View Full Version : Suggestion: Friend inviting promotion

28-09-2013, 08:21 PM

Lately the server been a bit less active(I know, school work, and such), and I think we should promote that friend brings friend system that we used to(or still have) have, and thus inspiring new members to bring their friends along, and also maybe making some sort of special rewards/benefits for members who bring lots of new faces to the server, like a month of VIP to a member who have brought 10 new people to the server who became members themselves, and at least one had donated to the server, or something like that.(with more decent rewards)

28-09-2013, 09:03 PM
Yep I agree with this as we should get more than rewards of money...

28-09-2013, 09:26 PM
If anything i dont believe vip is a way to reward players. I know people with 30 alt accounts for minecraft. Your saying he is aloud to get free vip for 3 months? Ask your friends on skype to create a account of the forums and apply with a random minecraft name so you can get free vip. Go to school and as some of your friends to join this server and type their name on it so they get free vip. 3 words EXPLOIT EXPLOIT EXPLOIT. Invite a friend get a cookie in-game would be a more reasonable way of approaching this

29-09-2013, 12:49 AM
yeah this sems highly exploitable to be honest :S

29-09-2013, 04:34 AM
Yep I agree with this as we should get more than rewards of money...

I don't, I sincerely don't think it should be "more than rewards of money...", but I think we need to re-promote this, as it become less known to people.

and as for cats (I still not sure how to multiqoute), Wasn't the system exploitable already? maybe month of VIP isn't the right idea, but if you read carefully, the invited people must become members to recieve the rewards, an the VIP one is available only if one or more of them (AT LEAST 10, not per 10) donates. In other words, even if you have alt accounts and you exploit the money, you won't get 1 month VIP unless you donated.

But yea, we do need to promote the system as it is, but maybe giving a Jackster21 Head might be a cool award for bringing in over 50(or 100) members(not builders, they must sign up).

Well, the application will work even without a minecraft account, true, but I think it should be checked if a member has ever logged in minecraft or not.(member as in, applied for member)

29-09-2013, 09:00 AM
Eh why not just have it so you get a little something in game each time your got a player to join? Maybe like a cake or something, and then for every 15-20 players after that a diamond?

29-09-2013, 09:30 AM
Eh why not just have it so you get a little something in game each time your got a player to join? Maybe like a cake or something, and then for every 15-20 players after that a diamond?

maybe, anyways, canceling the in-game cash bonus that already exist(or existed) for the invite won't be a good choice, an addition of a cake is merely a small feature, but the thing that is needed is a better promotion of the friend brings friend system, like cats said an in game "cookie", also to prevent exploits, the reward is only received when the invited member is in game (turning into a member, or logging as a member for first time), it would also be wise to exclude banned invited members from the counter if we were to do a promotion of something like "bring 5 and get extra 500$ in addition to the individual bonus", more banned members tends to be something that we don't want at the server, so if you got someone who was mean, cheater, haxor or w/e, don't expect it to have long term benefits.

30-09-2013, 01:26 AM
As far as I'm aware, we have a "gain 500 in-game monies" every time you get a friend onto the server (when they apply for membership, they must state who brought them to the server) and we then pay the player who brought the friend over. So why would we need to give more rewards?

Also, from what I've heard, there maybe a "voting for the server" reward thing as well, but I've only heard this in passing, so i have no idea if this is true or gonna happen, so please don't take my word for it :3

30-09-2013, 03:17 AM
I like the idea of voting for the server! I would like that and maybe if you vote a certain amount of times you earn something. Maybe Lapis blocks or in-game money or you know something in that nature :)

30-09-2013, 04:31 AM
As far as I'm aware, we have a "gain 500 in-game monies" every time you get a friend onto the server (when they apply for membership, they must state who brought them to the server) and we then pay the player who brought the friend over. So why would we need to give more rewards?

Also, from what I've heard, there maybe a "voting for the server" reward thing as well, but I've only heard this in passing, so i have no idea if this is true or gonna happen, so please don't take my word for it :3

Ahh.... but do you see an good awareness or advertise of the "gain 500 in-game money", it is barely seen to public, haven't seen one in a few months, and it might be needed to here and there promote it.

