View Full Version : Bug (In Progress): Error: Inavlid World

26-08-2013, 03:44 PM
This has been here for quite a while now, so i'm guessing it can't be fixed, but here it goes anyway

I know that you can only tp once every 5 seconds, and if you tp again before five seconds pass, we used to get a message saying something along the lines of "Please wait [#] seconds before using that again"

Those aren't the exact words, since it was like that long ago, and I can't remember how it was exactly.

But now, we only get "Error: invalid world" Instead of "Please wait [#] seconds before using that again"
This confuses new people a bit, and it just looks a bit sloppy imo. So I hope that can be fixed :)

EDIT: I wrote invalid wrong... :S