View Full Version : Suggestion: Worry Free PVP

24-09-2013, 07:50 PM
Add a PVP arena with auto givebacks so you never lose your items. They still lose durability, but you keep your items when you die. So many people complain about losing their items in PVP, but they still want to PVP, but without worrying that their items would be taken away. This PVP arena could solve that issue. And of course if the server were to make a PVP arena where you don't lose your items, they would also have to make a 1 v 1 arena where they can't lose their items. I really hope this gets added.

24-09-2013, 10:17 PM
I don't think this is needed.

PVP is a risk you take - if you really don't want to lose your items, don't go in PVP with them. Don't want to lose your gear either? Then PVP isn't for you.

And we now have a 1v1 PVP arena, so... yeah. Players can now have friendly fights if they really want to.

24-09-2013, 11:32 PM
A pvp arena with givebacks? That kinda defeats the purpose. And if you really want to pvp with the give back ability try playing some pvp mini games when some of the senior staff are running it <3

25-09-2013, 11:28 AM
I actually really like this idea, when we first added the pvp world I actually wanted to make a system where if you died you would give 200 dollars to the other player (and if you didn't have that money you'd drop your items normally). Most pvp that is done on the server is done with givebacks, adding a system that automatically gives items back would just prevent the problems that occur when you want to do it manually (items falling in lava, players not giving items back etc.).

Having all arenas twice isn't great, but I do feel like this could make pvp more fun.

25-09-2013, 12:29 PM
I actually really like this idea, when we first added the pvp world I actually wanted to make a system where if you died you would give 200 dollars to the other player (and if you didn't have that money you'd drop your items normally). Most pvp that is done on the server is done with givebacks, adding a system that automatically gives items back would just prevent the problems that occur when you want to do it manually (items falling in lava, players not giving items back etc.).

Having all arenas twice isn't great, but I do feel like this could make pvp more fun.

instead of twice the arenas.... why not different styled arenas :P having a new arena could spice up the pvp, like... having the giveback one for clans' internal training, and they'll use the normal one for clan Vs. clan fights : P
Also, having a different variation is always nicer, I'm sure some people could try make a new design for the arena, including me :P

25-09-2013, 04:51 PM
I actually really like this idea, when we first added the pvp world I actually wanted to make a system where if you died you would give 200 dollars to the other player (and if you didn't have that money you'd drop your items normally). Most pvp that is done on the server is done with givebacks, adding a system that automatically gives items back would just prevent the problems that occur when you want to do it manually (items falling in lava, players not giving items back etc.).

Having all arenas twice isn't great, but I do feel like this could make pvp more fun.

I like the idea of $200 to pay or givebacks. I think it's a good idea... :S

25-09-2013, 07:51 PM
I like the idea of $200 to pay or givebacks. I think it's a good idea... :S

most of those who don't whine about givebacks are usually those who can easily afford 200$ xD but usually novice pvpers and non-rich members are those who like givebacks, even if it's iron armour.

25-09-2013, 10:38 PM
I have mixed feelings about this suggestion. On one hand, it's never fun to lose all your items-gathering materials takes time. However, this server is a survival server(SURVIVE HARDER)-and by having PVP with automatic givebacks, you lose the survival aspect. People work hard to equip themselves for PVP, which makes it hard to lose. But from the other perspective, the victor deserves the loot, since they have prepared themselves better, equipped themselves better, and fought better. I like PVP because, first of all, the adrenaline rush during a good battle is pretty intense- but that's BECAUSE you have a lot on the line. I could go on, but my view is that PVP on a survival server should be in a survival style- where you have more to lose than durability.

You may argue that, if we keep the old arena, people who enjoy the kind of PVP I do can just stick to using that. But seriously, who would enter the no-giveback PVP arena with decent gear knowing they were going to lose if they had a place where they could never lose their stuff? It would mean that only the best and the worst PVPers would continue to use the old arena. And if you really want to just dual with someone that you trust to give back gear - we have a 1v1 arena now!

Trust me, I've lost loads of great gear in PVP. I've lost many Godswords, bows, sets of prot 4 diamond armor, super golden apples... Not to mention I've been told that I was playing for givebacks and found out, after losing, that my opponent had lied. I've had opponents with great gear that died in the lava so I couldn't loot their stuff. But that's all part of survival PVP- and once you get over it, and you get back on your feet and win some good, solid PVP matches, you realize why survival PVP is so awesome in the first place.

bottom line: I agree with sparkle- PVP is a risk you take- that's why it's awesome.

