View Full Version : Bug (Solved): broken /pay ?

18-04-2013, 01:17 PM
the /pay command is acting a bit broken....

let me explain the issue, let's say there are 3 people on: me, xempleshop and xemplebug.

I bought something from xempleshop, for instance, I accidently write "/pay xemp 5" seems legit right, it should be a fail command, isn't it?

"player not found"
"you've sent 5$ to xemp"
it sounds wierd, but if you ask xempleshop, he never got the 5$, but xemplebug did!

here's a screenshot.... unfortunatley, xemplebuddy doesn't exist, but cheos313 exist, and the bug would probably happen as in the things said above.

it's added, might not be working cause it might be too big, but even so, it's not hard to check, just /pay na(part of someone's name) [amount] and the one with the first name with that part will get it (for exemple: exemplea comes before exempleb or exempleaa)

hopefully, will be fixed soon,
edit-I did a huge fail, I wrote in the screenshot /pay amount player >.< it's /pay player amount, my bad, I'm used to the game.
-BTW, it might be that the input checks does not stop the command from working, but I just learn school programming with c#, so how do I know :P

18-04-2013, 04:48 PM
Fixed, you now need to give the exact player name when sending someone money (it was already supposed to do that, but I forgot to add something)
Thanks for reporting :)

18-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Fixed, you know need to give the exact player name when sending someone money (it was already supposed to do that, but I forgot to add something)
Thanks for reporting :)

You liar.