View Full Version : Suggestion: Add an Adventure Map Maybe?

24-09-2013, 08:00 PM
Exactly what the title says. Maybe the server could add custom made adventure maps made by the players of slap. It would be fun, challenging, and it could even be a contest sometimes. And it doesn't have to be an adventure map. It could be a mini game, puzzle map, and maybe scary maps. (as long as it's appropriate [I'm bad at spelling ik])

24-09-2013, 08:05 PM
Sounds good it will also bring the players of slap together.

24-09-2013, 11:06 PM
If theres going to be a adventure map let me know i would love to try and get a story running.
We could use multiple paths

24-09-2013, 11:29 PM
I don't necessarily like the idea of custom adventure maps, Due to the fact of:
1: Waste of Space
2: Almost no one will visit it
3:A person usually will go thru a adventure map once not multiple times

Seeing those reasons, Maybe making a Group community adventuremap where players can build certain parts of the map, So we have a community map not just A bunch of player maps.

25-09-2013, 03:24 AM
I don't necessarily like the idea of custom adventure maps, Due to the fact of:
1: Waste of Space
2: Almost no one will visit it
3:A person usually will go thru a adventure map once not multiple times

Seeing those reasons, Maybe making a Group community adventuremap where players can build certain parts of the map, So we have a community map not just A bunch of player maps.

We could have an adventure map world where maybe a new adventure map is chosen every month/week or something like that, with a monthly/weekly poll on the next one, based on suggestions from the week before or something :3

would be a cool feature and im sure it would be used, but whether it would be implemented is another thing entirely :3

25-09-2013, 06:43 AM
Hmmz better would be to just have one world with multiple community build (read unique) adventure maps.
Add a Hub to that world and there we are the adventure world.
Would love to design and create adventure maps. If a adventure world is the thing to be then we might get a adventure map building team ?

25-09-2013, 12:10 PM
Hmmz better would be to just have one world with multiple community build (read unique) adventure maps.
Add a Hub to that world and there we are the adventure world.
Would love to design and create adventure maps. If a adventure world is the thing to be then we might get a adventure map building team ?

I've built a couple in the past myself and love the idea of an adventure world :)

25-09-2013, 12:26 PM
I do support the idea, but I'm pretty sure it won't pass, not only because of the usual "this is a survival server"-crap, but also because it's a bit troublesome and not that used...
Sure it would be nice, and the server does have an adventure, in old survival world jungle spawn(one of them, there are two), built by Arykai.

Sure it would be nice, but I don't think staff has the time and effort to do so because they rather do their job than that, although I totally am for this suggestion.

25-09-2013, 04:49 PM
I love the suggestion as it will give many players something and also will be a community effort, I could take this task on with others if you like as others have clans or slapland and stuff like that but I have no proper project.

I think there should be one main story with multiple paths and always changing in look, change of characters and paths that you can chose. Only one world would be needed overall...

26-09-2013, 03:24 AM
I was thinking about the game, Shadow The Hedgehog, and it inspired me to get this idea:

The map has to be able to reset though...

Anyways, the player chooses what path they would like to take, their own path, the hero path, or the dark path. Each path leads to more paths and to different endings.

This is basically what happened in Shadow The Hedgehog. You could either follow black doom (Dark Path), follow your own path (Basically neutral), or you could follow sonic and friends (Hero Path)

I think this would be the best idea for a map.

26-09-2013, 01:29 PM
I'm actually working on a parkour map and it might be cool if I could get it onto the server..

maybe.. :p

26-09-2013, 04:46 PM
I still need to do my Snowball fight Parkour as well, along with that Mob maze... but their more towards PVP than Adventure, so...

28-09-2013, 02:15 PM
Question: If these adventure maps get added, will it be allowed to have command blocks and if not, maybe create a seperate world where command blocks can work? I am already creating ideas for adventure maps

28-09-2013, 02:18 PM
Question: If these adventure maps get added, will it be allowed to have command blocks and if not, maybe create a seperate world where command blocks can work? I am already creating ideas for adventure maps
By default you need op and creative to use command blocks . No your not getting op and since what your suggesting is a different server since what you do In one world goes thruout the whole server. In short, No op 4 u

28-09-2013, 02:36 PM
By default you need op and creative to use command blocks . No your not getting op and since what your suggesting is a different server since what you do In one world goes thruout the whole server. In short, No op 4 u

true, but it would be possible to import(or export, not sure which is it) the map made with op into the server, but I'm pretty sure that it was said many times that the server doesn't use command blocks and isn't going to use them, and anyways, the server plugins can do the things needed for the adventure map, show a message when a person enters a region? check. pressure pads that teleport you? check. Gates, Lifts signs, also could be used... but either way, importing a map isn't done usually if at all, and from previous suggestions that were rejected it was mentioned that the server doesn't need more worlds.... but maybe this could still be an addition to the minigame world, and I don't think it should be reset each try, if it's going to be stationary and open at all times through the minigame world, in other words, parkour tracks with a story-line or something. that's what I can see that is possible, but it's still up to the server staff.