And about voting rewards.... it's usually a thing I'd like to spit at, it's pure bribery for rating.... but either way, if we had anywhere to be voted in, I'd put my vote :)

30-09-2013, 03:25 PM
I like the idea of voting for the server! I would like that and maybe if you vote a certain amount of times you earn something. Maybe Lapis blocks or in-game money or you know something in that nature :)

I love the idea of voting, it shall bump any posts so staff time is not wasted and put us possibly in first place on Server reviews...

30-09-2013, 05:26 PM
I love the idea of voting, it shall bump any posts so staff time is not wasted and put us possibly in first place on Server reviews...

voting isn't suppose to bump posts.... only raise the server's score in the ranking board.

30-09-2013, 05:47 PM
Again, the voting thing was only something i heard in passing! Last time i heard anyone talk about it was months ago, and I have no idea if it was even being considered.

also, back on topic: If you DID want new/more rewards for inviting people to the server... what could possibly be good enough? i mean, this is a survival server an' all - wouldn't really want to give ya to much of something that ruins that aspect, to be honest.

30-09-2013, 06:41 PM
Again, the voting thing was only something i heard in passing! Last time i heard anyone talk about it was months ago, and I have no idea if it was even being considered.

also, back on topic: If you DID want new/more rewards for inviting people to the server... what could possibly be good enough? i mean, this is a survival server an' all - wouldn't really want to give ya to much of something that ruins that aspect, to be honest.

the rewards is not the thing, the fact there's no awareness of the system to new members, is the problem, when was the last time the sever had a message about this system? it's been about a few months, if I recall, and if I'm wrong, it still shows that it wasn't shown enough lately. that's my suggestion, having the advertisements the server used to have, they were useful. But having some kind of a boost for having invited many players could be nice, don't look at me as it is something for my benefit, I don't have many friends I know who play minecraft, I don't need the system, but I'm seeing less and less new members lately, and it saddens me.

30-09-2013, 07:46 PM
the rewards is not the thing, the fact there's no awareness of the system to new members, is the problem, when was the last time the sever had a message about this system? it's been about a few months, if I recall, and if I'm wrong, it still shows that it wasn't shown enough lately. that's my suggestion, having the advertisements the server used to have, they were useful. But having some kind of a boost for having invited many players could be nice, don't look at me as it is something for my benefit, I don't have many friends I know who play minecraft, I don't need the system, but I'm seeing less and less new members lately, and it saddens me.

That sounds like a plan, :p. I think more server adds should be introduced.... :)

Also more advertising or voting should happen to draw more players on...

01-10-2013, 06:49 AM
That sounds like a plan, :p. I think more server adds should be introduced.... :)

Also more advertising or voting should happen to draw more players on...

Are you saying that slapgaming should add ads in the minecraft server ? is that seriously what you suggested.

01-10-2013, 02:21 PM
Are you saying that slapgaming should add ads in the minecraft server ? is that seriously what you suggested.

only ads to our services, like back then there was once in a while a notice mentioning this friend invite system, we should've kept it, also doing some notices about new commands, to let them sink in everyone's awareness, we had many good and nice new commands added that people are barely aware of, like that command for checking wgs, the home menu, /cextra(which needs an update, many don't know it exists, it should have dragon egg, mushroom blocks and such), I can state some more, but I think I have my point clear, Let's say the "ads" of new commands should be put for a period of up to two weeks, even less, but still needed, and the friend system should have a notice itself like, 5-6 times a day, that's not too much, once every 4 hours? doesn't seem like spam, and it's for a good cause.

01-10-2013, 03:18 PM
Gandalf, I only mean adds for slap services...
In this case, for the friend inviting stuff... :p

03-10-2013, 09:09 PM
Just discussed this with stoux.

Got a good idea for this, he's gonna think about it and get back to me.

Would explain it here, but, effort.

03-10-2013, 09:13 PM
I'll explain it then:

04-10-2013, 02:36 AM
I see nothing explained in the post? :D

04-10-2013, 11:23 AM
I see nothing explained in the post? :D

Pssstt..... sparkle, they are probably doing a tribute to the emperor's new clothes :3 don't spoil the lols :)