View Full Version : Suggestion (Rejected): Party Chat

24-09-2013, 03:42 PM
-Basic Idea/Tl;Dr

There are a lot of cases while playing on slap that I wished there was a sort of party system, where 3 or more players could make a chat party and talk to each other there in private. Kinda like /msg but with more than one person

-Command ideas:

here are just some commands I thought of :p
Of course, these are just ideas. Not sure if they'd override something else >.>

/pc create [chatname]
Creates a party chat

/pc invite [playername]
Only the party chat host can use this command

/pc disband
Disband the party chat, in turn, kicking all players currently in the chat. Only the party chat host can use this

/pc leave
leaves the party chat.

/pc [message]
talk in the private chat.. obviously :p

/pc join [chatname]
join a party chat

/pc accept
accept a /pc join to your chat. Only the chat host can use this

/pc toggle
toggle needing to use /pc accept to let players enter your chat. Only the chat host can use this

-Examples of when we would use this

I'm currently in Honkin_Pigs' PvP clan (gangsta kids packing heat :p) And I though it would be great if the clan could get a party chat so we could all talk about "clan stuff" without filling up the chat to people who aren't even part of the clan

Also, in the future I would like to host competitions in my kingdom, and it would be good if we could get a party chat going for the competition so I could call up on people/announce the scores, winners etc.

So, that pretty much sums up my suggestion!

ALSO: You can only be part of one party chat at a time!

​Hope this idea gets implemented! :D

24-09-2013, 05:33 PM
Isn't this already talked about http://forums.slapgaming.com/showthread.php?8465-have-multi-chat-support

24-09-2013, 05:46 PM
I'm in full approval of this suggestion :)

24-09-2013, 07:02 PM
Isn't this already talked about http://forums.slapgaming.com/showthread.php?8465-have-multi-chat-support

Forgot to Reject that one. This is indeed a duplicate. The reason being that we don't want to split chat. I can tell you that the normal chat will die because everyone will join party chats. Want to Party/Team chat? -> teamspeak :P