View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Party Feature for minigames
27-07-2013, 11:23 PM
Wouldnt mind being able to add a feature as a party feature in a way
/party invite playername /party game Sonic/spleef/pvp and once a player does this it will ask the rest of the party group if they would like to join /party yes or /party no
Would be helpful in a way of getting groups of players to area's like pvp arena's and such and would help out with auto games in the future!
Or in a way if some of your friends who are members are able to go to your house by /party tp and it will use 1 vip grant per player in the party. If a player has more than 3 players in a party then it will deny them from tping
30-07-2013, 06:46 PM
Wouldnt mind being able to add a feature as a party feature in a way
/party invite playername /party game Sonic/spleef/pvp and once a player does this it will ask the rest of the party group if they would like to join /party yes or /party no
Would be helpful in a way of getting groups of players to area's like pvp arena's and such and would help out with auto games in the future!
Or in a way if some of your friends who are members are able to go to your house by /party tp and it will use 1 vip grant per player in the party. If a player has more than 3 players in a party then it will deny them from tping
you mean tp people around by using vip grants? wouldn't it he easier just to ask people to tp to you? or do I misunderstand your proposal?
30-07-2013, 07:28 PM
you mean tp people around by using vip grants? wouldn't it he easier just to ask people to tp to you? or do I misunderstand your proposal?
I would like to see tping around to other players limited but looking at it now not sure how that would work. My concept is that Billy and Bob just joined the server and heard about this awesome giant village thing off of reddit. He would be able to do /party tp GiantVillage and the request would be sent to everyone in that party to go that area
04-08-2013, 06:44 PM
that does sound like a good idea, but then that removes the bonus of having VIP. As anybody could create a new party, add just the one person they want to tp, and do /party tp (WhatevahPlaceIsCalled)
But maybe I misunderstood something. You couldn't just say giantVillage and the system would know where this giantvillage is. Perhaps GiantVillage is one of the player's sethomes. So tp'ing friends to sethomes? Still a good idea, but still also removes the purpose of the extra VIP Tp that we paid for
04-08-2013, 07:07 PM
this system looks a bit messy for my opinion, just don't be lazy and tp one by one XD
06-08-2013, 06:25 PM
I would like to see tping around to other players limited but looking at it now not sure how that would work. My concept is that Billy and Bob just joined the server and heard about this awesome giant village thing off of reddit. He would be able to do /party tp GiantVillage and the request would be sent to everyone in that party to go that area
not to be mean but isn't this why we have teleport pads at the spawn area's (the old spawn area has spawn pads to city's and remarkable built such as the giant village)
11-08-2013, 05:03 AM
Personaly i would rather invite 20 players to a party then invite the party to the giant village insted of showing all 20 players to the giant village.
13-08-2013, 03:12 PM
I fail to see how this is really useful/an addition.
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