28-09-2013, 07:15 PM
Command blocks isnt going to work :S the thing is not that they aint allowed but bukkit doesnt support them.
Would love to get a world with all kind of adventures etc.

PS: for peepz with ride slapland2 is still looking for rides :P

28-09-2013, 09:01 PM
Ooh gandalf ill be happy to help with slapland but after I do some stuff for the pakin' heat pvp clan

29-09-2013, 04:37 AM
Ooh gandalf ill be happy to help with slapland but after I do some stuff for the pakin' heat pvp clan

we should stay close to the topic.... again...

04-10-2013, 01:07 AM
minigames/adventure maps that could be added, but were not made by me.
(Most of These Require Command blocks. Maybe find a way to use a plugin to substitute for command blocks.)

Mini Games:
Death Sentence Arena
Death Swap
The Walls
Horse Racing (Not actually a map, but can very easily be one.)
Adventure Escape
The bridges
Duck Hunt
Water Battle
Battle Dome
Herobrine's Onslaught
Burn that chicken
connect Four
Airborne PVP
Bunny Tag
Rush PVP Bed Wars
Captain Defense (Sorta like Team Death Match)
Cake Defense 2 (If possible, this would make an epic addition)
Blocks Vs. Zombies (This would be sooo AWSM, but I don't think it's possible :()
Cops N Robbers (TeamSpeak + Cops N Robbers = YES!)

Adventure Maps:
Shrink Craft (I was thinking about making a sequel of this. It would be different with no command blocks)

Shrink Craft was the only one that I found that had no command blocks, and was actually interesting, not to mention fun to play.

I would love for some of these to be added, especially the pvp mini games.

What do YOU think?

04-10-2013, 01:21 AM
Mini Games:
Death Sentence Arena
Death Swap
The Walls
Horse Racing (Not actually a map, but can very easily be one.)
Adventure Escape
The bridges
Duck Hunt
Water Battle
Battle Dome
Herobrine's Onslaught
Burn that chicken
connect Four
Airborne PVP
Bunny Tag
Rush PVP Bed Wars
Captain Defense (Sorta like Team Death Match)
Cake Defense 2 (If possible, this would make an epic addition)
Blocks Vs. Zombies (This would be sooo AWSM, but I don't think it's possible :()
Cops N Robbers (TeamSpeak + Cops N Robbers = YES!)

Mini Games:
Death Swap: No One will play it
The Walls: Maybe could be nice like a rare event like cake defense.
Horse Racing: Not a map? Make it on the server
Adventure Escape: Wut?
The bridges: Link?
Water Battle: No link? You make me cry inside
Battle Dome: LINKS PL0X
Herobrine's Onslaught: Wut
Burn that chicken: Sir would you like a sausage patty or Sausage Links? See what i did there? :D
connect Four: Zelda Reference Anyone?
Airborne PVP: Link
Bunny Tag: Link?
Rush PVP Bed Wars: I hear you dont put links? D:
Captain Defense (Sorta like Team Death Match): Link?
Cake Defense 2 (If possible, this would make an epic addition): Noap not workable with 30+ players
Tennis: Link?
Blocks Vs. Zombies (This would be sooo AWSM, but I don't think it's possible :(): No way that would work with 30+ players wanting to play lmao
Cops N Robbers (TeamSpeak + Cops N Robbers = YES!): Oh god it sounds like a headache already

04-10-2013, 02:41 AM
Like Naith said in another suggestion thread:-

If you want to make adventure maps or builds, then build them on the server - if he and the others feel it's really good for fun and such, a TP pad will be made for it. just go and build it!

Might try to do my Parkour today... lol

04-10-2013, 04:41 AM
i didn't know i was supposed to put a link :dry:...
If anything, i thought that might've been advertisement... -_-...
And then comes the main important fact, I'm lazy and you expect to me put a link for all of those? :huh:

Your gonna make me turn from :) to :( then >:(. The lazy disease is really hard to fight against so excuuuuuse me for not putting ALL of the links but my laziness wouldn't let me soooo :P.

I am working on a puzzle like map. It's called the 100 challenges. Every time you complete a tenth challenge (challenge 10, challenge 20, challenge 30, etc.) you get a reward. You get better rewards as you get to the higher challenges. Also, you only have 3 lives, but there are shops along the way that can give you an extra life. Once you lose all your lives or complete the map, you won't be able to use it again for a whole month (Main Reason: To prevent reward spam) This map uses 0 command blocks. Currently i'm on challenge 3. Tell me if you think i should keep building it, or if i should stop.