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View Full Version : Suggestion (Already Implemented) Pvp mob arena

07-05-2013, 11:03 PM
Why don't we have a mob arena with Pvp enabled? Make it a big, big area (was thinking .... toss in a few areas that are completely pitch black and a few areas near hazards.... You can choose to work with the other players or kill them. If the mobs die and there's more than one player, it continues until the players kill each other. Maybe the reward could be the gear they earn in there (You start off with no gear and earn it as the game progresses)

One idea would be an area much like the Cake Defense item drop zone.... Items will drop there at the end of each round IF a player is standing on a vulnerable pressure pad for a time period (10-30 seconds). In order to reach the drop zone, you'll need to navigate up to a very vulnerable area - Lots of mobs and easy to be shot by other players. The zone should also have a few hazards. Maybe it could be a narrow tower over lava with the way up on the outside.

The rest of the map would be mostly dark, claustrophobic and rough. It could be theme based (Stronghold?). Ceiling would be glass but far from a light source so that staff and spectators can watch progress. Mobs would be spawned using spawners interspersed throughout a series of rooms connected by corridors/caves. The corridors and caves could be fairly short (10-20 blocks) so you can't hide from mobs. The larger rooms could also contain some sort of bonus, like a beacon with a low level enchantment or a strategic point, so people would be drawn to the rooms. There would also be a few balconies overlooking some of the larger rooms. The balconies could be a point for participators to force other people out of the rooms. The balconies could be easily attacked from the remaining sides though. There could even be a second level, just to add some verticality.

The centre point would most likely be the item drop area, with large rooms in the corners of the structure and smaller rooms in between. I think this project could be easily built and be very popular... would require a low amount of people as the mobs won't spawn as much as Cake Defense. Probably 5+ players, with no upward limit. I'd be happy to build it myself if I get permission to.

Please post comments and thoughts below ^^

EDIT: When there is only one player left, they'll have to complete all rounds. This will be significantly easier than CD but there are some ways you can make it challenging. The final rounds might include tough mobs like blazes, witches or wither skeletons if they are approved. Remember, the gear is not enchanted and there are no potions. Just golden apples.

I also looked into Sethblings' hyper spawners and thought that you might want to make some zombies spawn with diamond armor and with some potion effects... that'd be simple to do and increase the difficulty. I was worried that players might hide when they are the last surviver to regen health between fighting monster. Just make it so that they can't hide without attracting mobs IE spawners or hazards every 24 blocks.

07-05-2013, 11:29 PM
Moved to the correct board.

08-05-2013, 04:46 AM
I like this idea

08-05-2013, 06:44 AM
I like this idea
I agree but I'm worried about the supply of mobs, the lag involved and abuse of the system since this reminds me of the cookie cave on halloween island. Which to be honset was basically a conditioned cheat to get exp and monster drops especially for VIP's who can use /backdeath to go back and pick up stuff.

08-05-2013, 06:52 AM
There will be a mob arena on the server at some point, This has been discussed and will be made eventually.

08-05-2013, 11:15 AM
I don't think I was aware of this o_O

I'll have a look into mobarena (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mobarena) this weekend. That plugin is probably the best way to do something like this :)

08-05-2013, 02:51 PM
Eh, derp. Sorry, I thought this was under suggestions.

08-05-2013, 02:56 PM
I agree but I'm worried about the supply of mobs, the lag involved and abuse of the system since this reminds me of the cookie cave on halloween island. Which to be honset was basically a conditioned cheat to get exp and monster drops especially for VIP's who can use /backdeath to go back and pick up stuff.

The lag wouldn't be worse than cake defense. The main difference is the area and the Pvp enabled bit. The redstone would be very easy... much like how you'd use /cake startround to move to the next round. The only difference would be a 10-30 second redstone timer which is about 5x5x5. If the spawner range could be broadened that'd be good.

As for EXP and /backdeathing just have it so that VIPs can't /backdeath AND block all commands for VIP in the arena (/backdeath, /j, etc). EXP wouldn't be any worse than CD. You'd have about 30 levels or something, and the game ends when all players except one are dead AND all rounds are over.

08-05-2013, 03:45 PM
Like I already said in my previous post, we'll use MobArena for this. So no cheating, empty dispensers problems or anything.

Also, about the lag caused by mobs. After the incident with the animals it seems like the server only gets lag problems when you add at least 5000 - 10000 more mobs (mobs being able to walk freely that is, so no, this does not mean you can afk at a spawner now :p). That shouldn't be an issue :D

08-05-2013, 05:29 PM
I love mobarena have run it a will back on my own testing playing around server its an amazing plugin runs smoothly

11-05-2013, 06:01 PM
Sound cool! im in