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View Full Version : Looking for help!

27-08-2013, 07:11 AM
Hey Everyone, im looking for building help for my tropical base island, i need one that is awesome to build, have good design ideas and one i know i can trust, i want it to be a tropical island base, with farms, tropical stuff, houses and more if you have any good ideas. Heres some screenshots of the island how its now.

Tree hourse didn't i like (i built it) and if you want you can make it awesome

Price payed wen you are DONE are we gonna discuss that in a PM :)

I have some stuff you can use, just ask if you need more, ill get it

Griefing the island is against the rules and will be reported
Not completing the work will NOT get payed
Island need to be awesome wen its done

Feel free to ask any other questions.
thanks, Leon.

28-08-2013, 09:57 AM
So you want small, tropical beach houses, palm tree's etc etc. ??

28-08-2013, 12:20 PM
yeah, + some normal cool houses too because it my Tropical Base Island

28-08-2013, 01:07 PM
I'd be happy to help but I currently have 2 projects lined up...

Could I come and see what you have so far and I could see what I could do

May I ask, what kind of fees are you thinking of?

28-08-2013, 04:42 PM
tropical beach houses, palm tree's etc etc.

i want it to be a tropical island base, with farms, tropical stuff, houses and more if you have any good ideas.

normal cool houses too
Yes you can come look

Jungle temed tropical base island