View Full Version : Bug (Solved): Commands in creative

28-06-2013, 04:33 PM
You are unable to use the command: /book in creative. (I am unable to use it I'm not sure about others.)

28-06-2013, 04:56 PM
Um... you're not supposed to have access to that?
/book locks and unlocks books (change them from signed books to book and quill). I don't see why players would need access to this, signing a book ensures the writer that no one else can steal the book and sign it like it's their own.

28-06-2013, 10:47 PM
Um... you're not supposed to have access to that?/book locks and unlocks books (change them from signed books to book and quill). I don't see why players would need access to this, signing a book ensures the writer that no one else can steal the book and sign it like it's their own.Yes, you inteirly are correct. I thought /book duplicates the book you are holding and I was wondering why that would be banned. So, is there another comand for duplication of books?Also can VIP's use colours in books?Thank you

29-06-2013, 01:20 PM
You can copy books using the vip grant menu, this menu is only accessible in the surival worlds.
In the creative world you can copy items by using middle mouse on an item in your inventory, this also works with books.

VIPs can use colourcodes in books.

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