of banning lava placement is to prevent greifing, the lava shouldn't be placed for greifing purposes. I'm no mod, but I honestly don't see the issue with placing lava for practical reasons on a wg'd plot
17-04-2013, 06:02 PM
Players have managed to get water flowing onto adjacent plots/roads in the past, this would be no different with lava.
17-04-2013, 06:24 PM
It isn't on a plot. Its in the wild of the nether and no where near anyone else. I have built about six of these on this server to date and never had any issues with the lava hurting anyone or escaping. the grinder is built, i'm just waiting for lava for the on off switch. you can check it out yourself, it wont leak and there's no way of someone stumbling into it cause of the wg. the big thing about this is that I, and I know many others have had this done before, the issue of whether it was against the rules was raised then and it was deemed ok. What has changed? this is going to effect me greatly as I have a few of these grinders and i'm currently building 2 for other people.
17-04-2013, 06:57 PM
It isn't on a plot. Its in the wild of the nether and no where near anyone else. I have built about six of these on this server to date and never had any issues with the lava hurting anyone or escaping. the grinder is built, i'm just waiting for lava for the on off switch. you can check it out yourself, it wont leak and there's no way of someone stumbling into it cause of the wg. the big thing about this is that I, and I know many others have had this done before, the issue of whether it was against the rules was raised then and it was deemed ok. What has changed? this is going to effect me greatly as I have a few of these grinders and i'm currently building 2 for other people.
okay phoenix I'm done testing I CAN stop the spawning of blazes with glowstone it's just hard since any block futher away than 2-3 blocks from the glowstone gets below the prevention luminance(13). other blocks with equal luminance(15) as glowstone are : lava, glowstone, jack-o-lantern and redstone lamp.
As on /off switch I would recommend a checkered floor of redstone lamp with another material on the SAME level as the spawner. You still have to look out for dark area's surrounding the spawner but this should at least prevent the blaze'sfrom spawning in the direct area of the spawner.
17-04-2013, 07:20 PM
I understand that there are alternate ways to turn spawners on and off, but I'm curious as to why placing lava for a spawner is an issue. Just wondering
17-04-2013, 07:37 PM
There are many other reasons why my answer is still a no. BUT, to not cause a flame war I will not get into the issue as it is not what this thread is about. You can turn off and on a blaze spawner without lava I have seen it many times. I still say no.
17-04-2013, 09:04 PM
well can you please show me how zero within the workings of my already built grinders? and I assume I now have to destroy my existing lava holders?
18-04-2013, 12:35 AM
yes sparkle it was, I explained fully what and why I wanted it and that I have had this done for me in the past with no issue. Ryuuga the lava falls down past the spawner lighting the area enough to stop it, without permenantly effecting the spawn rate. to do it with lanterns or glowstone would be extremely difficult as when off you need it to black out, otherwise you reduce the spawn rate, also the redstone work on that would be a feat in itself, If you come up with something please let me know. Lordgandalf, again its the issue of doing it without wrecking the spawn rate.
I do believe people did come up with a way you can light it without lava. Ryu and lordgandalf did some research for you (which was very nice of them, in my opinion) and found that you can use torches, jack-o-lanterns, or glowstone. In light of this (pehehe pun) I personally feel like you can and should make your spawner work without the need for lava. As Naith said, lava sucks and can be easily misused. Better safe than sorry, am I right? This is, of course, simply my personal opinion.
18-04-2013, 06:49 AM
Drisana with respect, they came up with a way to stop it spawning yes but in fairness Ryuuga doesn't mention testing it on an ethos grinder just that he found a way to almost shut off the spawner, I stress Almost. Lordgandalf again made a suggestion but again not tested on a grinder just an option for reducing light. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the time and effort they put into finding out what they have however you have to appreciate that a lot of time and effort has been put in on my part over a long period of time to build these grinders so im sorry if I sound a little un-greatful. The methods they came up with are fine but im now in a position where I have to find a way to make these other methods work with these grinders or simply destroy them all and start again. Again I come back to the fact that i've always been able to do it before and now I can't, otherwise I would never have built the spawners in the first place. yet no one seems to want to address this issue. I accept Naith's answer and will do what I can to find a way to make them work without lava. Thank you for your help everyone.
18-04-2013, 10:46 AM
Replace walls and ceiling with Redstone lamps. Have Redstone lamps go down 1 block in 4 corners of the spawner. This works with Etho's Blaze Spawner, I have built it before, but it was reset with the nether.
18-04-2013, 10:59 PM
Green I've set that up and there still spawning?? can you come take a look and show me what I did wrong?
19-04-2013, 12:03 PM
Ryuuga, torches nor jack 'o lantarns nor glowstone won't do the job. As you said Blazes caan spawn with lightlevel 12 or lower. Since you have to place it on the ground other wise there won't be any spawning there will spawn Blazes in the air.