26-09-2013, 03:20 AM
wackmo, i get what your saying, but for people that worry a lot (like me) this arena could help them. I was thinking about making it so that you lose some money as well, but then i thought "Nah". Here's what i think. In order to go into this arena, you would have to sorta pay to get in.

Example: (1 v 1 PVP) Both players pay with diamond blocks to enter. The winner shall recieve both diamond blocks. You could pay with money, but it can't be something crazy like 1,000 or something. Basically, it's sorta like a bet. You bet a diamond block that your gonna win, and the other players bets a golden apple that he'll win. Winner takes both golden apples and diamond block.

I think this would be a good idea.

26-09-2013, 03:40 AM
wackmo, i get what your saying, but for people that worry a lot (like me) this arena could help them. I was thinking about making it so that you lose some money as well, but then i thought "Nah". Here's what i think. In order to go into this arena, you would have to sorta pay to get in.

Example: (1 v 1 PVP) Both players pay with diamond blocks to enter. The winner shall recieve both diamond blocks. You could pay with money, but it can't be something crazy like 1,000 or something. Basically, it's sorta like a bet. You bet a diamond block that your gonna win, and the other players bets a golden apple that he'll win. Winner takes both golden apples and diamond block.

I think this would be a good idea.

Honestly zapados, what's the point of this arena? Why the heck would you pay a diamond block to enter a pvp arena when you could just friendly PVP in the nether or something? If you're really that worried about losing your gear, then join a PVP clan and pvp with the members who you can trust to give stuff back. There are lots of ways to get PVP practice other than create a new arena.

26-09-2013, 03:42 AM
true, but you saw what naith said. he said tis is a good idea so we gotta see where dis goes.

26-09-2013, 07:41 AM
For the record, I agree with wackmo.
Seeing that naith likes this idea, we shall organize a bikini-bitchfight in mud to make a final decision on this.

In the meantime, all input on this is greatly appreciated. However, all comments need to be on topic. So no alternative suggestions, no suggestions on how to implement this, no arena themes etc.

26-09-2013, 07:45 AM
true, but you saw what naith said. he said tis is a good idea so we gotta see where dis goes.

I a bit object to the concept of making pvp a money making business , it is not our intention, is it?

Anyways, I think that instead of having one player pay the other something like 200$, it should be more like 30$, or some system depending of the armour, like, if someone enters with no armor, why would he be fined due to the so called giveback law if he looses?

28-09-2013, 05:51 AM
I've thought about this before & and I like it. Will (also) take a look into it when I have time.

01-10-2013, 09:26 PM
I think that this would be a cool idea for the server! I think so because if two people agree to give backs and one person doesn't hold up their end then they can get in trouble or whatever so this can help the staff a bit too.

02-10-2013, 10:13 PM
Maybe even the Server gets the stuff , and then it goes to a public Pvp shop? So that way if people don't buy their stuff back , some one else could, like if it's damaged diamond amour, some people might not want to waste their money , but a member who just started might want it,?

03-10-2013, 04:46 AM
Maybe even the Server gets the stuff , and then it goes to a public Pvp shop? So that way if people don't buy their stuff back , some one else could, like if it's damaged diamond amour, some people might not want to waste their money , but a member who just started might want it,?

Wouldn't this make a Worryful pvp? cause you can definitely loose your armor because of some rich pvper... not to mention the problems in making such a thing.
Maybe we should have a loser fee, not 200, but 50, even less, and as I stated before, this would be unfair if the loser has no armor or stuff on him anyways.

03-10-2013, 01:03 PM
For the record,
In the meantime, all input on this is greatly appreciated. However, all comments need to be on topic. So no alternative suggestions, no suggestions on how to implement this, no arena themes etc.

I think Telluur said not to make alternative suggestions and how to implement it :P .

03-10-2013, 01:17 PM
My bad.

04-10-2013, 12:24 AM
Now that i think about it, if this is going to be Worry Free PVP, there should be no consequence for losing a battle...

Here's My final solution to this:
A PVP arena in which no one loses their items. 2 players can face each other or multiple people can duke it out it in the big arena. There's only 1 consequence in this arena: Your items still lose durability. Normal PVP isn't always fun for players that are afraid of items being lost. So this arena fixes that by making PVP safe and fun. This arena will just be a PVP arena that's fun and worry free where as the regular pvp arenas are fun, but a little scary.