View Full Version : Suggestion (In Progress): Being able to give other players Exp thru lwc

21-06-2013, 04:16 PM
With Expbanks atm your only able to use yours and yours only, However Im sure with lwc there is some way to get around that and have it so if you wanted to give another player exp you would just Place a Expbank and do /cmodify name. If that suggestion is not possible then maybe a way of depositing exp by using commands so just /expbank would put it in a ecomonyish bank and if they wanted to take it out they would have to do /expdeposit And they would be presented with a Hopperish menu that would ask them how much exp they would want to take out and once they clicked on a amount it would be given to them and be subtracted from their existing account!

Basicly that! :D

21-06-2013, 07:23 PM
nice use of renaming stuff to simulate the system, but it kinda gives VIPs to have the power to sell exp, that might ruin the idea of VIP only expbanks, since players could pay a VIP to store their levels.

22-06-2013, 06:43 AM
It would be a way to make money, that's for sure. I have tones of EXP I don't use, so i'd sell it if I could.

But I half anf half. I like the idea but I also kinda agree with Niro.

22-06-2013, 11:47 AM
i do like the idea of having the ability to pull exp in quanities though, maybe also having the ability to store it in quanities, 2 clicks instead of 30.

22-06-2013, 12:48 PM
If you have an empty hand and right click once and keep it pressed it draws all the levels rather quickly :) , but unfortunately there is no similar action with depositing levels :(

22-06-2013, 01:00 PM
Just to clear things up; LWC and xpbanks are two seperate plugins that have nothing to do with eachother.