20-04-2013, 07:38 PM
Ok so, redstone lamps don't work, Green came and changed a few things but still no joy. I have tried a multitude of things myself with an equal amount of success, so we're left with what Zero has seen as far as options go. Could you please show me these other options Zero?
24-04-2013, 11:33 AM
Ok so, redstone lamps don't work, Green came and changed a few things but still no joy. I have tried a multitude of things myself with an equal amount of success, so we're left with what Zero has seen as far as options go. Could you please show me these other options Zero?
I don't get this I tried ths twice already once with glowstone and once with redstone lamps and I DID manage to make the spawner stop spawning blazes (sparkles has seen it) if need be ask me when you are online and I'll show it to you. I admit that setting it up and killing the blazes that are spawned in the meantime is extremely hard (this includes placing and gathering the required resources) but after I set it up I could safely walk around the spawner area. If it does not work with your spawner it's simply a flaw in your spawners design. I merely stated it is possible to make blazes stop spawning this does NOT include a nice way to safely kill them though.
anyways nirosu if you are online and see me contact me and I'll show you my prevention system and you can show me your spawner maybe I can figure out why it won't work for you.
24-04-2013, 06:11 PM
I don't get this I tried ths twice already once with glowstone and once with redstone lamps and I DID manage to make the spawner stop spawning blazes (sparkles has seen it) if need be ask me when you are online and I'll show it to you. I admit that setting it up and killing the blazes that are spawned in the meantime is extremely hard (this includes placing and gathering the required resources) but after I set it up I could safely walk around the spawner area. If it does not work with your spawner it's simply a flaw in your spawners design. I merely stated it is possible to make blazes stop spawning this does NOT include a nice way to safely kill them though.
anyways nirosu if you are online and see me contact me and I'll show you my prevention system and you can show me your spawner maybe I can figure out why it won't work for you.
Calm down dude, my last post was not in response to what you suggested, it was about what Green suggested. I have not tried your idea because as you have stated it is a way to stop them spawning and that's it. I already know how to stop them spawning but doing it in a way that works for a grinder is a different matter all together. I am trying to achieve this without completely destroying the multiple grinders I have already built and starting again as I have put a lot of time and effort into them. From what was posted Greens was the most viable option to start with so I followed that. as it happens it doesn't work, so I am looking at other options and yes, I would appreciate a look at what you have achieved. thank you. also Nirosu has not posted on this thread???
27-04-2013, 12:06 AM
Its amazing how quickly people run out of suggestions when faced with the facts
27-04-2013, 12:25 AM
It is amazing. Whats really amazing is that I think the most important fact has escaped you and you should take your own advice and face the fact that placing lava is not allowed and can be done for decoration only..... What your asking isn't for decoration. I'm pretty sure a crappy attitude isn't going to help your cause.
27-04-2013, 12:48 AM
It is amazing. Whats really amazing is that I think the most important fact has escaped you and you should take your own advice and face the fact that placing lava is not allowed and can be done for decoration only..... What your asking isn't for decoration. I'm pretty sure a crappy attitude isn't going to help your cause.
hahaha wha'ts funny is that i'm trying to be positive through this whole situation and find a way to make it work WITHOUT the lava [something people seem to be missing] which would be a benefit to the server! not just myself and yet im here on my own???? being treat like a nagging inconvenience!! its hard to believe its not person4l
27-04-2013, 12:49 AM
all these suggestions and no actual results
27-04-2013, 12:50 AM
I've already mentioned that lava has been placed on numerous occasions for things that weren't decorative in the past, including for a blaze grinder.
27-04-2013, 08:28 AM
Phoenix, the main problem is that when you first asked for it, you weren't clear what you wanted it for. So when Zero first said no, you then asked another Mod. Then another. You were slightly rude about it. Players then tried to help you find new ways to turn the spawner off, (which DOES work, by the way) - it just means you yourself would have to find a way to make it work around that, not us. Also, the fact that you claim no one can make a suggestion when many have been given to you is rather rude of you. I say quite a few players (and Mods) have gone out of their way to help you with this. even Ryu who went and tested this out himself, in his own time, just to help you.
Understated, we place all kinds of lava down for anything - as long as it CAN'T grief a person or place, and give the chance of killing someone. If we deem placing the lava is not safe to do, we won't do it.
So of cause if Zero had no clear idea (as you didn't even tell her what is was fully for) to place the lava down, of CAUSE she would turn you down.
I think the other main reason here is that Max is right - you're attitude through this whole thing and the slight harrassment to others about this is what's stopping you being given the okay for lava.
This is a lot like what happened before when P4R4 tempted banned you for your harrassment, attitude and then lying about it when you wanted us to turn off a spawner for you so you can make it a grinder. You got told no. DEAL WITH IT.
27-04-2013, 08:40 AM
Locking this thread. It has become unnecessary and pointless.
Not only have you been told no, You've gone to different people and asked to try and get around it. You've been offered more help than is necessary and you are still pushing the issue.
The lava will not be placed.
Topic Locked.
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